Title: Status of FrenchSpanish Scientific Collaborations on Nuclear Physics
1Status of French-Spanish Scientific
Collaborations on Nuclear Physics
Bilateral IN2P3-MICINN Agreement Meeting 12-13
January, 2009, Madrid
Jose L. Tain (IFIC-Valencia)
http//www.fnuc.es Coordinator of the Spanish
Nuclear Physics Network
2The overall picture (as to 2006)
- 20 groups
- 215 physicists (119 tenured track)
- Theory 101, Exper. 114
3GFNT- IEM Madrid
MĂ©todos analĂticos y numĂ©ricos exactos en FĂsica
Nuclear y otros sistemas fuertemente
- IEM-CSIC Jorge Dukelsky
- GANIL Marek Ploszajczak, Piet Van Isacker
- Period 2003-2008
- Most relevant publications
- Density matrix renormalization group approach for
many-body open quantum systems. - J. Rotureau, N. Michel, W. Nazarewicz, M.
Ploszajczak, y J. Dukelsky. - Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 110603.
- Exact Solution of the Isovector Neutron-Proton
Pairing Model. - J. Dukelsky, V. G. Gueorguiev, P. Van Isacker, S.
Dimitrova, B. Errea y S. Lerma H. - Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 072503.
Some results
4GFNT, U. Salamanca
Constituent quark model description of mesons
- F. Fernandez, GFN, U. Salamanca
- B. Sivestre-Brac, LPSC, U. J. Fourier, Grenoble
Period 1999-2006
Relevant publications
- Nature of the light scalar mesons J. Vijande,
A. Valcarce, F. Fernández, and B. Silvestre-Brac
Phys. Rev. D 72, 034025 (2005) - Extended van
RoyenWeisskopf formalism for leptonantilepton
meson decay widths within nonrelativistic quark
models Nuclear Physics A, 699 (2002) 690 L. A.
Blanco, R. Bonnaz, B. Silvestre-Brac, F.
Fernández, A. Valcarce - 3P0 study of meson
decays in a chiral quark model Nuclear Physics A,
683 (2001) 425 R. Bonnaz, L. A. Blanco, B.
Silvestre-Brac, F. Fernández, A. Valcarce
5GFN U. Autonoma Madrid
Nuclear Structure and Double Beta-decay
- A. Poves and J. Menendez
- Departamento de Fisica Teorica e IFT, UAM-CSIC,
Madrid - F. Nowacki, E. Caurier y A. P. Zuker
- IPHC, IN2P3-CNRS,ULP, Strasbourg
- Period 2004-2008
- Research subjects
- - Nuclear shell structure and shape
coexistence - - Nuclear shell closure quenching at N28
- - Nuclear spectroscopy
- - Nuclear matrix elements for 2?-decay
Some results
6IFIC Valencia
Nuclear aspects of dense stellar systems
- Jesus Navarro, IFIC-Valencia
- Nguyen Van Giai, IPN-Orsay
Period 2004, 2005, 2007
Relevant publications - J. Margueron, J. Navarro
y P. Blottiau Nuclear liquid-gas phase
transition and supernovae evolution, Physical
Review C70, 028801 (2004)- J. Margueron, Nguyen
Van Giai y J. Navarro,Nuclear response functions
in homogeneous matter with finite rangeeffective
interactions, Physical Review C72, 034311
(2005)- J. Margueron, Nguyen Van Giai y J.
NavarroEffects of spin-orbit interaction on
nuclear response and neutrino mean freepath,
Physical Review C74, 015805 (2006)- J.
Margueron, J. Navarro, Nguyen Van Giai y P.
Schuck Continued fraction approximation for the
nuclear matter response function,Physical Review
C77, 064306 (2008)
7GFNT, U. Barcelona
Density matrix expansion and effective nuclear
interactions for Hartree-Fock and pairing fields
- Xavier Vinyes, GFNT, U. Barcelona
- Peter Schuck, IPN Orsay
- (also J.Dulelsky IEM-Madrid, L.M. Robledo, U.A.
Period 2000 - 2008
Research subject - Nuclear structure -
Semi-classical approaches - New energy density
Some results
8GFNE-IEM, Madrid
1) Nuclear structure on NZ nuclei around A70
- M.J.G. Borge, IEM-Madrid
- Ch. Miehe, IRES-Strasbourg
Period 1994-2004
2) High resolution spectroscopy in actinides
- O. Tengblad, IEM-Madrid
- A. Lopez-Martens, CSNSM-Orsay
Period 2003-2004
3) Study of beta delayed charged particle
- M.J.G. Borge, IEM-Madrid
- B. Blank, CENBG-Bordeaux
Period 2004-2008
Some results
9GENP, U. Santiago de Compostela
- 1) Study of direct reactions with active targets
- D. Cortina (U. Santiago),
- P. Roussel-Chomaz/R.Raabe(GANIL-Caen)
- Period 2004-2008
- 2) n_ToF PPAC development. Fission studies
- I. Durán (U. Santiago)
- L. Tassan (IPN-Orsay)
- Period 2009?
- 3) New generation calorimeters for FAIR/SPIRAL II
(scintillation crystals and photosensors) - I. Durán (U. Santiago)
- J.A Scarpaci/ J. Pouthas (IPN-Orsay)
- Period 2006-2008
Some results
10GEM, U. Huelva
- 1) Direct nuclear reactions with exotic beams
- I. Martel (U. Huelva)
- CEA-Bruyères-le-Châtel, GANIL, IPN-Orsay,
CEA-Saclay, IHPC-Strasbourg - Period 2007-2008
- 2) Phase coexistence, phase transitions.
Dynamical symmetries (theory) - J.E. Garcia-Ramos (U. Huelva)
- P. van Isacker (GANIL-Caen)
Some results
11CNA, Sevilla
- 1) Identification and role of metals in neuronal
cells in the Parkinson disease - Miguel A. Respaldiza (CNA - Sevilla)
- Richard Ortega (U. Bordeaux)
- Period 2005-2006
Some results
- 1) Oxidation and damage of SiC induced by heavy
ions - Javier Garcia-Lopez (CNA - Sevilla)
- Period 2004-2005
12GEG-IFIC, Valencia
- Exotic nuclei
- B. Rubio (IFIC-Valencia)
- M. Marquez (LPC-Caen)
- Period 2004-2008
- Research subjects
- - GT strength with ?-decay at GANIL an (3He,t) at
Osaka - - Neutron detectors
Some results
13GEM, U. Huelva / GFN, U. Granada
- Beta decay precision experiments with a Paul trap
- Daniel Rodriguez (U. Huelva / U. Granada)
- Oscar Naviliat (LPC-Caen)
- Period 2007- 2008
Some results
14GFN, U. Complutense, Madrid
Nucleon form factors in nuclei
- J.M. Udias, J.R. Vignote
- GFN, U. Complutense, Madrid
- E. Voutier
- LPSC, U. Joseph Fourier CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble
Period 2006-2008
Subject - Analysis of the E89-044 experiment
performed at JLAB (USA)
15Some future collaborations
Spiral2 DESIR (Technical Design Report) CIEMAT
Madrid neutron spectroscopy IEM Madrid particle
spectroscopy, high-resolution and total
absorption ?-ray spectroscopy U. Huelva particle
spectroscopy U. Complutense fast timing
spectroscopy IFIC Valencia high-resolution and
total absorption ?-ray spectroscopy GASPARD
(Letter of Interest) U. Huelva particle
spectroscopy U. Sevilla beams tracking and
particle spectroscopy U. Santiago active targets
and calorimeters ALTO IFIC Valencia
high-resolution and total absorption ?-ray