Title: Managing Risk in eCommerce
1Managing Risk in e-Commerce
Ted Lewry - DB Europe
- The e-Commerce Opportunity
- Obstacles to the Adoption of e-Commerce
- Overcoming the Obstacles
- Imperatives for Transition Economies
3Projected U.S. B2B e-Commerce Revenue the
2.7 Trillion
1.1 Trillion
400 Billion
Source Forrester Research, Inc., 02/00
4E-commerce Conducted through Multi-Sellers in
Will facilitate over 400 Billion worth of B2B
goods and services
Food and Agriculture
Computing and Electronics
Non-Production (MRO)
Motor Vehicles
Shipping and Warehousing
Pharmaceutical and Medical
Business Travel
Consumer Goods
Source Bear Stearns, 12/99
5Obstacles to the Adoption of e-Commerce
- Authentication of buyers and sellers
- Privacy and protection of information
- Fraud and misrepresentation
- Reliability of trading partnersThese obstacles
are heightened in a B2B trading environment by
the involvement of both - Business entities
- Individuals within the business entities
6Managing e-Commerce Risks
- How do we know that the buyer or seller on the
other side of the Web is - Who they claim to be?
- Authorised to represent the business in the
capacity they claim? - How do we know that the buying or selling
business is - Who they claim to be?
- Authorised to distribute the brand you know?
- Creditworthy?
7Managing e-Commerce Risks
- Need to authenticate the credentials of the
signers of electronic contracts - Verify the identity of the other party - and
their authority - Be confident that the integrity of the electronic
contract has not been comprised - Be sure that the other party cannot repudiate the
transaction - Qualify that the other party will deliver/pay for
the goods or service
8Identity Instruments
- User ID Passwords
- Involve pre-registration
- Liable to misuse
- Corporate Credit or Purchase Card
- Satisfy the need for individual and enterprise
authentication qualification - Likely to only be used within certain transaction
size parameters - Unlikely to displace open lines of credit
9Identity Instruments
- Digital Certificates
- Software files that reside in your Internet
browser and e-mail software - Contain information that uniquely identifies you
and your organisation - Data is encrypted to prevent tampering and ensure
confidentiality - Smart Cards
- A tamper-proof chip-based card that contains both
identification details and payment instruments. - Can contain Digital Certificates that can be
revoked in the event of loss, theft or misuse
10Benefits of Digital Certificates
- Provide security through -
- Authentication ...of identity
- Integrity ...has not been altered
- Non-Repudiation ...inability to deny
- Confidentiality ...tamper-proof
11Digital Certificate Landscape
- Modest adoption to date
- 9 million digital certificates were issued 1997
thro 1999 in N America and 25 million globally. - Moderate growth over next three years
- Projected issuance over the next three years is
115 million in N. America and 204 million
globally - Global Market Leaders (1999)
- Server Certificates Client Certificates
Verisign, 81 Market Share - Leader Entrust - Entrust, 12
- Thawte, 7 (now owned by VeriSign)
Source Giga Research, 08/31/99
- A company of the Dun Bradstreet Corporation
formed in 1999 - Created to
- Form strategic alliances with Digital Certificate
issuers - Provide trusted and precise business credentials
inside electronic commerce transactions - Drive new product innovation
13Digital Certificates. . . How eccelerate.com
Adds Value
Step 2 Authentication Verification
Step 1 Registration
Step 3 Issue DUNS Embedded Certificate
Authenticate Company
Verify Employment
Certificate Enrollment
Name John Smith
Co. Name ABC Inc.
Address 123 Main Ave.
City New York
State NY
ZIP 10012
- E-mail to applicant with URL link to retrieve
approved digital certificate
Phone (212) 111-1111
- Verification
- Telephone
- confirmation to
- verify applicants
- employment
- Verify applicant as
- an authorized
- company
- representative
- Authentication
- Business entity
- match against
- DBs global
- database
- Map to DB
- D-U-N-S number
- Registration
- Annual customer application
14Qualifying Trading Partners
Enabling Real-Time, Smart Decisions _at_ the time of
Transparent Marketplace Login
eccelerate Certificate Validation
Extract DUNS from Certificate
Retrieve DB Data
Execute Customized Decision Rule
15Imperatives for Transition Economies
- In order to compete and participate in the B2B
e-commerce world it is vital to - Ensure efficient communications networks and
Internet infrastructures are in place - Make information on businesses transparent, to
enable authentication credit verification
vendors to operate - Facilitate growth of open account transactions
through de-regulation of banking and customs
16Its Happening..
By 2003, Deloitte projects B2B sales will be six
times as large as the business to consumer
IDC anticipates that small businesses will play a
substantial role in online trade, representing 30
percent of worldwide commerce by 2003.
Within the next two years, more than 90 of
companies that sell goods to other companies will
be transacting business on the Web - Forrester.
..will you be ready?