Title: Role of UK domestic energy efficiency
1Role of UK domestic energy efficiency European
Simon Green Energy Saving Trust European
Energy Network
2 Role of UK domestic energy efficiency
European co-operation
Simon Green Energy Saving Trust European
Energy Network Climate Change An opportunity
for Sustainable Growth Brdo Conference Centre,
Slovenia 16th November 2007
3Energy Saving Trust
- In the UK, the domestic sector is responsible
- for over half of the countrys carbon emissions.
- Since 1993 we have been working to reduce
- our nations carbon footprint.
- We help the 60 million UK citizens to
- take appropriate and effective action
- on carbon reduction.
Climate Change An opportunity for Sustainable
Growth Conference Brdo Conference Centre,
Slovenia 16th November 2007
4Energy Saving Trust Background
- Majority UK Government funded, with an increasing
portfolio of UK and European funding sources
100m a year
Climate Change An opportunity for Sustainable
Growth Conference Brdo Conference Centre,
Slovenia 16th November 2007
- Offices in London,
- Edinburgh, Cardiff,
- Belfast Brussels
- Local delivery through
- 49 advice centres
Climate Change An opportunity for Sustainable
Growth Conference Brdo Conference Centre,
Slovenia 16th November 2007
6Our environmental development challenge
- Sustainable market transformation
- Promoting awareness and action towards a low
carbon society
- Mass low carbon technology adoption
- Government leadership international
Climate Change An opportunity for Sustainable
Growth Conference Brdo Conference Centre,
Slovenia 16th November 2007
7The market transformation curve
Climate Change An opportunity for Sustainable
Growth Conference Brdo Conference Centre,
Slovenia 16th November 2007
8What is the Energy Saving Trust doing?
- Raising awareness of the impact people have on
climate change and what they can do
- Advice to individuals, communities
- Compliance and verification of Energy Saving
Recommended certification mark
- Accreditation of renewable energy products and
- Management of grant and support programmes
Climate Change An opportunity for Sustainable
Growth Conference Brdo Conference Centre,
Slovenia 16th November 2007
9Energy Saving Trusts Future Focus
- UK market leader for independent awareness and
advice to UK citizens
- Promoting sustainable transport
- Develop lead activities in microgeneration
- Zero-carbon new-build housing
- Leading pan-european role in new emerging
domestic technology market transformation
Climate Change An opportunity for Sustainable
Growth Conference Brdo Conference Centre,
Slovenia 16th November 2007
10Our European Partners
Climate Change An opportunity for Sustainable
Growth Conference Brdo Conference Centre,
Slovenia 16th November 2007
- Voluntary network of national' energy agencies
- Energy Saving Trust Presidency 2007
- Troika Management Energy Saving Trust, Enova
(Norway) and ARCE (Romania)
Climate Change An opportunity for Sustainable
Growth Conference Brdo Conference Centre,
Slovenia 16th November 2007
12The benefits
- One point of contact for dialogue with national
energy agencies administrations across Europe - Independent, impartial expertise from leading
experts - Forum for exchange of information expertise
- Regular information sharing
- Combined stance on European energy
environmental policy issues.
Climate Change An opportunity for Sustainable
Growth Conference Brdo Conference Centre,
Slovenia 16th November 2007
13Working Groups
Climate Change An opportunity for Sustainable
Growth Conference Brdo Conference Centre,
Slovenia 16th November 2007
14In the UK, we are identifying clear development
opportunities as the shift towards a low-carbon
economy gathers momentum.By sharing the
burden, European nations have much to gain
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