Title: French Training Programme on Fusion Sciences
1French Training Programme on Fusion Sciences
J Jacquinot, Brussels 29 March 2007
2News in French fusion sciences
- Strategy for increased support to fusion
(ministry of research and higher education, 15
March 2007) - Research
- New fédération de recherches (CEA, CNRS, INRIA,
Universities) on magnetic fusion - ? To be created in 2007
- Higher education
- Consortium of écoles doctorales (graduate
school) - ? Being considered
- New nationwide master Fusion sciences (magnetic
and inertial fusion) - ? operational since September 2007
3Master degree fusion sciences
10 universities have created jointly a new
Master course on fusion sciences ? Started
Sept 06 (partially), Sept 07 (full) Closely
associated to labs on hot plasmas, magnetic
inertial fusion
4Partners of the Master Sciences de la
Fusion 10 Universities 5 engineering schools
(grandes écoles)
53 different optionsFCMMagnetic, FCIInertial,
PTF Phys Techno fusion
Topics common to each site
lt 24 ECTS
Thermonuclear Plasmas
Thermo processes irreversible
- Orbits
- collisions
- transport
Common courses FCM-FCI-PTF
FCM (Magnetic)
FCI (Inertial)
PTF (Phys Techno)
2/3 Physics 1/3 Techno
2/3 Physics 1/3 Techno
1/3 Physics 2/3 Techno
Training 5-6 months
6The 3 M2 paths
Students regrouped periodically, broad range of
topics teach general methods specifics
applications on fusion. European / international
links to be developped
7Tore Supra
Joint Work Site
Guest house
Welcome office
8Organisation of the Master
- Fédération formation aux sciences de la fusion
- Consortium of 10 universities ruled by a
convention de partenariat - Comité directeur, Chair rotates every year (JJ
for 2006 2007) - Secretariat INSTN (CEA) with specific budget
line - Finances gathering of students (twice a year)
near ITER and LMJ - Official approval on the basis of a common
academic content - Signed agreements with 5 grandes écoles
- Allows double diploma engineering degree
Master ? possibility of thesis - Next steps
- Strengthening European / international
participation - Participation of firms involved in fusion
- Web site (http//www.sciences-fusion.fr/)
- General information
- Work space for students, faculty,
- Textbook of courses (English recommended)
9Thoughts on CSA from the French federation
- ? vigorous support to a CSA initiative possibly
with the following elements - Actions at both master and doctorate levels to
attract the best students - M2 (2nd year of master)
- Mobility of students and professors. Example Lab
training (5 months) in other countrys lab - Promote high quality textbooks for a common M2
basic knowledge - Doctorate level
- Thesis grants requiring stays in several
associations Labs - Gathering of all new CSA PhD students closed to
ITER site with tutorials from ITER and teams from
associations. - Promote textbooks at PhD level
- French entry point for CSA
- The 2 Federations fusion master and fusion
sectors of doctorate schools to coordinate the
French parts of CSA