Title: The Red Sea Forming a new ocean basin
1The Red Sea Forming a new ocean basin
2Life Cycle of an Ocean
3Types of Faults
4Stages of Ocean Rifting
Embryonic regional uplift rift valleys on
continent East African Rift Valley Juvenile
rift valley deepens and is flooded by
seawater spreading Gulf of Aqaba
5East African Rift Valley embryonic
6Dead Sea Rift
initial opening flooding with seawater
7Stages of Ocean Rifting
Juvenile ocean basin Red Sea
Mature ocean basin with spreading center
continental margins Atlantic Ocean
8Red Sea juvenile ocean
9Stages of Ocean Rifting
Mature Declining convergence (subduction)
trenches island arcs coastal mountain
ranges Pacific Ocean
10South Atlantic mature ocean basin
11Stages of Ocean Rifting
Declining Terminal convergence collision
regional uplift narrow seas Mediterranean Sea
12Persian Gulf terminal basin
13Stages of Ocean Rifting
Terminal Persian Gulf Suturing continental
collision uplift mountain belts Himalayas and
Tibetan Plateau
14Indian subcontinent / Himalayan Plateau
15Rifting of the Red Sea
modern extension of the MOR spreading
center (Carlsberg Ridge)
16Rifting of Pangea
In the beginning of the Jurassic, about 200
million years ago, the same set of processes
began rifting Pangea to form the Atlantic
17Afar Triple Junction
18Extensional Faulting in the Afar Rift
19Axial Volcanoes in the Afar Rift
20Regional Basalt Intrusion Somalia
21East African RiftMap
22East African Rift
23Lake Tanganyika
24Mount Kilamanjaro
25Nile DeltaSinai PeninsulaNorthern Red
SeaNile Valley
26Sinai Peninsula
27The Dead Sea
28The Dead Sea Rift
29ClosurePart I
30Peruvian Trench
31Chilean Coast
32Andes Mountains
33ClosurePart II
34Tethys Seaway
35Persian Gulf Strait of Hormuz
36Indian subcontinent provinces
37Indian Plate Collision from Space
38Himalayan Front from Space
39View into the Himalayas
40Tectonic Map
41Western U.S. Great Basin