Title: The critical zone
1The critical zone
The Critical Zone includes the land surface and
its canopy of vegetation, rivers, lakes, and
shallow seas, and it extends through the
pedosphere, unsaturated vadose zone, and
saturated groundwater zone. Interactions at this
interface between the solid Earth and its fluid
envelopes determine the availability of nearly
every life-sustaining resource.
2The four Grand Challenges facing Critical Zone
3The critical zone
- At Earths surface, a complex suite of chemical,
biological, and physical processes combines to
produce soil from bedrock and sediments within
the zone that extends from the outer limits of
vegetation to the lower limits of groundwater.
This weathering engine transforms primary
minerals, provides nutrients to nourish
ecosystems and human society, mediates the
transport of toxic components within the
biosphere, creates water flow paths that shape
and weaken bedrock, and contributes to the
evolution of landscapes at all temporal and
spatial scales. At the longest time scales, the
weathering engine sequesters CO2, thereby
influencing the global carbon cycle, long-term
climate change, and weathering rates. - --http//www.czen.org
- Geomorphic processes operate on surficial
materials not just bedrock - Definition Weathering is the disintegration and
decomposition of rocks and minerals at or near
the earth's surface as a result of physical,
chemical, and biological processes. No transport
or entrainment is considered. - Surficial materials Bedrock new
materials created by weathering resistant
materials organic debris - We divide weathering into two principal process
types, although they do not work independently - Physical (or mechanical) weathering
-disaggregation with no change in chemistry
creates surface area - Chemical weathering -alteration to cause
chemical or mineralogic changes weakens rocks - Primary controls on weathering climate
(temperature and precipitation) and geology (rock
type and distribution). - Secondary controls topography (relief and
aspect) and vegetation (changes chemistry and is
vigorous physically).
5Environmental control on weathering
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