Fiqh of Inheritance Course By Shaikh Suliman Gani - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fiqh of Inheritance Course By Shaikh Suliman Gani


... describes the process of making a bequest, in surah al-Maidah verses 106-108 ... Quran contains three main verses, in Surah Nisa [4:11, 4:12 and 4:176], which ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fiqh of Inheritance Course By Shaikh Suliman Gani

Fiqh of Inheritance Course By Shaikh Suliman
Course Details
  • Venue Tooting Islamic Centre
  • Time Mondays after Isha (8.15pm)
  • Teacher Shaikh Suliman Ghani
  • Course Notes http//

Introduction Gaining Knowledge
  • O mankind! There has come to you a good advice
    from your Lord, and a healing for that in your
    breasts, a guidance and a mercy for the
    believers. Quran 1057
  • The Messenger of Allah (saw) said Seeking Ilm
    (knowledge) is incumbent on every Muslim. (Ibn
    Hajar Al-Asqalani, Al-Matalib al Aliyah)
  • This course gives an overview of the Islamic laws
    of inheritance and then describes in detail the
    evidences and shares of the heirs.

Why Inheritance?
  • Many have begun to ignore the Islamic teachings
    on inheritance and instead have started to follow
    the ways and the practices of non-Muslims, in
    which only a few would receive the inheritance.
  • Inheritance is known as Fara-idh', which means
    something that has been fixed, set or determined.
    This branch of knowledge is known as Fara-idh'
    because it has been fixed by Allah in the Quran.

Why Inheritance? (continued)
  • The Quran mentions wills and inheritance in
    various places. E.g. 2180 47-9, 11-12, 176.
  • Indeed I am a man who will be taken away,
    therefore learn Fara-idh and teach it. The time
    of the disappearance of knowledge will come
    close, when two persons will dispute regarding an
    Islamic ruling and they will find no one to
    decide the dispute.
  • In another Hadith, the prophet (saw) says, Learn
    Fara-idh and teach it, indeed it is half of
    knowledge. And in another narration the prophet
    (saw) says, It is my way and it is the first
    thing that will be taken away from my Ummah.

Inheritance Guidelines
  • When a Muslim dies there are four duties which
    need to be performed. These are
  • Payment of funeral expenses
  • Payment of his/her debts
  • Execution his/her will(max 1/3 bequest)
  • Distribution of remaining estate amongst the
    heirs according to Shariah

Heirs according to the Shariah
  • Quranic heirs or sharers (ashab al-furud) when
    entitled to inherit are given their fixed shares
  • Remaining estate is inherited by the residuaries
    (asaba). The rights of the asaba were recognised
    by the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) himself. Abdullah
    ibn Abbas (RA) reported that the
  • Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said, "Give the Faraid
    (the shares of the inheritance that are
    prescribed in the Quran) to those who are
    entitled to receive it. Then whatever remains,
    should be given to the closest male relative of
    the deceased." (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Primary Heirs
  • The primary (or immediate) heirs are classified
  • The spouse (Husband or a maximum of four Wives)
  • The children (Sons and Daughters)
  • The parents (Father Mother)
  • The grandchildren (Sons SON or Sons DAUGHTER
    only. Daughters children are not entitled even if
    the Daughter is deceased.) Applicable only when
    the SON is already deceased only and has

Excluding Heirs
  • The primary heirs are always entitled to a share
    of the inheritance, they are never totally
    excluded. All remaining heirs can be totally
    excluded by the presence of other heirs. Some
    rules of exclusion are
  • A person (e.g. brother) who is related to the
    deceased through another (i.e. father) is
    excluded by the presence of the latter.
  • An individual nearer in degree (proximity) to the
    deceased excludes the one who is remoter within
    the same class of heirs. For example son excludes
    all grandsons.
  • Full blood excludes half-blood through father (so
    a full brother will exclude a consanguine brother
    but not a uterine brother).
  • The absence of some or all of these heirs the
    secondary beneficiaries become Heirs under
    various conditions. In the absence of a
    particular Heir (eg Uncle) if and when he/she is
    entitled the children of that Heir become

The Secondary Heirs
  • The grandparents (Paternal and Maternal)
  • The brothers and/or sisters (In the absence of
    Father and Son only)
  • The uncles and/or aunts (In the absence of
    Grandparents only)
  • The nephews and/or nieces (In the absence of
    Brothers and Sisters only)

Quranic Verses of Inheritance
  • It is prescribed for you, when death approaches
    any of you, if he leaves wealth, that he make a
    bequest to parents and next of kin, according to
    reasonable manners. (This is) a duty upon the
    pious (2180)
  • There is a share for men and a share for women
    from what is left by parents and those nearest
    related, whether, the property be small or large
    - a legal share. And when the relatives and the
    orphans and AlMasâkin (the poor) are present at
    the time of division, give them out of the
    property, and speak to them words of kindness and
    justice. And let those (executors and guardians)
    have the same fear in their minds as they would
    have for their own, if they had left weak
    offspring behind. So let them fear Allâh and
    speak right words. (47-9)
  • And to everyone, We have appointed heirs of that
    (property) left by parents and relatives. To
    those also with whom you have made a pledge
    (brotherhood), give them their due portion (by
    Wasiya wills, etc.). Truly, Allâh is Ever a
    Witness over all things. (433)
  • The Quran also briefly describes the process of
    making a bequest, in surah al-Maidah verses

Quranic Verses (continued)
  • Quran contains three main verses, in Surah Nisa
    411, 412 and 4176, which give specific
    details of inheritance shares.
  • Allah commands you as regards your CHILDREN
    (inheritance), To the MALE, a portion equal to
    that of TWO FEMALES If (there are) only
    DAUGHTERS, two or more, their share is TWO-THIRDS
    of the inheritance If only one, her share is
    HALF. For PARENTS, a SIXTH share of inheritance
    to EACH if the deceased left CHILDREN If NO
    CHILDREN, and the PARENTS are the (ONLY) heirs,
    the MOTHER has a THIRD If the deceased left
    (The distribution in all cases is) after the
    payment of legacies he may have BEQUETHED or
    DEBTS. You know not which of them, whether your
    parents or your children are nearest to you in
    benefit. (These fixed shares) are ordained by
    Allah. And Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise.
  • In that which your WIVES leave, your share is a
    HALF if they have NO CHILD But if they leave a
    CHILD you get a FOURTH of that which they leave
    after payment of legacies that they may have
    bequeathed or debts. In that which YOU leave,
    their (YOUR WIVES) share is a FOURTH if you have
    NO CHILD But if you leave a CHILD they get an
    EIGHTH of that which you leave after payment of
    legacies that you may have bequeathed or debts.
    If the MAN or WOMAN whose inheritance is in
    question has left NEITHER ASCENDANTS NOR
    DESCENDANTS (Al-Khalala), but has left a BROTHER
    or a SISTER, EACH ONE of the two gets a SIXTH
    but if MORE THAN TWO, they share in a THIRD
    after payment of legacies he (or she) may have
    bequeathed or debts, so that no loss is caused
    (to anyone). This is a commandment from Allah
    And Allah is Ever All-Knowing, Most-Forebearing.
  • They ask you for a legal verdict, Say, Allah
    directs (thus) about Al-Khalala (those who leave
    neither ascendants nor descendants as heirs). If
    it is a MAN that dies, leaving A SISTER but NO
    CHILD, SHE shall have HALF the inheritance. If
    (such a deceased was) a woman, who left NO CHILD,
    her BROTHER takes her INHERITANCE. If there are
    TWO SISTERS, they shall have TWO-THIRDS of the
    inheritance If there are BROTHERS and SISTERS,
    the male will have TWICE the share of the
    female.(Thus) does Allah make clear to you (His
    Law) lest you go astray. And Allah is the
    All-Knower of everything. (4176)

  • Rule If no entitled descendents exist (i.e.
    Children/Grandchildren) then the husbands shares
    is half, but if there exist entitled descendents
    (i.e. Children/Grandchildren) then the husbands
    share is quarter
  • Note Entitled descendents include sons,
    daughters, sons son, sons daughter, but
    daughters children are not entitled.
  • Evidence "And for you there is one-half of what
    your wives leave behind if there is no child, but
    if they leave a child then for you there is
    one-fourth of what they leave behind " Quran
  • Analysis According to Islamic law the word
    "walad" here is interpreted as child or agnatic
    grandchild. The husband, another Quranic heir,
    inherits one-half in the absence of a child or
    agnatic grandchild and one-quarter in the
    presence of a child or agnatic grandchild.

  • Rule If no entitled descendents exist (ie
    Children/Grandchildren) then the wifes shares is
    quarter, but if there exist entitled descendents
    (ie Children/Grandchildren) then the wifes
    share is one eighth
  • Note Entitled descendents include sons,
    daughters, sons son, sons daughter, but
    daughters children are not entitled.
  • Evidence "And for them one-fourth of what you
    leave behind if you did not have a child, but if
    you have a child then for them one-eighth of what
    you leave behind " Quran 412
  • Analysis This statement gives us the ruling on
    the share of the wife (widow). The share of the
    wife is one-quarter in the absence of a child or
    agnatic grandchild and one-eighth in the presence
    of a child or agnatic grandchild. Two or more
    wives share equally in this prescribed share.

  • Rule If there is only one daughter and no sons
    then the daughters share is half. If there are
    two or more then their combined share is two
    thirds, and is to be shared equally between all
    of them.
  • Evidence "If (there are) women (daughters) more
    than two, then for them two thirds of the
    inheritance and if there is only one then it is
    half." Quran 411
  • Analysis If the child is a girl, by default
    then she will be entitled to half the estate
    after covering funeral costs and debts. Women in
    this context refers to daughters. The Quran gives
    the daughter a specific share.

Share of Sons and Daughters
  •  Rule If there are both sons and daughters to
    inherit, they are entitled to the entire residue
    of the inheritance after all other shares have
    been removed, as well as debts, funeral expenses
    and the bequeathed will. The sons and daughters
    share is divided in the ratio of 21
    respectively. If there exist only sons then the
    remainder of the estate is to be shared equally
    between all of them.
  • Evidence "Allah commands you regarding your
    children. For the male a share equivalent to that
    of two females. Quran 411
  • Analysis This main principle which the Quran
    lays down refers to males and females of equal
    degree and class. This means that a son inherits
    a share equivalent to that of two daughters, a
    full (germane) brother inherits twice as much as
    a full sister, and a sons son inherits twice as
    much as a sons daughter and so on. This
    principle is however, not universally applicable
    as we shall see later in verse 412 the
    descendants of the mother notably the uterine
    brother and uterine sister inherit equally as do
    their descendants.

  • If the son is the only heir to a father who
    leaves an estate of 20000, what is the sons
    share of inheritance?

  • If the child is in reality the only heir as
    mentioned in the question, then if he is a boy,
    he will be entitled to the entire estate by
    default after covering funeral costs, paying off
    debts and executing the will, which may have
    bequeathed up to 1/3 of the remaining estate
    (after covering the abovementioned two expenses).

  • RULE
  • If entitled descendents exist (i.e. sons,
    daughter, sons sons, sons daughter) then each
    parents share is 1/6.
  • If no male descendents exist then the fathers
    share is 1/6 plus the residue. If there are no
    entitled descendents then the fathers share is
    the entire residue.
  • If no entitled descendent exist, then there are
    two scenarios. Firstly, if there are no
    brother/sisters, no father, and no spouse then
    the mother gets a third. The second scenario is
    if the brothers, sisters, father and spouse exist
    then the mother is entitled to a third of the
  • Evidence "And for his parents for each of them
    there is one-sixth of the inheritance if he has a
    child, but if he does not have a child and the
    parents are the heirs then for the mother
    one-third." Quran 411

  • What are the shares if a woman dies leaving
    behind a husband and both parents as the only

  • Answer The husband inherits one-half of the
    estate there is no argument on this point.
    However, if we give the mother a one-third share
    then the father is left with only one-sixth.
    Should the male (father) not get twice the share
    of the female (mother) of equal degree and class?
  • This problem arose during the caliphate of Umar
    ibn Khattab (RA). After consultation with the
    learned companions the majority opinion was that
    the father should get twice the share of the
    mother, that is to say, the principle that the
    male inherits the share of two females is upheld.
    The father therefore, inherits one-third and the
    mother one-sixth
  • In light of this ruling the sentence of verse
    411 on this matter which reads, "...but if he
    does not have a child and the parents are the
    heirs then for the mother one-third." is
    interpreted to mean, "...but if he does not have
    a child and the parents are the (only) heirs then
    for the mother one-third."

Uterine Brother or Sister
  • DEFINITON A uterine sibling is defined as one
    from same mother but with different father.
  • RULE If one uterine brother or sister exists
    then there are number of scenarios
  • If no entitled descendents exist and no male
    ascendants (i.e. Father/Fathers Father etc) then
    they inherit 1/6.
  • If two or more uterine brothers or sisters exist
    and also there are no entitled descendents and no
    male ascendants (i.e. Father/Fathers Father
    etc.) then all uterine brothers and sisters
    inherit 1/3.
  • If there are uterine Brothers/Sisters in addition
    to the full Brothers/Sisters (same
    father/mother), then they share in the residue.
  • Evidence "And if a kalala man or woman (one who
    has neither ascendants nor descendants) is
    inherited from, and he (or she) has a (uterine)
    brother or (uterine) sister then for each of them
    (there is) one-sixth. But if they (uterine
    brothers and sisters) are more than that then
    they are sharers in one-third (equally)." Quran

Sons Children
  • In the absence of any daughters, their ruling is
    applicable to agnatic granddaughters (son's
    daughters). The agnatic granddaughter has been
    made a Quranic heir (sharer) by Muslim jurists by
  • RULE
  • In the case of only one grand daughter, no
    grandsons and no daughters, then her share is
  • In the case of two or more grand daughters, no
    grandsons and no daughters, then their share is
    divided equally from 2/3.
  • With granddaughter(s) and grandson(s) and no
    daughters, then the grandsons and grand daughters
    share is divided in the ratio of 21
  • Two or more daughters will totally exclude any
    granddaughters. If there is one daughter and
    agnatic granddaughters, the daughter inherits
    one-half share and the agnatic granddaughters
    inherit the remaining one-sixth, making a total
    of two-thirds.

Brothers and Sisters
  • DEFINITON Full Brother/Sisters are
    brothers/sisters from the same FATHER MOTHER
  • RULE  
  • If no full brother and no female entitled
    descendents exist (daughter, sons daughter etc.)
    then is the deceased was a male and leaves one
    full sister she inherits half the share. If he
    leaves more than one sister, then their share is
    divided equally from 2/3.
  • If no full sister and no female entitled
    descendents exist (daughter, sons daughter etc.)
    then is the deceased was a female and leaves one
    full brother he inherits the entire share.
  • With brother(s) and sisters(s) then their share
    is divided in the ratio of 21 respectively.
  • If no full brother, but female entitled
    descendents exist (daughter, sons daughter etc.)
    then is the deceased was a male and leaves one
    full sister she inherits 1/6.
  • If no full sister, but female entitled
    descendents exist (daughter, sons daughter etc.)
    then is the deceased was a female and leaves one
    full brother he inherits 1/6.
  • With brother(s) and sisters(s) then their share
    of 1/3 is divided in the ratio of 21

Consanguine Sibling
  • DEFINITON Consanguine siblings are those from
    the father but different mother.
  • RULE
  • If there is only one full sister and no
    consanguine brother then the a single consanguine
    sister will inherit half and if there are two or
    more consanguine sisters then shall receive equal
    shares from 2/3 share.
  • If there is only one full sister and consanguine
    brother(s) then their share is divided in the
    ratio of 21 respectively.
  • Note Consanguine Sisters inherit only when there
    are no son, no father, and no full brother.

True Grandmother
  • DEFINITON True Grandmother is the one whose line
    of connection with the deceased is not
    interrupted by a male between two females. E.g.
    Mothers mother, Fathers mother, Fathers
    Fathers mother, Mothers Mothers mother.
  • RULE They are entitled only if the father or
    mother do not exist and their share is 1/6.

True Grandfather
  • DEFINITON True Grandfather is the one whose line
    of connection with the deceased is not
    interrupted by a female between two males. They
    are entitled only if the Father or Mother do not
  • E.g. Fathers father, Fathers Fathers father,
    Mothers father, Mothers Fathers father.
  • RULE
  • If male descendents exist (i.e. son etc) then the
    true grandfathers share is 1/6.
  • If female descendents exist then the true
    grandfathers share is 1/6 and the residue.
  • If there are no male or females descendents then
    the true grandfathers share is the residue.

Uncles Aunts Fathers/Mothers Brothers
  • Uncles and Aunts are only entitled in the absence
    of grandparents. This means that they will
    receive shares only if there are no parents and
    grandparents because grandparents do not inherit
    when the parents are living. They will also not
    inherit if the children (or childrens children)
    of the deceased are living. Proportions for males
    and females are in ratio of 21.

Nephew Nieces (Children of Brothers/Sisters)
  • Nephews and Nieces are only entitled in the
    absence of Brothers and Sisters. This means that
    they take the shares of the Brothers/Sisters of
    the deceased in their absence. Hence a
    Nephew/Niece will receive what his/her parent
    (Brother/Sister of the deceased) would have
    received if he/she was alive. They will also not
    inherit if the children (or childrens children)
    of the deceased are living. Proportions for males
    and females are in ratio of 21.

  • Usama ibn Zayd (Allah be pleased with him)
    related that the Prophet (Allah bless him give
    him peace) said, A believer does not inherit
    from an unbeliever, and an unbeliever does not
    inherit from a believer. Bukhari and Muslim
  • Generally speaking, and this is also the majority
    view, a Muslim cannot inherit from a non-Muslim.
    Although the Hanafi fiqh does allow a Muslim to
    inherit from an apostate.
  • This is why Imam al-Tumurtashi stated, among the
    four things that prevent inheritance, And
    difference in religion. Imam al-Haskafi
    explained this as, "Between a Muslim and
    non-Muslim." al-Durr al-Mukhtar ala Tanwir
    al-Absar, 6 727

The Murderer
  • Allah's Messenger (SAWS) said, "One who kills a
    man cannot inherit from him." (Tirmidhi and Ibn
  • All the jurists agree that intentional or
    unjustifiable killing according to Shariah is a
    bar to inheritance because if such people are
    allowed to kill and then benefit from the estate
    of the victim, it will encourage incidents of

The Illegitimate Child
  • It should be noted that only relatives with a
    legitimate blood relationship to the deceased are
    entitled to inherit from the deceased under
    Islamic law. Thus, illegitimate children
    according to Islamic law and adopted children
    have no part in inheritance. Incidentally legal
    adoption as practised in the west is forbidden in

Guide to Making Your Will
  • Find an executor.
  • Look for a Muslim scholar who can give you the
    correct understanding of how the shares need to
    be divided. Inform this scholar that the executor
    will contact him at the time of your death to
    consult him about how to divide up your estate
    Islamically, burial and funeral arrangements, and
    any other issue that has to be clarified from an
    Islamic perspective with regards to your will.
  • Find two witnesses to your will.

Writing the Will
  • State that you revoke any previous wills you have
  • Mention the names of the people you want to
    execute your will.
  • The guardianship of your children.
  • The funeral and your burial.
  • Executor of the will has to pay off all debts
  • If one wishes to donate part of the estate to an
    Islamic charity this can be done through a will.
    However, Islamically one should not donate more
    than one-third of the estate to charity.
  • Say this will is going to deal with all of your
    property. From the estate the funeral expenses,
    debts, and bequest must be covered.
  • Following this, what remains will be divided up
    amongst relatives. This must be distributed
    according to Islamic law in consultation with the
    aforementioned Islamic scholar.
  • Sign last page. The witnesses should do the
  • Put the original copy of your will in a safety
    deposit box. Give copies of the will to its

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