Title: Reducing the Burden of Cancer in the EU
1Reducing the Burden of Cancer in the EU
- Policy Dialogue in preparation of the Slovenian
Presidency over the Council of the EU - Brussels, 12 and 13 November 2007, 1000 - 1630
- Welcome
- Objectives of the meeting (Marija Seljak)
- Setting the Scene - Differences in the Outcome in
Cancer Care across Europe Prof. Michel Coleman - Workshops
- Lunch between 12.30 - 13.30
3Initiatives of the Slovenian Presidency
- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
- Priority CANCER
- Alcohol related harm injury prevention
- Nutrition and physical activity
- Antimicrobial Resistance
- Innovation
- E-health
- Pricing and reimbursement of pharmaceuticals - EU
networking - Access to Health Care
- Addressed within above mentioned priorities
4Background and rationale
- Vision /goals
- Mapping inequalities in incidence/mortality/surviv
al - Room for improvement (public health justice,
community added value and subsidiarity) - The importance of an integrated approach
- Identify areas which have an EU added value
- Possibilities for policy development at the EU
level ?
5Objectives of the policy dialogue
- To present the evidence on the burden of cancer
and the need for the overarching approach - To exchange on national practices and
international action in 4 policy areas - primary prevention
- cancer screening and early detection
- treatment and integrated care
- cancer research
- To explore and discuss EU added value and debate
possible policy developments under the Slovenian
EU Presidency
- Primary prevention and health promotion
- Cancer screening
- facilitatorsVesna Kerstin Petric, prof. Jose M
Martin-Moreno - Tratment and integrated care
- Cancer research
- facilitators Tit Albreht, Willy Palm
7Primary prevention and health promotionIssues
- Majority of cancers are life-style or environment
related (use of tobacco and alcohol, healthy
nutrition, physical activity, occupational risks,
etc.) - Cancer and other NCDs share several determinants
- Differences in equity in access to prevention and
promotion - Variable effectiveness of translating knowledge
into outcomes
8Primary prevention and health promotion
International policies and instruments
- General
- Europe Code against Cancer (2003 being updated)
- Alcohol
- WHO Resolution on framework for alcohol policy
- EU Alcohol strategy
- European Alcohol and Health Forum
- Nutrition
- WHO food and nutrition action plan
- Global Strategy on Diet and Physical Activity
- EU White Paper on Strategy for Europe on
nutrition overweight and Obesity - EU Platform for action on Diet, Physical Activity
and Health
- Tobacco
- EU Directives on advertising and product
regulation - Green Paper on Smoke-free environment
- WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
- HELP campaign
- Environment
- European Environment and Health Strategy
- European Environment and Health Action plan
2004-2010 - Health and safety at work strategy
- Other policies and instruments
- Free movement and pricing of unhealthy products,
consumer protection, environmental policy, etc.
9Primary prevention and health promotionQuestions
- What do you see as a top priority in this area ?
- What are the greatest obstacles on progress ?
- What do you see as an EU added value ?
10Cancer screeningIssues
- For many malignant tumors the earlier a cancer is
detected, the higher survival chances. - Different kinds of screening opportunistic,
selective, organised - (Variety of approaches throughout the EU, not all
of them are equally effective!)
11Cancer screening International policies and
- Council Recommendation on cancer screening (2003)
- EU-funded projects to develop specific cancer
screening guidelines (cervical, breast,
colorectal cancer) - Report on the implementation of cancer screening
(anounced for 2008)
12Cancer screeningQuestions
- What has been achieved after the adoption of the
Council Recommendation on cancer screening (2003)
? - What could be done to improve the implementation
of cancer screening programmes ? - What do you see as an EU added value
13Treatment and integrated careIssues
- Optimal care contributes to survival rates and
quality of life - Increasing numbers but also changing treatment
patterns (management of chronic condition
involving a range of providers) - Wide disparity in the level of care available to
cancer patients in different parts of EU but
also inequalities within countries - Alocation of resources to cancer care
(Evidence-based and integrated) - Quality of cancer care ( Common standards and
guidelines,HTA) - Information needs health records, e-health,
quality information to patients
14Treatment and integrated care International
policies and instruments
- Sharing of best practice
- European HTA network
- High level group (Cross-border cooperation and
reference centers on rare diseases) - Cross-border care
- OMC in the area of Social Protection
- Proposal for a Directive on safe, high-quality
and efficient cross-border care
15Treatment and integrated careQuestions
- What could be the contribution of different
centres of expertise networking at the EU level ?
- How can we encourage the exchange of best
practices in integrated care at the EU level ? - Participation?
- Patient involvement? Patient information and
rights? Social networks? - Links with lobbies (pharmaceutical industry)
- Other EU dimensions? coordination, support,
legislation etc.
16Cancer researchIssues
- Research is needed to improve our knowledge about
the nature of the disease, the risk factors, as
well as the effectiveness of different
interventions ( different kinds of research risk
factors, genomics, screening, clinical
management, rehabiliation and palliation ) - Fragmentation and diversity of cancer research
- The need for increased academic research
17Cancer research International policies and
- Instrument
- EU Research policy (FP6, FP7)
18Cancer researchQuestions
- What are the challenges in cancer research and
what can we do to encourage better structured
(less fragmented) cancer research in EU ? - How to improve public funding for cancer research
at the national as well as EU level ? - What type of cancer research (basic,
translational, clinical, public health oriented)
do you consider as a priority for EU ? - How can EU encourage more research into cancer to
improve the outcome and quality of life for
cancer survivors ?
19Overall governance of cancer policies
- Cancer policy requires an integrated approach
- Role of the national cancer plan ?
- Monitoring quality of policies and outcomes
- Cancer information systems (cancer registries)
- Essential tool for prioritising allocation of
resources and assessing policy impact