AERA Conference, Montreal, 2005 Early career learning at work The LiNEA Project Nurses Taking Action - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AERA Conference, Montreal, 2005 Early career learning at work The LiNEA Project Nurses Taking Action


Transition from student to staff nurse. Induction processes ... Structured supernumerary status ' ... Supernumerary status varied from one day to six months ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AERA Conference, Montreal, 2005 Early career learning at work The LiNEA Project Nurses Taking Action

AERA Conference, Montreal, 2005 Early career
learning at workThe LiNEA Project Nurses
Taking Action
  • C.Caballero, C.Blackman
  • Professor C.Miller

Phase I
  • 40 Newly Qualified Nurses
  • Interviewed and observed in practice
  • Interviewed mentors and managers

Interim Report Findings
  • Transition from student to staff nurse
  • Induction processes support varied
  • Structured mentorship
  • Feedback on performance
  • Learning to delegate and prioritise
  • Crisis of confidence

Action Research
  • Phase 1 findings fed back to Trust
  • Use these findings to enhance provision for Newly
    Qualified Nurses
  • The Trust took up the interim report
  • Introduced several new initiatives to support
    Newly Qualified Nurses

5 New Initiatives
  • Trust Day for Student Nurses
  • Nurturing the Novice
  • Induction Day for Newly Qualified Nurses
  • Competencies
  • Action Learning Sets

Aim of Action Research
  • Evaluate the impact of any changes made on a new
    group of employees and Newly Qualified Nurses

Action Research
  • Contacted Newly Qualified Nurses who had recently
    attended the new induction programme.
  • 11 Newly Qualified Nurses have been interviewed
    to date
  • 4 Mentors have been interviewed to date

3 Main Themes
  • Mentoring
  • Support
  • Feedback

Mentoring Positive Outcomes
  • Following the Nurturing the Novice Day
  • Mentors recognised the importance of discussing
    Newly Qualified Nurses progress
  • Examples of good practice were
  • Protected ½ hour a month
  • Reshaped working practices to facilitate this
  • Facilitated competency acquisition

Positive Outcomes Cont
  • Structured supernumerary status
  • They took me under their wings but at the same
    time they made me independent as well. I mean
    they didnt shelter me and not let medo
    anything. They let the leash go and one time, my
    first craniotomy, she mentor was scrubbed up
    with me and all of a sudden I turned around, and
    she was sitting down, and she said well youve
    taken over anyway, youre fine, you know. But
    she was there

Positive Outcomes Cont
  • Mentors able to identify Crisis of Confidence.
  • about a month ago 4months in I felt for a
    good few weeks I felt absolutely awful. I was
    like, no I should be getting this by now and I
    had to go for supervision and I was asked if I
    was alright and I was close to tears and she
    mentor turned round and she said Ive been to
    this nurturing the novice day about the LiNEA
    Project and they told us about this, that you
    might have a wobble at this time, you are
    supporting the statistics

Mentoring Negative Outcomes
  • Newly Qualified Nurses were not always allocated
  • I think I would have liked more time with my
    mentor because I knew she was a really good nurse
    but nine times out of ten if we did work together
    she was always in charge of the ward so it was
    quite difficult because she was just here there
    and everywhere and the ward being so short
    staffed anyway there wasnt very much time to sit
    down and chat

Negative Outcomes Cont
  • ½ of the mentors interviewed to date felt they
    were not real mentors as they had not undergone
    any formal training.
  • Responsibility lay with more senior colleagues
  • Their self perception of whether they are a
    real mentor or not influences how seriously
    they take the Nurturing the Novice Day

Negative Outcomes Cont
  • Disparity of Mentorship Provision
  • Supernumerary status varied from one day to six
  • Lack of induction programme provision for Newly
    Qualified Nurses who had been students on the

Negative Outcomes Cont
  • Because I had been a student here I think they
    just expected me to get on with it straight away
    and its actually a very difficult transition
    from going, you know, from a student to a staff
    nurse and I dont think the ward recognised that
    at all. They just expected me to be a staff
    nurse from day one.

  • Trust Day for student nurses was found to be of
  • Senior nurses discussed their career progression
  • Advised to get as much general experience as they
  • Trust representatives discuss job vacancies

Support Cont
  • The Newly Qualified Nurses Induction Day was also
    found to be of value
  • A chance to hear about agencies such as the
    Chaplaincy and the Patient Support Services
  • Chief Executive and Deputy Director of Nursing
    came and welcomed them to the Trust

Support Cont
  • Because you think that people like The Deputy
    Director of Nursing as being sort of up there
    but you realise that shes very down to earthand
    theyre actually taking on board what youre

Support Cont
  • Competencies were also found to be of value
  • Help develop confidence in decision making
  • They were achieving something
  • Worked best along side Work based learning
    programme where competencies were seen as
    integral to the Newly Qualified Nurses

  • Important to their development
  • One of the Newly Qualified Nurses had never
    received feedback
  • Ive never been told up until today that I was
    even a good member of staff, so I did not know, I
    thought I was terrible

Feedback Cont
  • Following attendance at the Nurturing the Novice
    Day some mentors did report that they now
    recognised the importance of Feedback
  • I used to think it was important but we never
    had the time. Now I know how important it is and
    we make the time.

Feedback Cont
  • Structured Feedback is very important
  • Boosts confidence
  • Boosts morale
  • Increases chance of staying in post

Feedback Cont
  • and when I did something they were quick to
    say, thats fine, you did really well, they
    were quick to praise. And I asked if I , you
    know, if I was doing things right and they were
    quick to answer me. And that wasnt just one
    person, that was all of them. So it was good.

Feedback Cont Action Learning Sets
  • A forum to discuss issues in practice.
  • Reassured that they were not alone.
  • Senior management were listening to them
  • Just being able to sit in a small group and
    have somebody there thatwas sympathetic that you
    know wasn't going to go away and say oh God
    those newly qualified nurses they dont know what
    its all about

Feedback Cont
  • Action Learning Sets
  • Lucky to be in a supportive environment
  • Lack of follow up
  • Facilitator Training
  • Clarify purpose and function of Action Learning
    Sets and the responsibility of those involved.

  • Comments about not being real mentors suggest
  • Mentors are given little support by managers
  • Little sense of a learning community on their
  • Ward managers create the learning culture of the
  • Learning Friendly managers would be aware of
    their mentors behaviour
  • None of the initiatives set up by the Trust were
    aimed specifically at ward managers

Conclusion Cont
  • The LiNEA Project has
  • Enabled an NHS Trust to focus on the needs of
    Newly Qualified Nurses
  • Recognised the importance of managing career
  • Enabled a Trust to think ahead and plan for the
    future development of all qualified nurses
  • Enable them to grow their own nurses into more
    senior positions
  • Improve recruitment and retention

(No Transcript)
Nurses Taking Action(The LiNEA Project)
  • C.Caballero, C.Blackman
  • Professor C.Miller
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