Title: Developing an Effective Empirical Dissertation in Management and Strategy
1Developing an Effective Empirical Dissertation in
Management and Strategy
- BPS Managing Your Dissertation Workshop
- August, 2006
- AOM Meetings
- Scott Stern, Northwestern and NBER
2There are three crucial inputs into empirical
management research...
....And even excellent research projects choose
among these inputs for different types of
3While coursework focuses (nearly) exclusively on
the use of specific tools and models to test
given hypotheses within a given data
4An empirical dissertation requires an integrated
approach, from a clear understanding of the
phenomena, to the development of behavioral and
statistical foundations, to the recognition of
data limitations, to understanding the elements
of a persuasive empirical argument
5- At least in part, these other objectives can only
happy by getting your hands dirty with real
datasets and thinking through data issues,
replication, and extension
6Lets think about a simple but crucial example
- Suppose we would like to evaluate the performance
impact of an organizational practice. - Typical empirical approach
- Variations of this regression are pervasive in
strategy, operations, decision sciences,
marketing, finance, and accounting, etc.... - Under H1, best-practice policy recommendation!
7The Behavioral Challenge
- Suppose
- Doesnt this imply that firms should adopt an
infinite level of X? - Even if X is discrete, why arent all firms at
the highest level? - One immediate idea lets add in a squared term
to allow for a nonlinear relationship - Suppose that
- Doesnt this imply that all firms should adopt an
optimal level, X? Why is there variation in
adoption if there are well-defined benefits to
adoption? - In principle, a clear understanding of the
phenomena should allow us to identify factors
that result in a given value of X, independent of
the performance benefits arising from adoption? - Garbage can theories of organization
- Interest Group Politics within the firm
- The Timing and Details of the Adoption Process
- In other words, rather than a false divide
between phenomena and applied econometrics,
careful understanding of phenomena can allow us
to craft a far more persuasive empirical
argument, and the econometrics can reinforce the
insights and issues raised by the
phenomena-driven theory!