Title: CRM update for FOI
1Rick Newson CAA Safety Regulation Group
2AOC Oversight Methodology
- Check C Cabin Check
- Check D Document Check
- Check F Flight Check
- Check G Ground Check
- Check M Manual Check
- Check R Ramp Check
- Check T Training Check
- Annual Audit
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7A Challenging Time
- 210 AOCs 30 Suspended or Revoked
- AOC Charging scheme introduces staged increases
- Fuel charges
- recession effects
.is CRM core business??
8What do I do as a Single Pilot Operator?
9- What is a single pilot operator?
- Any aircraft below 5700 kg certified
- for single pilot operations
- 20,000 Commercial Pilots, 5,000 in
- Single Pilot Ops
- Might be multi-crew
10Is CRM relevant to me??
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13Aircrew accidents by type
Flight International 2002
14Think Aeroplane Think Multi-pilot
15Then take ownership CAP 737 Workload
management Error management Decision
making Communication Situational
Awareness Health
16..training to be conducted by suitably
qualified personnel
CRMI - Ground CRMI Sim/Base CRMI Line
What Who Initial course - CRMI
Ground Annual recurrent training - CRMI
Ground All subjects of an initial course
covered over 3 years
3rd Party courses with certification Shared
company courses common operating
18Who qualifies CRMI Ground?
A CRMIE Ground Either an industry CRMIE or CAA
FOTI observing an initial ground course
reporting Observation..CAA rarely see a failure
Who qualifies the CRMIE Ground?
CAA FOTI or member of the CRM Advisory Panel by
observation of accreditation process for
initial or revalidation of CRMI.
19In the Air (Base)
20Conversion training and OPC
TRE is sat in the other seat Look for the golden
nuggets without allowing a dangerous situation
to develop Facilitate where appropriate Formal
assessment of CRM skills through
behavioural markers Various types but keep it
simple Sell self assessment, and share it
21In the simulator
More controlled and safe to allow development of
a CRM failing
22Observation..A significant number of Simulator
Training providers outside UK un-qualified in
CRM instruction or assessment
SFE/TRE without the UK qual
If Company nominated then know the SOPs use that
companys behavioural marker system
23The line check
24Proved challenging
All LTCs need to be CRMI Line CRMI Line have
the knowledge specified for the role have the
necessary instructional skills be able to
evaluate and assess CRM performance be able to
facilitate a constructive debrief
25- Single pilot types have limited space for CRMIE,
- as well as pilot and line checker, hence
- Best achieved through workshop
- Can be multiple aircraft types
- Similar operations
- Video material for debriefing and NOTECH use
26Current observations of SP CRM in
industry Lighter aircraft have become more
complex, 3/4 axis autopilots, EFIS, FADEC, TCAS,
TAWS, EGPWS, EFB.loss of SA Poor decision
making cited in a number of accidents/incidents W
e need to be focusing more on SP CRM issues.
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