Pre-Functionalism 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pre-Functionalism 1


b) enables reaffirmation of commitment to shared norms. c) opportunity for collective cohesion ... Teleology (problem of purposeful causes): giraffes and tall trees ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pre-Functionalism 1

Pre-Functionalism 1
  • MARX Substructure and Superstructure
  • Superstrucural institutions are organised in
    such a way as to maintain the economic
    relationships of the base. That is, the
    superstructure is functional for the base e.g.
  • a) Media individualises problems
  • b) Law protects private property
  • c) Religion provides comfort for the
  • disadvantaged

Pre-Functionalism 2
  • DURKHEIM Functions and social order
  • Actions have unexpected outcomes that
  • help maintain the social system e.g.
  • the functions of deviance
  • a) identifies the normative boundaries
  • b) enables reaffirmation of commitment to
    shared norms
  • c) opportunity for collective cohesion
  • d) experiment with new social forms

What does FUNCTION mean?
  • The consequence for a social system of a social
    occurrence where this occurrence is regarded as
    making an essential contribution to the working
    and maintenance of this system
  • Jary Jary Collins Dictionary of Sociology

The Theory of Structural Functionalism
  • Talcott Parsons (1902-1979)
  • 3 Important Facts
  • Parsons was initially trained as a biologist
  • His dad was a Professor of English
  • He got an obituary in the PJ

Forms of Understanding
  • Analysis
  • the division of a physical or abstract whole
    into its constituent parts to examine or
    determine their relationship
  • Synthesis
  • the process of combining objects or ideas into
    a complex whole
  • Source Collins Concise Dictionary
  • Structural functionalism is synthesis it shows
    how individual parts fit into the social whole
    the system

Parsons The System of Reality
  • Human existence is composed of1. Physical
    reality (matter)
  • 2. Biological reality (life)
  • 3. Social reality (action)4. Spiritual reality

Parsons Action Frame of Reference
  • Resources (means)
  • Goals (ends)
  • Persons (actors)
  • Values (purposes)

The Unit Act
  • PERSON selects appropriate RESOURCES to
    reach desired
  • GOALS justified by dominant
  • There is the assumption that rational
    calculation links these elements together re
  • Person is not equivalent to individual.
  • Collectivities are persons

Conditions of Action
  • Possibility of action is dependent upon the
  • The acceptability of action is dependant upon the
  • The orientation of action is dependant upon the
  • The continuity of action is dependant upon its
  • the STRUCTURE (framework) of action

  • System is the concept that refers to a complex
    of interdependencies between parts, components
    and processes that involves discernible
    regularities of relationship and to a similar
    type of interdependency between such a complex
    and its surrounding environment

Society as System of Action
  • Society system of mutual interdependence of
    action units through exchange
  • e.g.
  • Family ?? Education ?? Work ?? State

  • The function of an action unit is whatever it
    contributes to the maintenance of the overall
    system of action.

Functional Pre-requisites (Institutions)
  • AGIL
  • Adaptation (economy)
  • Goal attainment (polity)
  • Integration (community)
  • Latency (cultury)
  • Note the parallel to the system of reality

Function and Structure
  • Function
  • What any action unit contributes to the
    production of
  • Adaptation,
  • Goal-attainment,
  • Integration,
  • Latency
  • System
  • through utilising the output of other action

Action as Exchange
  • Therefore social action is the exchange of
    essential resources among interdependent action
  • What one action unit requires to perform its
    function is provided by other action units
  • school and work

  • 'Theoretical approach in which societies are
    conceptualised as social systems and particular
    features of social structures are explained in
    terms of their contribution to the maintenance of
    these systems e.g. religious ritual explained in
    terms of the contribution it makes to social
  • Source Jary Jary Collins Dictionary of

Biological Metaphor 1
  • Hinduism social order as the body of Brahma
  • St. Paul the church as the body of Christ

Biological Metaphor 2
  • re Parsons training as a biologist
  • Think of society as we would think of a
    biological organism a unity composed of mutually
    interdependent parts.
  • re Durkheim on organic solidarity
  • Society, like an organism in nature, becomes more
    differentiated in terms of social structure
    through evolutionary change
  • Abercrombie et al Penguin Dictionary of Sociology
    (re Parsons Societies)

Function and change
  • Argument structural functionalism can only
    explain things as they are, therefore cannot
    explain change therefore is conservative i.e.
  • Counter-argument change is part of any
    functioning social system. That is, change is
    adaptation to new circumstances re Marx on change
    in the mode of production.

Social Change and Social Exchange
  • Social Change is change in the frequency and
    significance of exchange among action units
  • Instance
  • Secularisation is the process through which
    functional exchange between religion and other
    action units diminishes

(Problems of ) Functional Explanation
  • Function (after the action in order to)
  • Cause (before the action because)
  • Teleology (problem of purposeful causes)
  • giraffes and tall trees
  • Human beings have purposes does society?

Function and Purpose
  • The term is not quite a synonym for
    consequence or purpose but combines elements
    of bothFunctional consequences are not mere
    accident. Rather it is because these consequences
    are beneficial for the system .. that the action
    occurs or the institution exists. Hence functions
    have a purpose but it is not necessary for
    functionalism that actors be conscious of the
    functions of their actions
  • Source Bruce Yearly Sage Dictionary of
  • (emphasis added)

Durkheim on Functional explanation
  • When, then, the explanation of a social
    phenomenon is undertaken, we must seek separately
    the efficient cause which produces it and the
    function it fulfils. We use the word function
    in preference to end or purpose precisely
    because social phenomena do not generally exist
    for the useful results they produce
  • Source Durkheim The rules of sociological
    method (1938) p.96 Italics added

Adapting the model
  • From biology society as integrated system
  • To cybernetics society as learning system
  • Science of systems of control and communications
    in animals and machines
  • Source Oxford English Dictionary
  • e.g. thermostatic control, sweat reflex

Feedback Loop
  • In a system where a transformation occurs, there
    are inputs and outputs. The inputs are the result
    of the environment's influence on the system, and
    the outputs are the influence of the system on
    the environment. Input and output are separated
    by a duration of time, as in before and after, or
    past and present.

  • In every feedback loop, as the name suggests,
    information about the result of a transformation
    or an action is sent back to the input of the
    system in the form of input data. If these new
    data facilitate and accelerate the transformation
    in the same direction as the preceding results,
    they are positive feedback - their effects are
    cumulative. If the new data produce a result in
    the opposite direction to previous results, they
    are negative feedback - their effects stabilize
    the system. In the first case there is
    exponential growth or decline in the second
    there is maintenance of the equilibrium..The
    examples are numerous chain reaction, population
    explosion, industrial expansion, capital invested
    at compound interest, inflation, proliferation of
    cancer cells. However, when minus leads to
    another minus, events come to a standstill.
    Typical examples are bankruptcy and economic
    depression. In either case a positive feedback
    loop left to itself can lead only to the
    destruction of the system, through explosion or
    through the blocking of all its functions. The
    wild behaviour of positive loops - a veritable
    death wish - must be controlled by negative
    loops. This control is essential for a system to
    maintain itself in the course of time.
  • Source Principia Cybernetica Web,

Positive Social Feedback Loop
  • MORAL PANIC (Cohen Taylor)
  • This expression refers to the alleged
    over-reaction of the mass media, police and local
    community leaders to the activities of particular
    social groups which are relatively trivial, both
    in terms of the nature of the offence and the
    number of people involved
  • Source Abercrombie et al Penguin Dictionary of

  • the tendency of a system to maintain internal
    stability, equilibrium, owing to the coordinated
    response of its parts to any situation that tends
    to disturb its normal condition.

Social Order as Dynamic Equilibrium
  • The condition of a system that maintains a state
    of balance among its parts through continuous
    motion and change e.g. a gyroscope
  • that is change and order are not opposed
    social change maintains the social order through
    the adaptive capacity of the social system.
  • Is society an intelligent system that learns?

  • Combining the models (biology cybernetics)
  • Developing evolutionary stages are dominated by a
    particular functional pre-requisite. This is
    based on the cybernetic principle that as a
    system develops so mass is replaced by
    information e.g. computers
  • Hence
  • Adaptation ? Goal Attainment ? Integration ?
  • Postmodernity as the information age knowledge
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