HIRLAM mesoscale report - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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HIRLAM mesoscale report


verified for Danish synoptic stations. DMI monthly precipitation scores for November 2005. ... code should still work for the synoptic scale HIRLAM model system. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: HIRLAM mesoscale report

HIRLAM mesoscalereport
  • Oslo Meeting
  • 12-13 December 2005

  • 1) HIRLAM meso-scale experiences at model
    gridsizes below 10 km
  • ? What is HIRLAM physics ?
  • ? Operational or semi-operational verification
    results in
  • HIRLAM countries
  • ? Case study examples
  • ? Conclusions on HIRLAM model performance on
    meso ?-scale
  • 2) HIRLAM experiences with running IFS/ALADIN
    including status of
  • HIRLAM physics implementation.
  • ? Strategy
  • ? Examples
  • ? Conclusions

What is HIRLAM-physics ?
  • HIRLAM physics has a long tradition since late
  • Many schemes for the key physical processes have
    been tested over the years.
  • The origin of the present schemes used for
    turbulence and surface parameterisation goes back
    to Météo-France.
  • The HIRLAM turbulence scheme is a special version
    of the socalled CBR-scheme including TKE. This
    scheme has been developed for several years in
    HIRLAM context.

What is HIRLAM physics (2)
  • The HIRLAM surface scheme is a special version of
    ISBA (multi-tyle).
  • The HIRLAM project has followed an independent
    line with regard to radiation parameterisation
    and schemes for condensation, convection and
    cloud cover (STRACO, KF-RK )
  • The HIRLAM physics perform quite well and are
    very stable together with the HIRLAM
    semi-Lagrangian scheme in the HIRLAM hydrostatic
    model at resolutions down to about 5 km.

HIRLAM runs in grey zone
  • It is becoming increasingly popular to run
  • HIRLAM in the grey zone ( 3 km 8 km) both
  • tests and on a daily basis !
  • HIRLAM 5 km daily runs at INM
  • HIRLAM 5 km operational runs at DMI
  • HIRLAM 5 km daily runs at SMHI

INM 5km daily runs
  • Preliminary evaluation
  • ?subjective
  • 1) near surface winds improved compared to
    coarser mesh results.
  • 2) Low level clouds improved.
  • ?Objective
  • Most parameters when verified with
    OBS-verification show similar results, but
    marginal improvements can be seen in some upper
    air fields , e.g. T(850 hPa), RH(500 hPa)

T(850 hPa) Aug-Oct. for 0.15 deg and 0.05 deg.
models at INM
T(500 hPa) Aug-Oct 2005 for 0.15 deg and 0.05
deg. resolution models at INM
RH(500hPa ) Aug-Oct. 2005 for 0.15 deg. and 0.05
deg. models at INM
DMI operational experiences
  • 0.05 run compared to 0.15 run (40 levels) in
  • Almost always significant improvement of 10m
  • ? 2m temperatures of similar or marginally
    better quality
  • ? Precipitation scores are of similar quality
    both summer and winter (significant improvements
    in last few years)
  • NOTE that
  • OBS-verification normally favours the low
  • output !

DMI operational model areas T15, S05, Q05 in 2005
Diurnal cycle of T2m and V10m (August 2005,
Danish synop stations)
DMI operational rms/bias for T2m and V10m in
August 2005 (right) and November 2005 (left) for
Danish synoptic stations
Diurnal cycle of 2m relative humidity in August
2005 (left) and October (right) verified for
Danish synoptic stations.
DMI monthly precipitation scores for November
2005. Results of station sums are presented (T15
left, S05 right). Score based on daily
contingency tables in lower right corner (66,6 ,
67.0 respectively)
Greenland pieterak-simulation (T15 compared to
S05) Note that S05 only produce increased wind
over part of the domain, e.g. at the Pieterak
location. The strong winds were also observed
(not shown)
SMHI preliminary experience with 5 km version and
60 vertical levels using Kain-Fritsch
Rasch-Kristjansson cloud scheme
  • Similar or marginally improved scores for 2 metre
  • Similar or slightly improved score for 10 metre
  • Degraded cloud cover and also dew point (too few
  • Increasing precipitation (somewhat excessive)
  • Slightly degraded MSLP

Experimental 5km run at SMHI(preliminary nesting)
SMHI synop verification June-Sept. 2005
Meso-scale sensitivity studies of precipitation
with HIRLAM at FMI
  • Summer cases of precipitation over Finland
    have been studied at grid resolutions of 11 km,
    5.5 km and 2.8 km using HIRLAM hydrostatic model
    and HIRLAM-Tartu non-hydrostatic model.
  • A publication from 2005
  • S. Niemela and C. Fortelius
  • Applicability of Large-Scale Convection
    and Condensation Parameterization to meso-? scale
    in HIRLAM A Case Study of a Convective Event
  • Mon Wea. Rev. 133, 2422-2435, Aug. 2005

Main findings of Niemelä and Fortelius (2005)
using different versions of the STRACO scheme
including sensitivity test on the use of
resolution dependent parameterization of
  • 1) The best results are obtained with
    non-hydrostatic dynamics, with a fully grid-size
    dependent convection scheme, (e.g. triggering
    mechanism etc. ) The results for a 5 km grid
    spacing produced the best results and a radar
    reflectivity distribution that resembles the
    observed one surprisingly well !
  • 2) Experiments down to 2.8 km with no
    convection scheme (explicit condensation) cannot
    compete with experiments using full physics
    Precipitation release is too much delayed with a
    wrong model frequency distribution of
    precipitation intensity !
  • 3) The scale dependent formulations of
    convection in the grey zone is benefitial for
    the quality of the precipitation prediction, but
    the presently used formulations might be improved
    to be more optimal !

11 km small-scale convective
showers on 25 May 2001 (Finland)
5.6 km
Precipitation intensity simulations (Niemelä and
Fortelius 2005)
2.8 km
5.6 km Dynamically forced convection case 27-29
July 2004
HIRLAM physics in IFS/ALADIN Implementation
  • Adapt to existing coding practice in IFS/ALADIN
    whenever possible.
  • Adapt to existing code structures when
    interfacing HIRLAM physics.
  • Adapt to the reference system of equations of the
    new AROME forecasting system.
  • An initial implementation of HIRLAM physics
    should involve only a limited part of the physics
    in case that alternative schemes are available,
    in order to limit the efforts of first

HIRALD double nested system setupsGrid sizes
10km (outer), 2.5 km (inner)
Experiences with default ALADIN physics (Cycle
29t2, no cloud condensate variables)
  • ALADIN non-hydrostatic model with ALADIN physics
    runs stably on a daily basis for grid sizes at
    2.5 km and 40 levels in the vertical ( stable for
    60 levels ?)
  • Precipitation forecasts are sometimes noisy
    with a tendency to produce too much precipitation
    in some precipitation bands.
  • Precipitation has a problem to go across
    mountains, e.g. the Norwegian mountains.

Precipitation forecast (2.5 km) withstandard
ALADINphysic on 25 October 2005 from 6 UTC-18
HIRLAM operational model accumulated
precipitation at a grid size of 5.5 km on 25
October 2005 from 6 UTC -18 UTC.
(No Transcript)
Status of HIRLAM-physics in IFS/ALADIN
  • 1) The processes of radiation, turbulence
    and convection/condensation have all been coded,
    and have been tested to some extent. Technically,
    the convection/condensation processes have been
    most difficult because of a more complicated
    computation of pseudo-fluxes. This involves some
    overhead because the flux terms were not
    previously computed. The tendency computations of
    the physics are not eliminated since the code
    should still work for the synoptic scale HIRLAM
    model system.
  • 2) Some numerical stability problems were
    encountered during the test period after initial
    coding. Some of these problems have been caused
    by coding errors, but other problems might be
    related to the combination of different physics
    packages (ALADIN turbulence HIRLAM condensation
    and convection). Similar type of problems have
    been encountered at Meteo-France when testing the
    Lopez condensation scheme.
  • 3) Daily numerically stable runs have
    started in late november 2005 using a HIRLAM
    scheme for condensation, convection and clouds.
    The remaining physics will be included early in

6h-18h acc. precipitation from standard ALADIN
phys. run at DMI , resolution 10 km, valid at 6.
Dec 2005
6h-18h acc. precipitation from HIRLAM phys
implementation in ALADIN , valid at 6. Dec 2005
Experimental test setup (10 km hydrostatic)
,6h-12h accumulated precipitation on 1 July 2003.
(ALADIN phys)
Experimental test setup result with HIRLAM
condensation/convection (STRACO), 6h-12h
accumulated precipitation, 1 July 2003.
Conclusions (1)
  • Experience with daily runs of HIRLAM in grey
    zone shows improved results for 10m winds and
    neutral or marginally improved results for 2m
    temperature compared to coarser mesh results.
  • The results for cloud and precipitation are
    mixed, depending on the choice for the physics
  • The results of scale depending convection is
    encouraging and indicate that planned new ALARO
    physics developments have good chances to produce
    improved results for the grey zone

Conclusions (2)
  • Implementation and test of HIRLAM physics in
    IFS/ALADIN is in good progress.
  • Daily runs with HIRLAM condensation/convection
    scheme will be extended to include the HIRLAM TKE
    scheme and the radiation scheme.
  • Phasing of HIRLAM physics into IFS will be done
    at a suitable time !
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