- Raul Mateus Paula
- EuropeAid Centralised Operations
- Thessaloniki 14 September 2008
2Structure of the Presentation
- Basic framework of the EDF and European
Development Policy - Transition from the 9th EDF to the 10th EDF
- Opportunities arising from implementation of the
9th EDF - Forms of Opportunities
- Vision for the 10th EDF
- Programming process
- Financial resources
- Sector Breakdown
3EDF for the ACP Group of States
- 77 (78) ACP countries representing /-750 million
people - 12 of world population but only 1,1 of World
domestic product - Major political, economic, social, environmental
challenges, 41/50 LDCs - Africa the region least likely to meet the MDGs
by 2015
4Transition to the 10th EDF from the past 50
Years of EDF
5Transition to the 10th EDF from the past 50
Years of EDF II
6The European Development Policy
- Scaling up of Aid
- Barcelona commitments (2002) for Monterrey
- EU ODA target 0,51 of GNI in 2010
- EU ODA target 0,70 of GNI in 2015
- Africa strategy (2006) collectively, 50 of ODA
increase to Africa - Aid for trade strategy (2005) increase
collective effort from 1 to 2 billion per year
by 2010 - Aid effectiveness
- Paris Declaration on aid effectiveness (March
2005) - Council conclusions on joint programming (April
2006) - Council conclusions on division of labour (May
7European Development Policy Africa Partnerships
- Lisbon Summit in December 2007 took concrete
decisions in establishing the Africa-EU
Partnerships in the following areas - Peace and Security
- Democratic Governance and Human Rights
- Trade and Regional Integration
- Millenium Development Goals
- Energy
- Climate Change
- Migration, Mobility and Employment
- Science, Information Society and Space
8European Development Policy Africa Partnerships
- Africa EU Partnership on Infrastructure the
first one created and already operational through
the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund - Concept Facilitate the blending of grant
resources from the Commission and EU member
States with the lending and technical capacity of
the EIB and Development Financiers - Means Interest rate subsidies, Technicial
Assistance (preparatory work, EIA, project
supervision and targeted capacity building)
Direct grants (for substantial social and
environmental benefits) and Insurance premia for
launching of projects
9Aid Effectiveness Coherence, Coordination,
Harmonisation Alignment
Development Objective
Regional Economic Infrastructure
Infrastructure provision
Capacity Building
Economic Development Regional Integration
Infrastructure Partnership Trust Fund
Management of regional national natural
River Basin Organisations Regional power pools
National management of resources
Sustainable Development Poverty Reduction
Water/Energy Facilities
National Infrastructure Access to basic services
Local Municipal
EU Infrastructure Partnership EU Water Energy
Initiatives Policies, Partnerships, Priorities
10Implementation of the 9th EDF
- The 9th EDF is the first EDF in history that has
been fully committed before the beginning of the
next EDF period - The year 2007 saw a record in EDF commitments
totalling to 3.6 billion Euro - The contracting period for all commitments made
in 2007 are the years 2008 to 2010 and thus the
opportunities arising from the 9th EDF will
continue during the 10th EDF period
11Implementation of the 9th EDF II
- Totality of 9th EDF Resources
12Implementation of the EDF role of HQ and
- AIDCO is responsible for all the stages of the
project cycle which ensure the implementation of
the programming and reaching the overall
objectives as defined by RELEX and DEV. - Delegations worldwide are responsible for the
implementation of external aid. Delegations
design projects and activities, prepare annual
programmes, tender for contractors and implement
and supervise implementation
13Forms of Opportunities
- Implementation modalities for the EDF are
services (including the framework contracts),
supply and works contracts - All service tenders above 200 000 Euro are
forecasted in the internet which is a good way
of foreseeing opportunities arising - Local tenders are published in local media and in
the internet - All tenders, are published in the Offcial Journal
and in the web page
14Forms of Opportunities WEB site for information
- http//ec.europa.eu/europeaid/cgi/frame12.pl
- "Quick search" to see all tender opportunities
and calls for proposals published during the last
10 (calendar) days. - Search by Reference, Programme, by Country
- Search by Status
- "FORECAST" to consult projects which are expected
to be put to tender - "OPEN" to consult projects for which a
procurement notice or a call for proposals is
currently published and for which you may apply - "CLOSED" to consult old projects
- Select the type of procedure Supplies, Works or
15(No Transcript)
16Forms of Opportunities Practical Guide
- http//ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/procedures/impl
17Forms of Opportunities Framework Contracts
- Framework Contracts
- Currently ongoing framework contracts
- Framework Contract BENEF valid from 16.09.2005
up to the 15.09.2009 - Framework Contract Commission 2007 valid from
16.01.2007 to 15.01.2009 - Framework Contract Audit 2006 valid form
20.7.2007 to 19.7.2009 - Prior to the end of the validity of the ongoing
framework - contracts, tenders will be launched to create
18Forms of Opportunities Framework Contracts II
- Framework contracts retain a number of
consultancy companies available to provide
services to the Commission on short notice. - Contracts between 5000 200 000
- Contractual conditions pre-agreed as well as
minimum-maximum prices for different levels of
expertise - Simple contracting and payment structure
- Benefit to the commission is fast processing and
for the consultancy companies steady flow of
business - when active in offering expertise. - More information on http//ec.europa.eu/europeaid
19Forms of Opportunities 9th EDF vs 10th EDF
2010th EDF Legal Bases
- Revised Cotonou Agreement
- ACP-EC Council of 25.6.2005, requires
ratification - Major changes
- Enhanced political dialogue
- Scope Investment Facility extended
- Eligibility of local authorities, Parliaments,
non-State actors - Flexibility to increase allocations in case of
special needs - Possibility for the Commission to manage
resources in crisis situations - More strategic role National Authorising Officer
2110th EDF Legal bases II
- Multi-annual financial framework 2008-2013
- ACP-EC Council of 2.6.2006
- Major changes
- National and regional indicative programmes
- Intra-ACP indicative programme
- Decommitments from previous EDFs no longer
automatically transferred - Sunset clause
- Deadline for EDF10 commitments 31.12.2013
- Synchronisation of programming cycles
2210th EDF Aid Allocation Criteria
- Quantitative Criteria
- Aid efficiency
- Aid absorption capacity corrected for aid
dependency ratio - Economic performance
- Investment climate, Sustainable macro-economic
performance and exhaustion of non renewable
natural resources - Social performance
- Budget structure and Progress towards MDGs in
Health and Education - Mid-term review
- ?/- A envelope
- ? B envelope (for post-conflict countries)
2310th EDF Aid Allocation Criteria II
- Regional envelope
- Starting point 13 of underlying NIPs
- Corrections
- Vulnerability, intra-regional trade, performance
(MTR reallocations) - Functional cooperation (PIN/PIR in Carribean
Pacific regions CEPGL) - Topping up of 25 for timely implementation of
the EPA - Intra ACP 12.3 of the total EDF Allocation
2410th EDF Programming Guidelines
- Ownership participation
- Harmonisation Coordination
- Common framework for country strategy papers
- Country diagnosis joint analysis?
- Assessment of past and present cooperation and
lessons learned - Response strategy joint response? Donor matrix?
- National indicative programme (EC work programme)
- Concentration within the NIP
- General budget support (GBS)
- 2 concentration areas on top of GBS
- Maximum 15 for non focal area activities
2510th EDF Programming Guidelines II
- Intra ACP Programme based on the principles of
subsidiarity, complementarity and visibility - Intra ACP Envelope 2.700.000.000 Euro in total
- Programme is divided into the following
categories - Institutional and Support Expenditures
- Supra-Regional ACP initiatives
- All ACP initiatives
- Pan African initiatives
- Global initiatives
- Reserve
2610th EDF Multiannual Financial Framework 2008-2013
2710th EDF Programming Process
- CSPs and NIPs
- 71 CS/NIP adopted or in the process of being
adopted - 6 CSP/NIP delayed due to specific circumstances
- 6 RIPs expected to be submitted to the EDF
Committee in the 2nd semester 2008 - Intra ACP Strategy paper to be submitted to the
EDF Committee in the 2nd semester 2008 - All finalised strategies are available in the web
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2910th EDF programming Results at country level -
Sector Breakdown
3010th EDF programming Results - Sector Breakdown
- Examples of opportunities under the main sectors
- Budget Support PEFA and other PFM assessments,
almost always accompanied with PFM capacity
building programmes - Democratic Governance Technical Assistance
Intensive field of work - Water, Energy and Transport Infrastructure
investments necessitate design, implementation of
supervision as enabling technical as stance
components. - Economic growth, trade and regional integration
agenda taken forward through provision of
technical assistance
3110th EDF programming Results - Sector Breakdown II
- Examples of opportunities under the main sectors,
cont - 5. Agriculture, rural development, food security,
environment, health, education all include
technical assistance needs to development and
implement policy - 6. On all sectors on intervention project
management/implementation creates opportunities
(PMUs) - .10th EDF tenders will begin to appear in the
WEB forecast in late 2008 early 2009
3210th EDF Implementation Financial Forecast 2008
- 2009
- Implementation of the 10th EDF may only being
once the legal bases is approved and ratified by
Member States and ACP States expected in July
2008 - Due to the late start the Financial Forecast
for 2008 is of 3 Billion Euros in New
Commitments - The Intra-ACP 10th EDF Financial Forecast for
2008 is currently foreseen at 336 Million Euro
33Way Forward
- Aid effectiveness agenda as a dynamic and open
process - EU Code of Conduct on Complementarity and
Division of Labour in Development Policy - EDF10 implementation horizon
- High level meeting on aid effectiveness, Accra,
Sept. 2008 - Mid-term review, spring 2010
- Change of strategy?
- Progress towards division of labour?
Co-financing? - Overall performance review, fall 2010
- End-of-term review, spring 2012
- Aid re-allocation in function of performance and
absorption capacity
34Thank You!
- Raul.Mateus-Paula_at_ec.europe.eu
- Head of Unit
- Centralised Operations for the ACP Countries
- Tel 32 2 295 9278