Title: Developmentally Appropriate Technology For Young Children
1WELCOME to Chicago -
the Windy City -
for the world's
biggest early education conference.
2(No Transcript)
Colleen Finegan
Early Childhood / Early Childhood Special
Wright State University
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5(No Transcript)
6The future is here
7The future is here
Video Games
8The future is here
Integrated Learning Systems
9and here
Virtual Reality
Networked - for cooperative interaction
10And here!
Interactive Programs
11And here!
Assistive Technology
12And here!
Interactive Videodisk- based programs
13And here!
Hands-on Interactive Learning
14And here!
.Cooperative Activities .Open-ended Creative
Problem Solving
.Reward structures
15The Educational Market for Software
16- The future is here
- "The Internet Is becoming a staple in U.S.
Education (IDC, 2000) - Technology plays a significant role in all
aspects of American life today and this role will
only increase in the future (NAEYC
17Research shows that
- Many parents believe that
- technology can only
- benefit
- their children.
- (The Milken Exchange,1999 -http//www.mff.org)
18Research shows that
- 87 of parents believe that
- technology would a
- strong impact on learning
- and make a significant difference in the quality
of their children's education. - (The Milken Exchange,1999 -http//www.mff.org)
19Research shows that
- Households with students
are more likely to have internet
access than those without students. - Students are helping families
to justify the investment
in both PCs
and access to the Web (IDC, 2000)
20Research shows that
- More than 76 of U.S. PC households with
students are accessing the Internet, and almost
70 of these are using it to complete school
work" (http//www.idc.com)
21- Education has not followed suite
- Although Teacher preparation programs require
courses in the basic use and in the integration
of technology into the curriculum. - Although many more teachers are computer
literate, they often still fail to bring Computer
technology into their classrooms - (Haugland, 1997b).
22Research shows that
Many teacher preparation programs are
providing the kind of
training and exposure
teachers needto be proficient
and comfortable Can Computer technology with
their teaching". (Milken Exchange ISTE, 1999)
23ISTE developed technology standards for
pre-service and in-service teachers, and
for students at various ages and stages.
. Addressing and meeting these standards is
required by NCATE
24General computer literacy
and information management
is fast becoming a part of our daily
The integration of computers is now part of our
personal, educational, employment and social
technological progress
25Although it is clear that technology has become a
fundamental force in the educational field--
When should children be introduced
to computers as an educational medium?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
26Although it is clear that technology has become a
fundamental force in the educational field-- Is
and learning through
technological appropriate for everyone?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
27In particular, is it a safe and effective way
for our young learners to
learn? What might they NOT learn as a result of
acquiring skills in computer technology?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
28 The debate continues..
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
29..."to become productive adults
in an increasingly
computer-oriented society,
children should
have the opportunity to become comfortable
with computers
early in their lives
(Haugland, 2000)
30However, many educational experts feel that
computers should not be used by children under
three years of age.
Under 3, most youngsters
are in the sensorimotor
stage of development, learning through the
senses and by
movement. (Haugland, 1999)
31 The way that the computer is used
can benefit the child, have no
effect whatsoever, or actually be detrimental
to the child's academic and
personal growth. (NAEYC, 1996b
Shade Watson, 1990).
32 Like crayons, blocks, or other
learning resources, computers are neither good
nor bad. The effect of computers
depends upon how they
are utilized. (Haugland, 1992)
33 Adults need to make wise choices
regarding appropriate
experiences for young
children. (Haugland, 1992)
34Unbridled computer usage,
(as unregulated use of other
multi-media tools)
not an
educationally sound
35Various aspects of using technology
need to be taken into consideration,
which are correlated with the
wise use of technology
as a
learning tool...
36 It is not WHETHER computers are used
with young children, but HOW computer are
37 How computers are used
is dependent on several factors
- the knowledge of the teacher in general.
- the computer expertise of the teacher.
- technical and curricular support available.
38How computers are used is dependent on
several factors
- the software available.
- the way the computer and software are used.
- the classroom environment.
39- the knowledge / expertise of the teacher
It is well recognized that the teacher
is central to the
successful integration
of computer usage be Developmentally
40- the knowledge / expertise of the teacher
Teachers need to be provided the time to
experiment with the technology on their own.
Time restraints and scheduling conflicts
often leave little time to investigate
the possibilities offered their students.
41- the knowledge / expertise of the teacher
When a teacher has used a specific program, it
is much easier to begin to think and plan how
it can be used effectively
to enhance a
particular interest,
theme, or activity (Kneas,
42- the computer expertise of the teacher
The teacher needs to be very computer
literate through pre-service and in-service
43Often enthusiastic educators
will begin to lose their interest in
and commitment to technology
when computers and multi-media
devices do not operate efficiently
and as they should.
44 Administration and staff need to develop a
support system and provide technical
and informational assistance for
45 Teachers must possess effective
knowledge of how to make technology
developmentally and individually appropriate
for young children.
46The characteristics of the software may
significantly impact children's development in
specific areas. (Quigley, 1996)
47The use of some computer software programs will
raise IQ levels, others, particularly drill and
skill programs, may slow development and even
stifle creativity in children. (Quigley, 1996)
48Consider the child's ability on the computer
itself. Dont overestimate a child's
ability to comprehend the material contained in
the program based on the ability to manipulate
the mouse or click on icons (Elkind, 1996).
49Developmental software must provide enough
flexibility to match the childs current level
of understanding and skills, while growing with
the child. (Haugland, 1997)
50Teachers should obtain software which engages
children in creative play, mastery learning,
problem solving, and conversation. NAE
YC, 1996
51Software programs should be used that are
open-ended, providing children a sense of
control over their environment and a
sense of pride in accomplishments. (Badgett
Snider, 1995)
52 Example Software in which the child draws
or paints with various size and
colors of brushes. The child is encouraged to
freely and playfully explore lines, shapes, and
colors with little emphasis on product.
(Shade, 1992).
53- the way the computer and software are used
Teachers should not give up all the
traditional developmental activities
they normally provide,
but should
begin to
think of and use computers
as they would any other
54- the way the computer and software are used
Teachers need to
see technology
as another
manipulative opportunity offered to their
students and not
as a separate entity
in the classroom.
55- the way the computer and software are used
Teachers should use computers
less for drill and
practice and more as
tools to develop open-ended
thinking skills
and content resources.
56- the way the computer and software are used
The appropriate focus
for computer activity in ECE
should not be
on academic or cognitive skills.
57- the way the computer and software are used
To do so is
developmentally appropriate
denies some of the computer's greatest benefits
open-ended problem-solving
and social and linguistic
58- the way the computer and software are used
Teachers should not view computer usage as a
solitary and passive activity, but as a
creative and dynamic opportunity for social
interaction and development of
language and
interactional skills.
59- the way the computer and software are used
The acquisition of language skills
is an essential developmental task so the use
of technology "shouldn't come at the expense
of more critical activities,
such as talking and playing with
friends". (Furger ,1999)
60Research shows that
With the creative and dynamic use of computers in
the classroom, researchers have
consistently observed
high levels of spoken communication
and cooperation
as young children interact
on the computer. (Clements, Nastasi,
Swaminathan, 1993).
61- the classroom environment
Computers must be viewed as learning
with multiple capabilities
to support and enhance student
learning as an important medium for
(Anderson et al, 1999)
62- the classroom environment
Early Childhood Educators
should use materials that
"support positive,
cooperative interaction, and opportunities to
in social interaction (Bronson, 1995).
63- the classroom environment
and (should provide) adult guidance
to prevent
problems and support
cooperatively resolving problems
that do occur (Bronson, 1995).
64- the classroom environment
Teachers take great care in choosing appropriate
play materials to use with their students in
order to promote learning in the classroom.
65- the classroom environment
Such consideration should also be applied to
computer use with young children as well.
The integration of technology is an exciting new
media that can become a playful addition to the
learning environment when several factors are
- Comprehensive teacher knowledge
- Critical examination of software,
- Creation of an environment in which computers are
included in a developmentally appropriate manner.
When these factors are taken into consideration,
early childhood educators
can begin to reap the potential
benefits offered by the technology
in all areas of child
68Your thoughts?
Your thoughts?