Title: The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment
1The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment
2Your Fathers NASPAC
National Airspace System Performance Analysis
- The FAAs standard system-wide model
- Originally developed in late 1980s
- Represents NAS as network of interconnected
queues - Airports
- En route sectors
- Discrete-event
- Fortran, C, Pascal pre-processors
- Sun Solaris platform
- Used mainly for investment analysis (i.e.,
cost-benefit analysis)
3Legacy NASPAC Environment
TAF Terminal Area Forecast OAG Official
Airline Guide ETMS Enhanced Traffic Management
4Objectives of Modernized NASPAC
- Make available to more analysts and projects
- Maintain fast run time
- Incorporate traditional trajectory module with
fuel burn computation - Automate airport weather scheduler
- Obtain modern, configuration-controlled,
documented source code - Produce standard, analyst-friendly, repeatable
output - Validate
- Develop GUI and output visualization tools
- Facilitate Monte Carlo simulation
5Modernized NASPAC Environment
Fuel Burn Rate
Future Schedule Generator
Constrained Traj.-Based Forecast (2D)
4D Trajectories
Unconstrained Traj.-Based Forecast (2D)
Sector Entry/Exit Times
Flight Table
Industry/ Regulatory Response
Itinerary Generation
Fleet Evolution
Java Trajectory Module
Sector Crossings
Output Parser
Core Queuing Model
Airport Table
Sector Table
Unsatisfied Demand
Wind Field
Sector Geometries
Fleet Forecast
Flight Delays
Sector Capacities
Pareto Curves
Capacity Scheduler
Wx weather TAF Terminal Area Forecast MAP
Monitor Alert Parameter ETMS Enhanced Traffic
Management System
Airport Capacities
MAP Values
Flow Restrictions
6Future Traffic Generation
- FAA airport forecasts are unconstrained
- Yield excessive and unrealistic future delays at
some airports - Estimated airport capacities used to constrain
traffic growth - Mimic operator and FAA response to large demand
and capacity imbalances - Apply both schedule smoothing and trimming at 110
7Itinerary Generation
- Constrained schedule consists of ETMS flight legs
- No tail numbers
- Create aircraft itineraries
- Link flight legs with same airline and aircraft
type - Minimize total fleet size, i.e. number of
itineraries - Respect schedule turn time constraints
Flight Leg arriving ATL
Flight Leg Departing ATL
Flight Leg Departing ATL
Min schedule turn time
8Fleet Evolution
- Retire and replace aircraft with newer types
- minimize changes across seat-class/engine-type
categories - Consistent with APO and Mitre Fleet Forecast
- Domestic passenger and cargo airlines only
9Java Trajectory Module
- Aircraft performance
- BADA 3.6 tables
- Waypoints / cruise alt.
- ETMS flight plan
- Arrival/departure fixes
- Assigned to flight path
- Wind data
- NCEP/NCARGlobal Reanalysis Model
- 4D track points computed at 1 min. intervals
10Airspace Modeled
11Airports Modeled
- All IFR flights touching U.S. airspace are
modeled - Arrival/departure capacities for 110 airports
included - All other airports assumed to have infinite
capacity - VFR flights at 73 airports included
12Output Files
Input Files
Perl Scripts
Airport Capacity File (airportc) ATO-P Input
Schedule pre-configuration File Sector Capacity
File (sector_sim) sim-configuration File
Flight File
Oracle Database
Output Files
Airport File
Arrival Trace File(t_arr) Arrivals-Departures at
Sink Trace File(t_snk) At-Gate Trace
File(t_agt) Change Parameter File
(change_apt) Cross Arrival Fix-Departure
Fix-Restriction Trace File(t_cnd) Departure Trace
File(t_dep) Enter-Exit Sector Trace
File(t_sec) IFR Trajectories(traject) JTM Bad
Flights File JTM Flight Map File JTM Fuel Usage
File JTM Generate Itineraries Schedule Pushback
Trace File(t_pbk)
Sector File
- Flights accommodated
- Flight trimming process
- Delay
- Gate push-back
- Departure runway/fix queuing
- Sector queuing
- Arrival fix/runway queuing
- Fuel Burn
- Origin to Destination
- US airspace
- CO2
- Jet A savings converted to CO2 using multiplier
of 21.095 lb/gal
14NASPAC Project Wiki
15Validation Process
Every new software release validated!
- Run simulation for eight historical days
- Demand variation
- Two days per season (1 weekend, 1 weekday)
- Weather variation
- Actual weather used for each day
- Distribution of surface and en route weather
- Compute flight time, delay, fuel burn metrics
- Compare validation metrics to observed system
response - Ground Truth ASPM, ASQP, BTS databases
- Mean, variance
- Pooled, pair-wise statistics
16Airborne Delay, Daily Observations
17Airborne Delay, OEP Airports
19 Oct. 2006
18Taxi-Out Delay, Daily Observations
19Push-Back Delay
20ETE Distributions, 19 Oct. 2006
21Airport Arrival Rate, 19 Oct. 2006
Charlotte-Douglas International Airport
22Fuel Burn
- Modernized model runs much faster, accessible to
more users, and easier to use - Deterministic trajectory model provides easy
means of specifying flight trajectories - Uses standard Eurocontrol BADA data
- Fuel burn computation integrated into trajectory
model - Accommodates wind field
- Achieves good accuracy in nominal flight time and
fuel burn - Airborne delays close to observed values
- Surface delays appear underestimated
24Next Steps
- Evolve International carrier fleet
- Enhance airport capacity model
- Incorporate additional airport pareto curves
based on alternative configurations and/or wind
conditions - Improve taxi-out delay
- Update departure fix en trail constraints
- Incorporate Traffic Flow Management (TFM)
- Ground Delay Programs
- Include Monte Carlo simulation capability
- Validation, validation, validation