Title: Partnerships and Local Communities: The Supported Housing Perspective
1Partnerships and Local Communities The Supported
Housing Perspective
- Tom Surrey
- Housing Care Support Division
- Communities Local Government
- 14 February 2008
2What is the SP programme?
- It is a successful cross-cutting, preventative
programme launched in 2003, to fund housing
related support - The Government has invested over 8.7bn since the
Programme began, and is a key funding stream for
tackling social exclusion - Commissioned through local partnerships between
local authorities, housing, health and probation
service - Delivered by statutory and voluntary sector
- 6,000 providers
- SP programme helps over 1m vulnerable people to
live independently each year
3Investment in Prevention
Avoiding the need for residential care
Care with support 62,000 Units 507m
Preventing homelessness rough sleeping
Preventing AE admission for frail older people
Socially Excluded 159,000 Units 821m
Independence with support 843,000 Units 315m
Teenage parent back onto path of success
Based on 2006/7 spend data
4Local Government White Paper
- Strong and Prosperous Communities set out the
Governments commitment to ensure more
flexibility and responsibility to authorities and
their partners to respond to local need and
improve the quality of life for citizens. - Supporting People will take forward this
commitment by delivering the administration grant
through Area Based Grant (ABG) from April 2008,
and conducting a real world test of delivering
the programme grant through ABG, in time for
April 2009. - Delivery through ABG will remove the ringfence
and so increase flexibility in how funds are used
to meet local needs, as set out in Local Area
Agreements, more effectively.
5Delivering in the new local government landscape
Managing Performance
- New national indicator set embeds delivery of
housing support in the mainstream. Includes two
current KPIs - NI 141 Number of vulnerable people achieving
independent living - NI 142 Number of vulnerable people who are
supported to maintain independent living - Number of other indictors that are relevant to
vulnerable people, including (but not limited to)
those relating to - domestic violence,
- alcohol harm,
- re-offending,
- worklessness,
- use of temporary accommodation and
- the satisfaction of people over 65 with their
home and neighbourhood.
6Influencing local priorities
- Evidence
- SP KPI baseline
- Audit Commission SP inspections
- Client Records and SP Outcomes set
- Service user groups can provide community voice
- Front line information on changing local needs
- Duty to involve
- Identifying local targets (i.e. non-designated
targets which can be within or outside the NI set
but will still form a full part of the LAA)
7Links with Health and Social Services (1)
- The DH White Paper Our health, our care, our say
set out the direction to achieve - better prevention and early intervention for
improved health, independence and wellbeing - more choice and a stronger voice for individuals
and communities - tackling inequalities and improving access to
services - more support for people with long term needs
- SP supports and achieves delivery of these goals,
and enables other specialised interventions to
work drug rehab programmes, health services,
employment and training
8Links with Health and Social Services (2)
- Individual Budget Pilots, composing up to 6
different income streams (including social care,
Disabled Facility Grant and Supporting People)
are well under way in 13 local authorities. - Focussed on people who need long term support
services - People with physical disabilities
- People with learning disabilities
- Older people
- Mental Health
- Aim - To put the person who is supported, or
given services, at the centre of the process and
to give them the power to decide the nature of
their own support, how the support is delivered
and who delivers it.
9Links with Health and Social Services (3)
- Integrated needs assessment - there are 3 aspects
of health and social care that housing and SP can
be aligned with - the needs assessment process and form
- support planning
- the commissioning process
- DH leading on Common Assessment Frameworks.
- We are exploring the inclusion of housing support
in this to allow a persons health, social
care and housing support needs to be assessed at
the same time. - Pilot to include SP underway in Nottingham.
10Assessing Local Needs
- Joint Strategic Needs Assessments, published by
DH in 2007. - Data, for example on local needs assessment, from
authorities 5 Year Supporting People Strategy
can be used to inform the JSNA - Cap-Gemini study research into the financial
benefits of the Supporting People programme - Investment in Supporting People services avoids
costs elsewhere, and therefore produces a net
financial benefit.
Does your Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
include Supported Housing?
11Commissioning in Partnership
- SP commissions in partnership with local
authorities, housing, health and probation
service. - 11 national Value Improvement Programme pilots
(VIPs) completed - we are now disseminating the
lessons learned from the VIP pilots 11
efficiencies, 200 return on investment. - VIP working to address conflicts and tensions
around commissioning and procurement - Encourage the adoption of good practice
approaches including use of single model
contracts for joint commissioning of service
between health and social care and SP teams
Are you including service users in your
commissioning process?
12Benefits of Supporting People
- Financial benefits - investing in packages of
support that include SP avoids costs elsewhere.
Specifically, an investment of 1.55bn produced
an estimated net financial benefit of 2.77bn - Outcomes evidence national SP Outcomes
framework developed and in use. Provides a
measure of how successful housing support
services are in meeting the needs of some of the
most socially excluded individuals in England. - E.g. 71 of people with drug problems who left
housing support service between May 31st and Sept
07 were successfully supported to better manage
their physical health. - Better services more tailored to meet local
needs and priorities.
13Discussion Points
- Assessing Local Needs
- How would you include supported housing into your
Joint strategic Needs Assessment? - Commissioning in Partnerships
- Are you considering all partners, not just named
14Find out more
- The Communities and Local Government website
- www.communities.gov.uk
- Capgemini Research http//www.communities.gov.uk/
publications/housing/supportingpeoplefinance - Supporting People Strategy
- www.spkweb.org.uk