Title: Information Technology Group Current Major BusinessTechnology Initiatives
1Information TechnologyGroupCurrent Major
Business/Technology Initiatives
- Church Benefits Association - 2005 Annual Meeting
- Clergy Financial Health Atlanta, GA
- November 29, 2005
- The purpose of the IT Group is to leverage our
business and technology experience and knowledge
to better support the missions of our
organizations. This session is a forum for
sharing ideas and information pertaining to
current initiatives, discussing and evaluating
technological trends and innovations that can add
value, and soliciting outside experience to
further augment our knowledge in new and emerging
technologies relevant to our operations.
3Our Goal To provide an overview of some
current, major business and technology
initiatives/projects underway within our
organizations. Note that Information
Technology is merely an enabler to successfully
achieving the business goals.
4Assemblies of God Ministers Benefit
Association(Jim La Vallee jlavalee_at_agfsg.org)
New master database (SalesForce.com Dec.
17) Website redesign with more daily content
changes (On-going) On-line Enrollments (Phase I
of II completed) On-line Contributions
Receipting System (early 2006)
5Assemblies of God Ministers Benefit
Association(Jim La Vallee)
- Expand Contact Center to rest of A/G Financial
(Dec. 17) - Security Audit (by May 2006)
- Next generation of statements (completed Oct.
2005) - Simplified Voice Response Unit (want to add
Spanish too)
6The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.)(Ed Driscoll edriscoll_at_pensions.org)
- Strategic Initiatives
- New Information Technology Five-Year Strategic
Plan - Secure Web Services - Member Self-Service and
Online Enrollment - Strategic Workflow Automation
- Healthcare Plan Design - Medicare Part D
- Tactical Initiatives
- Financial and CRM System Upgrades
- Network.and Office Automation Upgrades
- Blade Server Technology Implementation
- Evaluate Electronic Data Management Offsite
Hot Disk Back-up
7Christian Brothers Services(Tom Drez
- Improve Customer Services
- Implement New Avaya IP-based Phone System --
multimedia contact center - CRM System Enhancements customer
communications - Improve Operational Efficiency Effectiveness
- Implement New Avaya IP-based Phone System
- -- full voice mobility, improved BCP options
- -- new data network infrastructure to support
VoIP - Systems Security Initiative -- strive for single
signon - Strive for anything, anywhere, anyone, anytime
- Develop Key Performance Indicator Dashboards by
Functional Area - Implement Health Care Claims Imaging/OCR System
- Collaborate with other single-site CB
organizations to improve BCP
8Church of the Brethren Benefit Trust (Eric
Thompson ethompson.bbt_at_brethren.org)
- 04-05 In Review
- New Management and responsibilities
- IT has been merged in with the Finance department
- This new merged department takes on a role of
Information Systems Oversight and Operations - New Database vendors for
- Pension System (Trust Service Company)
- Credit Union System (Bradford Scotts ShareTec)
- Major Upgrades for
- Finance system (FLEXI International)
- Web Server (Linux)
- Antivirus system (Symantec)
- Unified Backup system
- Rolling 3 backup systems in to 1
9Church of the Brethren Benefit Trust (Eric
Thompson) Looking Forward
- Replace our Avaya phone system with a VoIP
solution - Moving to powered Gigabit
- Replacement of the core switch
- Developing a better IT inventory management
system - Replace our CRM system, ACT with an upgrade, or
new CRM - Look at options with outsourcing healthcare data
or replacing our current database - Updating the Disaster Prevention and Recovery
Plan (ongoing) - Online PDF data collection forms for all customer
service departments - Upgrading Online Reports for Pension members and
Foundation clients
10Church Pension Group Episcopal Church
USA(Clayton Crawley ccrawley_at_cpg.org)
- Information Technology and Support Projects
Underway and Upcoming - Company-Owned Hotsite Creation and Testing
- VoIP Telecom to Off-Site Employees
- DR/BCP Planning and Testing
- Move of Telecom and Server Room to new Location
- Create Final Spokes on Unified Database Hub
- Continue Migration to Unix, Linux, VMWare
11Church Pension Group Episcopal Church
USA(Clayton Crawley)
- Enterprise and Business Unit Projects Underway
and Upcoming - Continued Roll-out of Content Management Solution
- Continued Roll-out of Document Generation
- Implement Call Center Based on Oracle Avaya
Infrastructure - Implement Web-Based B2C Group Self Service
- Marketing and Campaign Management
12Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Board of
Pensions(Steve Willems swillems_at_elcabop.org)
- Multi-Year Business-Driven IS Strategy
- Replacement of Legacy Benefits Administration
System - Record Keeping Complete - Outsourced to ACS
(Mellon) - Enrollment Eligibility Complete - Custom
Developed .Net application - Billing Receipting Implementing iMis solution
from Advanced Solutions International. Going
live Q306. - Annuity Payments Looking to outsource during
2006. - .Net Framework / Web Services
- Web Strategy / Implementation
- Desktop Refresh / XP Rollout
- CRM Visioning
- Enterprise Reporting
13GuideStone Financial Servicesof the SBC(Rick
Hart rick.hart_at_guidestone.org)
- Investment Guidance/Advice
- Excessive Trading/Market Timing
- Update of Web and eStrategy
- Marketing Prospect Function Conceptual Design
- Health Savings/Reimbursement Account
Implementation - Medicare Part D Implementation
- Expanded Markets
- Business Intelligence
14Lutheran Church Missouri Synod(Bob Cushman
2005 in Review
- Rolled out The Churchs Plan
- Began offering an optional 403(b) TSA
- Implemented the Retiree Medical Supplement
- Changed name to Concordia Plan Services Your
LCMS Benefits Partner - Moved our retirement system to EDS
- Completed HIPAA Security Regulations
- Outsourced network security and monitoring
- Installed new telephony system (call center)
- Began tracking key IT metrics
- Implemented unstructured content management system
15Lutheran Church Missouri Synod(Bob Cushman)
Looking Ahead to 2006
- Complete Strategic Planning
- Support New Business Initiatives in our Benefit
Programs - Redesign our Web site
- Begin Developing Self-Service Capabilities
- Identify and begin tracking benchmark data within
Operations - Major upgrade of our Lawson ERP system
- Redesign imaging to support record retention
16Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board of the
ABC(Bill Siener wsiener_at_mmbb.org)
- Executive Summary
- 80 reduction in capital expenditures over the
past six years, with continued achievement in the
Cost Management component of the MMBB Balanced
Scorecard. - Capital expenditures have enabled MMBB to operate
on a 24 x 7 basis - leveraging an integrated LAN/ WAN infrastructure
- using application systems in conjunction with our
Third Party Administrators - employing a Disaster Recovery Hot Site
17Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board of the
ABC(Bill Siener)
- 2006 Business Plan
- Revise the architecture for the ABC Retirement
Plans to support generic plans with multiple
premium contributions - Development of a Data Integrity Model, resulting
in the redesign of the Member and Employer Data
Base structures - Implement the final 403 (b) Roth IRA Plan
regulations - Outsource State Tax Withholding to our Third
Party Administrator - Implement a Nortel SSL VPN Gateway for remote
access to complement the existing Nortel IP-SEC
VPN services required to support our TPAs - Enhancements to the ACT2005 server to support
client software revisions (.Net) - Upgrade of the LAN/WAN infrastructure with the
implementation of Blade servers - Implement an Internet IP-based Video Conferencing
capability in support of MMBB off-site or
Affiliate Plan meetings - Implement a Nortel Voice over IP (VOIP) soft
phones for Internet calls by remote users through
the Meridian 11C voice system
18- (Tom ONeill toneill_at_pbucc.org)
- Marketing Focus - UCC Institutions
- Expanded Insurance Benefit Offerings
- Revamped Member Education Programs
- Consolidation of Annuity Products
- Office-Wide Imaging/Workflow Solutions
- Internalize Core Website Functionality
- DR/BCP Work In Progress
- Staff Empowerment
19Seventh-day AdventistRetirement Plans(Nancy
Lamoreaux nancy.lamoreaux_at_nad.adventis.org)
20Current Initiatives(Nancy Lamoreaux)
- May 2004 started imaging all original DB service
records - New Retiree Benefit Payment software (in-house)
Delphi and SQL - January 2006 - Rewrite DB service record collector (field) in
.NET environment summer 2006 - Rewrite DB processing software (in-house)
Delphi and SQL summer 2006 - Rewrite accounting software (in-house) Delphi
and SQL fall 2006
21DB Service Record Imaging (Nancy Lamoreaux)
- 1. Employer remains custodian of the original
document and continues to send that document to a
new employer. - 2. Employer photocopies all hard copies of
original service records - 3. Employer ships photocopies of service records
to our imaging vendor - 4. Vendor scans all documents
- 5. Copies are shipped to an off-site storage
facility for long-term storage - 6. Vendor burns compact disks with the images
- 7. Retirement loads all images onto its
retrieval/storage system
22(Eileen Kane ekane_at_gbop.org)
- Implementing new technology strategy and
enterprise architecture - Piloting single sign-on and portal technologies
- Developing new reporting services solution
- Continued server consolidation
- Evaluating enterprise workflow and imaging
solution - Evaluating health administration system
23(Eileen Kane)
- Implemented SunGards Omni Annuity and DBEN
- Implementing COBIT process maturity improvements
- Implementing a new administration tool to deliver
improved functionality to Plan Sponsors via the
Web - Implementing new products and services that
require technology solutions such as - New pension plans with DC and DB components Due
January 2007 - Redesigned voluntary DC plan Due January 2006
- Financial planning and Life Stage Investment
Services Due January 2006 - New health and welfare offerings Ongoing
24(Elliott Buchholz buchholz_at_ymcaret.org)
- 2004-05 In Review
- The focus of the past year has been stabilization
and enhancement of the many new applications and
services implemented in the prior year. - Heavy focus on measuring and improving quality of
customer service - Continued push to convert all physical folders
into document imaging - Implementation of Customer Contact software to
track and measure customer contact reasons - Conversion from Checkpoint VPN to Netscreen
25(Elliott Buchholz)
- Looking Ahead 2005-06
- Conversion of retirement management system to
.Net - Applications to support new product Health
Savings Acocunts (HSA). Web-based application
for YMCAs to provide contribution information. - Applications to support new Pension Fund feature
Loans from tax-deferred (403-B) accounts. - Updates to production systems to support numerous
plan changes
26 (Elliott Buchholz)
- Looking Ahead 2005-06
- Implementation of US Postal Service approved
address validation software at point of entry - Addition of many self-service features on our web
site - Personal information updating
- Withdrawal process initiation
- Enhanced annuity calculator
27Thank You!
Resources1. CBA IT Group Section of CBA Website
(this PowerPoint presentation, the annual
Business Technology Survey, and more)2.
Contact the CBA IT Group via Tom Drez, Christian
Brothers Services at 630-378-2903 or
tom_drez_at_cbservices.org3. Feel free to contact
any group member using their eMail address as
listed on their slide(s).
- Church Benefits Association Website
- www.churchbenefitsassociation.org