Title: Parts of a Small Engine
1Parts of a Small Engine
2Parts Of A Small Engine
1. Fuel Tank 2.Drain Plug 3.Fuel Filter 4.Fuel
Valve 5.Power Shaft 6.Oil Drain Plug 7.Oil Filter
8. Needle Valve 9. Choke lever 10.Idle
Valve 11.Air Cleaner 12.Idle Screw 13.Governor
14.Spark Plug 15.Stop Switch 16.Oil
Sump 17.Cylinder Head 18.Carburetor 19.Fuel Line
3Equipment Powered by Small Gas Engines
Chain Saws Conveyors Elevators
Post Hole Diggers Small Feed Grinders
Concrete Surfacers Air Compressors Brush
Cutters Irrigation Pumps Sprayers
Concrete Vibrator Generators Outboard
Boats Small Tractors
Rotary Mower
Rear-tine Tiller
4Components of a Four-stroke Engine
A.Piston B.Cylinder Head C.Cylinder
Block D.Connection Rod E.Crankshaft F.Cam Lobe
G.Camshaft H. Valve Lifter I.Valve
Spring J.Valves K.Spark Plug
5Four-stroke Cycle (12)
6Four-stroke Cycle (34)
7Components of a Two-stroke Engine
A.Piston B. Crankcase C. Crankshaft D.connecting
Rod E. Cylinder F. Cylinder Head
8Two-stroke Cycle (12)
9Two-stroke Cycle (34)
10Spark Check
Touch Engine
Adjustable gap spark tester
Right Wrong
11Fuel Filter, Glass sediment bowl and screen
12Fuel Filter, Screen in tank
13Fuel Filter, Weighted Filter on flexible hose
14Air Cleaners
Dry-filter type
Polyurethane type