Title: Segmented Band Mechanism for Itinerant Ferromagnetism
1Segmented Band Mechanism for Itinerant
- J. E. Gubernatis1 and C. D. Batista1
- J. Bonca2
- 1Los Alamos National Laboratory
- 2J. Stefan Institute and FMF, University of
PRB, 63, 184428 (2001) PRL, 88, 187203 (2002)
- New model of itinerant ferromagnetism.
- Realization in the periodic Anderson model.
- Numerical results.
- Relevance to experiment.
- Concluding remarks.
3Features of the New Mechanism
- Explicit exchange forces are absent.
- Band features are important.
- Two bands are involved.
- Hybridzation is essential.
- Spin alignment occurs via the same physics as a
Hunds coupling. - Compensation of local moment is a property of a
restricted set of band states and not a
consequence of Kondo compensation. - The mechanism disappears in infinite dimensions.
4Periodic Anderson Model
- The Hamiltonian
- Two bands (U0)
5Familiar Mechanism
- Local moment regime V ?? td ?? ?f ? EF,
tf 0 (f orbital below the d band), fourth-order
canonical transformation yields - JRKKY V4 td2/U 5, very small
6Some Observations U0, V?? W ?f
- Mixed valent regime
- Two subspaces in each band.
- Predominantly d or f character.
- Size of cross-over region ? V²/W.
- Very small.
7New Mechanism
- Take U 0,
- EF ? ?f and in lower band.
- Electrons pair.
- Set U ? 0.
- Electrons in mixed valent state spread to
unoccupied f states and align. - Anti-symmetric spatial part of wavefunction
prevents double occupancy. - Kinetic energy cost is proportional to ?.
8New Mechanism
- A nonmagnetic state has an energy cost ? ? to
occupy upper band states needed to localize and
avoid the cost of U. - Ferromagnetic state is stable if ? ?? ?.
- TCurie ? ?
- By the uncertainty principle, a state built from
these lower band f states has a restricted
extension. - Not all ks are used.
9New Mechanism
- Mechanism for partial saturation of effective
moment, - Moment is compensated within electrons in the d-
band - Absence of mechanism in infinite dimension,
- In infinite dimension the correlated band is
reduced to an impurity level in an effective
10Typical Numerical Results
11Finite size scaling
12Stability of FM vs. - finite size analysis
13Stability of FM state vs. U
14Stability of FM state vs. V
15Numerical Consistency
- Observed ferromagnetic behavior in the mixed
valent regime of the periodic Anderson model is
consistent with this mechanism. - In 1, 2 and 3 dimensions, ground-state is found
by the Constrained-Path Monte Carlo method. - In one dimension phase diagram agrees
qualitatively with the one in calculated by DMRG. - Key Quantity The electron density ?n(k)?
projected onto the ? and ? states mirrors that of
the mechanism.
16Numerical Consistency 1D
17Numerical Consistency 2D
18Experimental Relevance
- Ternary Ce Borides.
- CeRh3B2 highest TCurie (115oK) of any Ce
compound with nonmagnetic elements. - Small magnetic moment.
- Unusual magnetization and TCurie as a function of
(chemical) pressure. - Hexaborides ?
- Effective mass change, coexistence of localized
and itinerant electrons, - Uranium chalcogenides (UxXy , X S, Se, or Te).
- Some properties similar to Ce(Rh1-x Rux)3B2
19Phase Diagram of Ce(Rh1-xRux)3B2
St. Berger et al. PRB,64 134404 (2001).
- Volume shrinks as a function of x.
- Increasing x lowers M and TCurie
- Peak in M mirrored by peak in Cp
- Raising T initially increase ordering and ordered
state has more entropy. - Similar effect seen in uranium chalcogenides.
- Reduction of M.
- If CeRh3B2 is in a 4f-4d mixed valent state and
EF ? ?f, TCurie ? ?. - With Ru doping, EF lt ?f , ? increases, and
eventually ? ?. - Different mechanism, eventually RKKY, dominates.
- Peak in Cp
- Thermal excitations will promote previously
paired electrons into highly degenerate aligned
S.A. Shaheen et al., Prb, 31 656 (1985)
- Volume expands as a function of x.
- Increasing increases M and lowers TCurie
23Ce(M1-xXx)3 B2 CeRh3(N1-yYy)2
A.L. Cornelius, PRB 49, 3955 (1994)
24Concluding Remarks
- Proposed mechanism steps beyond past approaches.
- Coulomb interaction Fermi statistics band
features. - Band features set multiple energy scales and
create a novel opportunity for itinerant
ferromagnetism. - Mechanism operates in a well known lattice model.
- Established by non-perturbative (not discussed)
analytical and numerical studies. - Mechanism appears qualitatively relevant for some
f (and d) electron materials. - Some important features
- Predicts Hi Tc, in a metallic state
- Unusual magnetization and TCurie as a funtion of
(chemial) pressure - Effective mass change at TCurie
- FM state consists of itinerant and localized
electrons and also polarized and non-cpolarized
25Concluding Remarks
- Stability of ferro-magnetic state
- Adding non-zero tf can stabilize (or destroy)
the ferromagnetic state. - Appearance of anti-ferromagnetic state
- Adding non-zero tf can generate an anti-
ferromagnetic state. - Antiferromagnetism otherwise occurs only when
there is nesting.