Welcome to The Law Society of Scotland Home Reports - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to The Law Society of Scotland Home Reports


Should you wish to remove the approval, simply uncheck the tick box. ... By ticking the box under selection corresponding with each name and then ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Slides: 41
Provided by: andrew494


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to The Law Society of Scotland Home Reports

Welcome toThe Law Society of ScotlandHome
www. lawscot-homereport.co.uk
  • The Law Society of Scotland Home Reports website
    is located at www.lawscot-homereport.co.uk
  • It is recommended that this site is viewed at a
    screen resolution of 1024x768.
  • There are a number of links on the left hand side
    providing information and further options to help
    you gain the most from Law Society of Scotland
    Home Reports.
  • The centre area will be used to provide details
    of any news items from Law Society of Scotland
    Home Reports.

  • The registration process follows a number of
  • Simply fill in each field as requested and follow
    the on-screen steps.
  • You will receive an email notification when your
    Law Society of Scotland Home Reports user account
    is activated.
  • Alternatively, if your firm has a designated Law
    Society of Scotland Home Reports Administrator,
    he/she can create an Law Society of Scotland Home
    Reports user account.

  • On the right hand side is the login area where
    you can enter your username and password.
  • To enter the site
  • Please enter your User Name (example Guest)
  • Please enter your Password (example Welcome)
  • These are issued once your registration
    details are submitted and processed.
  • It is possible to change your password by
    clicking the link on the left.
  • If you are unsure of your username and password
    please contact our Help Desk on 0844 561 6021
  • To access your account click LOGIN

  • New Case File - Part 1 of 3
  • Existing Files Screen
  • Law Society of Scotland Home Reports works on a
    Case File principle, a file should be created per
  • When you logon you will enter the EXISTING FILES
    screen. This page lists your current files and
    allows you to create new files.
  • The set up is similar to a filing system with 2
    tabs across the top of this screen. The first
    tab, Open Files shows your draft or in progress
    files. If this is your first time in your account
    you will have no existing files.
  • The second tab, Closed Files, shows all files
    which have been closed off.
  • If show legend is clicked an Actions Legend
    will automatically pop up on the existing files
    screen. This explains the icons which are located
    under the ACTION heading.
  • If you need any help click on the help link at
    the top right of the page.

  • New Case File - Part 2 of 3
  • Create New File
  • To submit a new search click the CREATE NEW FILE
    button at the top right hand of the page.
  • You will then be presented with a pop up window
    named File Information. Mandatory fields are
    indicated in red.
  • At this point you must choose a unique File
    Reference number for your search. The reference
    can be anything you wish but we recommend that it
    bears reference to the client and the accounting
    reference as this will appear on your invoice.
  • Enter the address in the other fields.

  • New Case File - Part 3 of 3
  • Address Search
  • You do not need to enter the complete address,
    simply a section of the address then click LOOKUP
  • A list of the closest matching properties will be
    displayed as shown above
  • The search will show the top 100 matches.
    However, normally you will only find 1-5 results
    matching your property. If the required address
    is not returned, click CLOSE and try altering
    your initial search criteria.
  • Choose the correct address from the list by
    clicking on it.
  • Once you have entered your reference click CREATE

  • You are now in the Selected File screen, your
    address details will appear on the right hand
    side of the screen.
  • The left hand side of the screen displays the
    File Information which can be changed at this
    stage (if required) by clicking on the EDIT
  • Underneath Applicant Information details your
    company information and this is specific to your
    user name and password. If this is incorrect
    please call the Law Society of Scotland Home
    Reports Helpdesk.
  • The right hand side of the screen displays the
    Subjects to Search section. If your address is
    incomplete or you need to add an address click
    the EDIT button.
  • To make an order, click ADD NEW SERVICE.

  • Choose Service Type
  • You will now be presented with a list of possible
    services. Those services not available at this
    point of the transaction will be greyed-out.
  • Click your desired service.

Energy Report and Energy Performance
Certificate The Energy Report and Energy
Performance Certificate does not require any
further information.
Single Survey Report and Valuation Simply enter
all the relevant information in the required
fields. Mandatory fields will be shown in
red. You can select your Preferred Surveyor from
the dropdown list provided. Please also remember
to provide an Access contact name and telephone.
Property Questionnaire Online submission The
Property Questionnaire contains a range of
questions relating to the property. Simply
select the relevant option in each case and enter
further details if requested to do so in the text
fields provided.
Property Questionnaire Offline submission The
Property Questionnaire can be submitted offline.
You can upload the file using the option shown or
send it by fax or post.
Mortgage Valuation Report The Mortgage Valuation
Report does not require any further information
to be entered.
Once you are satisfied with all the information
you have entered, click CONTINUE.
  • The service has now been created at draft status
    with each constituent part shown below.
  • Each service will also be allocated a unique
    Request Number. This can be quoted during any
    communication with the Law Society of Scotland
    Home Reports Helpdesk.
  • Each service can be accessed again whilst at
    draft status and any amendments made. Click the
    open folder icon under the Actions column.
  • The information entered will be compiled into a
    PDF document that can be viewed, saved and
    printed if necessary. Click the PDF icon under
    the Actions column.

  • View PDF
  • This is an example of the PDF document that is
    automatically created after your create your
    service request then click on the PDF icon under
    the Actions column.

  • Submit Draft Services
  • Once you are content with the service request
    instructions you have created, you are ready to
    submit them to Law Society of Scotland Home
    Reports for processing.
  • Click Submit Draft Services.
  • You will receive a popup message asking for
    confirmation of your submission.
  • Click OK if you are happy to continue.

  • Submit Draft Services
  • Notification is then given that your service
    request has been sent to Law Society of Scotland
    Home Reports for processing.
  • Click Continue.

  • Other Services
  • There are additional options within the Law
    Society of Scotland Home Reports casefile.
  • Add a Conveyancing service
  • Clicking these options will connect you to
    MBOnline where such services can be instructed.

  • MBOnline
  • MBOnline is structured in a similar fashion to
    Law Society of Scotland Home Reports.
  • Any casefile you create in Law Society of
    Scotland Home Reports will be automatically
    recreated in MBOnline when you click through.
  • Full guidelines to using MBOnline are found in a
    separate instruction manual available from Millar
  • MBOnline is located at www.mb-online.co.uk

  • Approving results 1 of 5
  • Once a service has been completed it will be
    posted back to the Law Society of Scotland Home
    Reports website.
  • A final requirement is that each section of the
    Home Report is approved before it will be
  • To access the results simply click on the icon
    under the Actions column.

  • Approving results 2 of 5
  • A list will be displayed showing the services
    requiring approval and whether or not approval
    has been made.
  • To view the results click the file name to open
    as a PDF.

  • Approving results 3 of 5
  • The PDF document will be displayed.
  • Look through the results to confirm that all
    parts are to your satisfaction.
  • If you find any part that should be amended then
    you can still open up the Property Questionnaire
    by returning to the Selected File screen and
    amend or upload a replacement document. If you
    have any difficulties with this process please
    contact the Law Society of Scotland Home Reports
    Helpdesk at helpdesk_at_lawscot-homereport.com or on
    0844 561 6021.

  • Approving results 4 of 5
  • If you are content with each service result,
    simply click the Approved box corresponding with
    each Service Type.

  • Approving results 5 of 5
  • The date of approval will now be shown.
  • Should you wish to remove the approval, simply
    uncheck the tick box.
  • Once you have approved all components of the Home
    Report, click Generate the report.
  • To return to your casefile click Selected File in
    the top left of the screen.

  • Completed Services 1 of 3
  • The Home Report has now been generated.
  • You can view the product by clicking on the
    results icon under the Action column.

  • Completed Services 2 of 3
  • To view the completed Home Report simply click on
    the file name link.

(No Transcript)
  • Results Update 1 of 4
  • If you require to update any part of a Home
    Report, simply click on Report Update in the
    Service Type list.

  • Results Update 2 of 4
  • Enter the relevant details as required.
  • Select the type of report that is to be updated.
  • If you need to update more than one part of the
    report, you must submit an individual Report
    Update for each part.
  • Click Continue when you have completed the
    instruction and submit as before.

  • Results Update 3 of 4
  • Once your Report Updates have been completed and
    returned to you, the status of the corresponding
    part in the Home Report will revert to Awaiting
  • Should you wish to update the Property
    Questionnaire, simply use the Open File icon
    under the Actions column and amend as necessary.

  • Results Update 4 of 4
  • The Awaiting Approval process is dealt with in
    the same manner as before.
  • Tick all the relevant approval boxes and click
    Generate Report to create a new Home Report that
    will include your updated part(s).

  • Supplementary Details
  • Selecting Supplementary Details from the list of
    services allows you to enter any additional
    information that should accompany the Home
  • Once you have entered the information simply
    click Continue and submit in the usual manner.

  • Public Viewing of results 1 of 3
  • One of the features of Law Society of Scotland
    Home Reports is a provision for giving members of
    the public who have shown an interest in a
    property the option to view any associated Home
  • By clicking Add, you will be able to add details
    of anyone who would like to be able to view the
    Home Report when it is available.
  • By ticking the box under selection corresponding
    with each name and then clicking Remove, you can
    remove names from the list.

  • Public Viewing of results 2 of 3
  • Members of the public who show an interest in
    viewing a particular Home Report can lodge their
    own interest by accessing the public site.
  • The details entered here will then be entered on
    the list of Public viewing of results.

  • Public Viewing of results 3 of 3
  • Once the Home Report is complete you can send the
    results to those members of the public who have
    shown an interest in viewing the report.
  • Tick the required selections using the
    corresponding check boxes.
  • Then click Send Results.
  • Each selected member of the public will receive a
    copy of the Home Report for this property.

  • Administration 1 of 4
  • Each firm will be assigned an administrator who
    has the responsibility to create, amend and
    deleted user accounts for Law Society of Scotland
    Home Reports.
  • Administration options are accessed via the link
    in the top right of the screen.

  • Administration 2 of 4
  • The Edit Company tab allows the Administrator to
    amend any of the company details. These details
    will apply to all users after amendment.
  • There are also options to select a Senior
    Contact, Accounts Contact and change the
    designated Administrator.
  • The Senior Contact will be the individual who is
    the most relevant to contact regarding any
    company-wide issues.
  • The Accounts Contact will be the individual who
    will receive invoices.
  • The Administrator is the person responsible for
    managing Law Society of Scotland Home Reports
    user accounts.
  • If you make any changes, these will not be
    finalised until the Submit button is clicked.

  • Administration 3 of 4
  • The Edit Users tab allows the Administrator to
    add, amend or delete Law Society of Scotland Home
    Reports user accounts.
  • To deactivate a user without deleting their user
    account simple uncheck the corresponding tick
  • Any changes will not be finalised until the
    Update button is clicked.
  • To add a new user click Add User, fill in the
    form and click Submit.

  • Administration 4 of 4
  • The Branding tab controls the logo and strap line
    that will appear on the front of any Home Report
    ordered by your company.
  • To upload an image simply click Browse, navigate
    to where the image is saved and click on the
  • To add or change the strap line simply amend the
    text field
  • Any changes will not be finalised until the
    Update button is clicked.

Thank You
Law Society of Scotland Home Reports
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