Title: Legal and Ethical Implications of GPS Vulnerabilities
1Legal and Ethical Implications of GPS
The Second International Conference on Legal,
Security and Privacy issues in IT (LSPI) 2007,
December 5-7, 2007, Beijing, China
Muhammad Usman Iqbal Samsung Lim The University
of New South Wales
School of Surveying Spatial Information
Systems The University of New South Wales,
2What is GPS (GNSS)
- A 24 X 7 Radio-navigation System
- Currently 31 satellites (requires 24 for the
constellation to function) in Space Segment - User requires visibility to at-least 4 satellites
for PVT. - Primarily a military navigation system !!
3Info-mobility and GNSS
4GPS Vulnerabilities
Volpes Report
Unintentional Interference
Intentional Interference
RF Interference
5Intentionally Introduced
Editable Log
Insecure Storage
6Legal and Ethical Scenarios
- Surveillance
- LEA (Law Enforcement Agencies)
- Curious/Suspicious Spouses
- Monitoring of ex-offenders
- Financial Circumstances
- Congestion Charging
- GPS-based Insurance
- Speeding Offences
- Workplace
- Tracking of Goods
- Resource Management
7Location data as evidence
- Fundamentally accepted generally valid!!!
- United States vs. Knotts
- Beeper attached to chloroform container
- No warrant used when conducting surveillance
- Augmentation to sensory faculties
- United States vs. Garcia
- Ex-offenders vehicle tracked
- Led to filing of charges
- Again, no warrant obtained
8Location data
- Tracking by curious spouse
- Surreptitiously installed
- This evidence was used by LEA
- Charges were filed
- Is there a possibility to frame the person?
- Controlled rehabilitation
- Ex-offenders
- Overcrowded prisons
- Would they want to cheat ubiquitous surveillance?
9GNSS-based Road Charging
Would financial incentives motivate people to
explore these vulnerabilities?
10GPS evidence for Speeding Offences
- Sets a legal precedent of GPS admissibility in
NSW courts - Led to charges being dropped and fines overturned
- Cant GPS logs be edited?
11Work-related Location Surveillance
Tracking and real-time job assignment (e.g.
taxis) But is it OK to track them without their
knowledge Would it motivate employees to lie?
12Experiment Prove GPS wrong
13Editing GPS Log
14Edited Output
15Edit Data on GPSs Flash Memory
16Spoof Attack
GPS Reradiator
GPS Simulator
17Attack Summary
18Concluding Remarks
- GPS is a radio-navigation system and has many
vulnerabilities - Reviewed legal and commercial scenarios
- Judicial reasoning assumes that GPS technology is
reliable - Demonstrated that there is over-reliance on GPS
- Requires a policy shift
- This work is supported by Omnilink Pty Ltd.
20Thank you for your time!