Title: Everybody Do a Pattern!
1Everybody Do a Pattern!
2Everybody do this, do this, do this. Repeat the
AB pattern with me. Clap, stomp, clap, stomp.
3Everybody do this, do this, do this. Repeat AAB
pattern with me. Clap, clap, stomp, clap, clap,
4Everybody do this, do this, do this. Repeat ABB
pattern with me. Clap, stomp, stomp, clap, stomp,
5Everybody do this, do this, do this. Repeat AABB
pattern with me. Clap, clap, stomp, stomp, clap,
clap, stomp, stomp.
6Everybody do this, do this, do this. Repeat ABC
pattern with me. Clap, stomp, snap, clap, stomp,
7Now youve got it. Listen about it. Can you
extend the pattern after me?
8Now youve got it. Listen about it. Can you
extend the pattern after me?
9Now youve got it. Listen about it. Can you
extend the pattern after me?
10Now youve got it. Listen about it. Can you
extend the pattern after me?
11Now youve got it. Listen about it. Can you
extend the pattern after me?
12Everybody do this, do this, do this. Give
yourself a great big hand with me!
13The songEverybody Do a Patternis available as
a singleand on the CD, Totally MathVisit the
Song Store onDr. Jean's Web Site