Title: Microbial populations in biogeochemical models:
1Microbial populations in biogeochemical
models Who needs 'em?
Rich Conant Research Scientist, Ecosystem
ecologist (NOT A MICROBIAL ECOLOGIST - even on
Halloween) Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
Species, community, etc. diversity
Ecosystem function
Species-species interactions
Nutrient cycling
Regional biogeochemistry
Soil food webs
Species, community, etc. diversity
Ecosystem function
Functional diversity ??
- If were interested in modeling regional
biogeochemistry where do we need to be along this
line? - How do we account for differential temperature
sensitivity and CN stoichiometry of different
communities? - How can we get from microbial community
characterizations to quantitative process rate
modifiers? - What is the balance between effort expended to
characterize microbial communities and improved
model performance? Are some shifts more
consistent/important than others?
4Some possible ways forward in the short-term
Some ways we may be able to integrate microbes
into current biogeochemcial models
Lignin content
structural C
metabolic C
1 MRTf(k,pool size)
Lignin content
structural C
metabolic C
Active C
Passive C
Slow C
3 elemental stoichiometry