Title: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: No Longer Disorderly
1Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder No
Longer Disorderly!
2Meet Jimmy!
Jimmy is a hyperactive student who has fallen
through the cracks he is in the 11th grade and
cannot multiply or dividehis ability to graduate
is threatened because he cannot pass the math
proficiency. He has managed to slide through
classes with a minimum passing grade by writing
in numbers and promptly acting out to become
expelled from the classroom
3What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
- ADHD is characterized by symptoms of
- Inattention
- Impulsivity
- Hyperactivity
4ADHD Symptoms must have
- Occurred before age 7
- Exist in two or more settings
- Persist for at least six months
- Be abnormal for the childs age
ADHD is diagnosed through assessment surveys
5What is class work like if a student has ADHD?
Imagine the surf button on a TV remoteone
brief image is seen, then another, and another,
on and on, endlessly! It is nearly impossible to
concentrate on any one channel because you become
distracted when the channel changes. That is
class work for an ADHD student!
6History of ADHD
- William James, effort of the will
- George Still, New class of sick children
- Russell Barkley, Father of ADHD
George Still
Russell Barkley
William James
7- Exact causes are unknown
- ADHD brains work differently
8- 1.5-3.5 million school-age children are affected
by ADHD - For every 5 boys, only 2 girls have ADHD
- More than a million of these children are on
medication - 60 of those afflicted have symptoms that last
into adulthood
9Treatment of ADHD Medication
- Stimulants
- 70-80 chance of alleviating symptoms
- Side effects insomnia, loss of appetite,
headaches, stomach aches, irritability, and
negative mood. - 3 severe enough to discontinue medication
- Liver problems
- Kidney problems
- Antidepressants
- Prescribed when Stimulants do not work or there
is a concurrent mood disorder - Improves attention span, energy level, esteem,
irritability - Side effects sleepiness, dry mouth, constipation
- Antihypertension medication
- Calming effect
- Takes one month to begin to work
10Treatment of ADHD Focus Training
- Proven to be the most lasting treatment
- Define Goals
- Strict organization
- Clearly defined
- Reasonably set
- Work Toward Goals
- Small pieces to work toward the whole
- Complete one step at a time
11Working With ADHD Children
- Strategies for Accommodating include
- Accept a higher level of activity
- Provide a sanctuary away from distraction
- Avoid triggers of hyperactive behavior
- Use kinesthetic/tactual means of teaching
- Avoid deadlines
- Mark the students CORRECT/acceptable work, NOT
the mistakes - Dwell on the positive
- Provide encouragement
12- Tips for Handling Impulsive Behavior
- Remove from situations, behavior will not shape
up - Establish rules by priority
- Establish Routine
- Handle inappropriate behavior promptly
- Use rewards for good behavior
- Focus on the successes
13What happened to Jimmy?
Fortunately, this story has a happy ending!
Finally, an OWE teacher realized Jimmys dilemma.
This teacher employed focus training techniques
to allow Jimmy to have small victories in
multiplication and division. Those small steps
gave Jimmy the confidence to ultimately pass the
math proficiency and graduate on time!
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