Title: The Christian and Material Possessions
1The Christian andMaterial Possessions
2The Old Testament
- God creates a good material world, but sin
corrupts it. - The Law of Moses
- Private property is good, but
- Laws protect against its idolatrous use
- Particularly in costly sacrifices for sins
forgiveness - Particularly in the system of tithes
3The 23 1/3 Tithe of the OT
- 10 to Levites and priests for work of
tabernacle/temple (Lev. 2730-33) - 10 for festivals in which people themselves
participated (Deut. 1422-28) - Every third year for poor (Deut. 1429), but
later 3 1/3 collected annually beyond the other
two tithes
4Four Intriguing Models
- The Manna Economy (Exod. 1616-18)
- Cycles of Obedience Disobedience in Israel
- But these apply only to Israel, not other
countries - But these apply to nation as a whole, not
individuals - Righteousness, Wickedness Their Results
- Psalm 112 (but see v. 9)
- Psalm 73 (but see v. 17)
- Give Me Neither Poverty nor Riches (Prov.
5The New Testament (Gospels)
- Only Reference to Tithe is in Debate with
Jewish Leaders while Law still in force (Matt.
2323/Luke 1142) - Yet even Jesus commends diverse models during
this same period
6Luke on Wealth Stewardship
191-10 Zacchaeus Conversion The half of my
goods I give to the poor, and if I have defrauded
anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold. v. 8
1911-27 The Parable of the Pounds Why then did
you not put my money into the bank and at my
coming I should have collected it with
interest? v. 23
7The New Testament (Acts)Three Models for
Helping the Poor
61-7 The First Deacons Fund
1127-30 A Special Offering for a Special Need
8The New Testament (Paul)
- Four Key Principles from 2 Corinthians 8-9
- Sacrificial giving (81-9)
- Proportional giving (810-15)
- Accountability in giving (816-95)
- Rewards of giving (96-15)
9The NT (Other Letters and theBook of Revelation)
- Two Scary Passages (or True faith does lead to
stewardship or else!) - James 214-17
- 1 John 317-18
- One Grand Finale (or We can have it all!)
- Revelation 21-22 New heavens and new earth
- But on Gods terms and in his timing