Title: The effect of ethnic density on health
1The effect of ethnic density on health
- Laia Bécares, James Nazroo Mai Stafford
- 26th September 2008
2Odds of reporting fair or poor health compared
with White English
Controlled for age and gender
Source Health Survey for England 2004
3Health Inequalities
- Socio-economic inequalities
- Migration effects
- Culture lifestyle
- Genetic differences
- Access to and quality of healthcare
- Racial harassment and discrimination
4Racial Discrimination in the UK
- Interpersonal or institutional
- 25 of ethnic minority people fearful of racial
harassment - 20 of ethnic minority people report being
refused a job for racial reasons - 3/4 of them say it has happened more than once
- 20 of ethnic minority people believe that most
employers would refuse somebody a job for racial
Fourth National Survey on Ethnic Minorities,
Moodod et al., 1997
5Area deprivation and Health
- Segregation - social manifestation of individual
prejudices and institutional discrimination3 - Caribbean, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and to some
extent Indian people, more likely to reside in
disadvantaged wards - Neighbourhood effects associated with risk of
all-cause mortality, infant and child health,
chronic disease among adults, and health
3. Williams et al., 2000 4. Pickett Pearl, 2001
6Sample Characteristics Area Deprivation
Area Deprivation 1999 2004 HSE
7Ethnic Density Effect
- As the proportion of an ethnic minority group
increases, their health complications will
decrease5 - Associated with better mental health, better
pregnancy outcomes, reduced mortality and
morbidity - Results not consistent methodological and
measurement limitations
5. Faris Dunham, 1939 Halpern Nazroo, 2000
8Pathways between Ethnic Density Health
- UPTAP project hypothesises that ethnic density
impacts on health through - Social norms
- Buffering effect against racism
- Increased political mobility
91. Social Norms Model
Decreased likelihood that an ethnic minority
person will experience racial harassment
through Informal social
control Low tolerance against
102. Buffering Effect Model
- Social support protects from potentially
pathogenic influence of stressful events such as
discrimination - Hypothesised to act through 2 ways
- change in appraisal process of stressful event
- recognition and discussion of event with others
113. Increased Political Mobility Model
Stronger sense of community and belongingness
produces and is fuelled by increased political
mobility Better services for the community
- 1999 2004 Health Survey for England
- Fourth National Survey of Ethnic Minorities
(1993-1994) - 2005 2007 Home Office Citizenship Survey
13Ethnic Density
- From UK Census
- At ward MSOA level
- Individual ethnic group density
- Overall ethnic minority density
- Continuous
- Categorical
14Ethnic Density and Racism
15Experiences of racism by a 10 increase in own
ethnic density
Odds Ratio
Source FNS data plt.05, plt.01, plt.001
16Experiences of racism by a 10 increase in
overall ethnic minority density
Odds Ratio
Source FNS data plt.05, plt.01, plt.001
17Ethnic Density and Mental Health
18Reports of psychotic symptomatology by a 10
increase in own ethnic density
Odds Ratio
Source FNS data plt.05, plt.01, plt.001
19Reports of psychotic symptomatology by a 10
increase in overall ethnic minority density
Odds Ratio
Source FNS data plt.05, plt.01, plt.001
20Ethnic Density and Physical Health
21Reports of fair, poor or very poor health by a
10 increase in own ethnic density
Odds Ratio
Source FNS data plt.05, plt.01, plt.001
22Reports of fair, poor or very poor health by a
10 increase in overall ethnic minority density
Odds Ratio
Source FNS data plt.05, plt.01, plt.001
23Ethnic Density and Alcohol Use
24Odds of reporting current drinking by a 10
increase in own ethnic density
plt.05, plt.01, plt.001
Adjusted for age, gender, SES, area deprivation,
and generation
25Odds of reporting current drinking by a 10
increase in overall ethnic density
plt.05, plt.01, plt.001
Adjusted for age, gender, SES, area deprivation,
and generation
- Ethnic minorities who live in areas of greater
ethnic density experience less racism - Ethnic density protective of mental health and
current alcohol consumption - Ethnic density performs differently across ethnic
groups and health outcomes - Still to come political participation, social
networks and sense of community
- Protective benefits of ethnic density found but
picture still inconclusive further research - Understanding pathways behind ethnic density can
help us better understand healthy communities - Additional evidence for the detrimental impact of
racism on health
28The effect of ethnic density on health
- Laia Bécares, James Nazroo Mai Stafford
- 26th September 2008