Title: Seeking the real Cyg OB2 using IPHASselected A stars
1Seeking the real Cyg OB2 using IPHAS-selected A
Janet Drew, Imperial College London
-- test of a general technique in a tough
location --
2(from Knoedlseder 2000)
The area around Cyg OB2 Contours CO
intensity Ellipse Reddish, Lawrence Pratt
(1966) location of Cyg OB2 l 80o.1, b 0.o9
gt300 MS OB stars, typical reddening 4-6 mags,
distance 2 kpc, total mass 2-6 x 104 M8 young
globular cluster
Gal. Equator
3Since 1966, up to Hanson (2003) favoured DM
11.2 (1.8 kpc) based on OB star spec.parallax
Knoedlseder (2000) proposed doubling of extent
and mass- 2600 /- 400 OB members, 8600 /-
earlier than F3V
DSS (optical)
(figure from Knoedlseder 2000)
New TeV source
4BUT Hanson (2003) revisited Cyg OB2 DM using
new OB calibrations-
and challenged membership of early-type stars
in expanded cluster
5What IPHAS can enable .selection
and appraisal of A0-5 dwarfs in the region
Important data- Ha absorption EW maximal A0 A5
V (checked against Indo-US
library) Median representative type A2V
(from Miller-Scalo mass
function) Expected absolute magnitude MV
1.6, Dispersion at given type s(MV) 0.39, or
Houk et al 1997)
621 IPHAS nnnn/nnnno overlaps examined
Nos. in each box top no. of paired sources,
bottom fraction selected as A dwarf candidates
75985/5985o (NW of centre)
6010/6010o (SE of centre)
6001/6001o (S of centre by 0.7o)
8Selection from the IPHAS (r-Ha,r-i) plane
everything below consistently-placed early-A
reddening line
9The cautious approach Require 2MASS J,K
measurements plus good optical/IR reddening
agreement, and sp-type appropriate colours Trial
for 6010/6010o, requiring AV estimates to match
within 0.5 mags-
Sp. Type- B8 B9 A0
A1 A2 A3 A5 A7 A9
Mean (Observed Expected)- (r-J)o
-0.09 -0.04 0.02 0 0
0.01 0.01 0.19 0.25 (i-J)o
-0.09 -0.04 0.02 0
0 0.01 0 0.19
0.25 matched stars 43 43 49
49 50 49 43
56 56
good agreement in expected sp type range BUT
only uses under half A-dwarf candidates available
10 5985/5985o ..the other Cyg OB2 central field
(most densely populated)
6001/6001o ..to the south, the field containing
MWC 349A more reddened, and less well-populated
11Result of selection and dereddening of IPHAS data
to A2V norm (with minimal 2MASS constraints
1504 A-dwarf candidates shown
12Results on individual field pairs (a)
6010/6010o, SE of Cyg OB2 centre 113 stars
Main concentration (DM 10.7)
13(b) 6001/6001o, south of centre 58
stars (redder, more sparse, consistent DM wrt
14(c) 5985/5985o, NW of Cyg OB2 centre 278
stars (seeing much further through the reddening
Slight overdensity at DM 11.1, AV of 4 5
15Two clusters? not one
(Malmquist effect)
Cyg OB2 A B separated by 400
16The whole region
DM ranges 10.3 10.8 10.8 11.3 11.3
11.8 gt11.8
17Conclusion- there is structure single
cluster unlikely Astar data hint at A- at
DM10.6 (1.3 kpc), 1o across, to south of
CygOB2 8 trapezium B- at DM 11.1 or more (gt1.7
kpc), Reddishs cluster reinstated, offset to
NW Knoedlseders (2000) A0?F3 V population
estimate for Cyg OB2 too high .not a young
GC, but sequential star formation seen down the
barrel .difficult region for verifying
O-star calibrations
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