Title: Paris Psalter. David composing the Psalms, folio 1 verso
1Paris Psalter. David composing the Psalms, folio
1 verso c960 Byzantine (Constantinople) Illuminat
ed Manuscript on vellum Paris, Bibliotheque
Nationale de France
2Paris Psalter. The Women of Israel dance before
Saul and David, folio 8 c960, Byzantine Illuminate
d Manuscript Bibliothèque nationale de France
3Paris Psalter, Prayer of Isaiah 10th century,
Byzantine Illuminated Manuscript Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
4Joshua Casket, Joshua Condemning the King of
Ai. 10th century, Middle Byzantine Ivory, traces
of polychromy, gilding bone (border strips) New
York, Metropolitan Museum of Art
5Joshua Roll. Sheet 10. Defeat of the Men of
Ai c950, Byzantine tempera, gold, vellum Rome,
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV)
6Joshua Roll. Sheet 11. Joshua Condemning the King
of Ai c950, Byzantine tempera, gold, vellum Rome,
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV)