Title: Arctic Circle 66.5 North
1Special Lines of Latitude
North Pole 90º North
June 21
Arctic Circle 66.5º North
March 21 and September 23
December 22
Tropic of Cancer 23.5º North
Tropic of Capricorn 23.5º South
Antarctic Circle 66.5º South
South Pole 90º South
2The latitude at 23 1/2 degrees north is known as
the Tropic of Cancer. It is the northernmost
point to receive the direct rays of the sun. This
happens about June 21.
3 The southern most latitude where the sun is
directly over head is 23 1/2 degrees south, or
the Tropic of Capricorn. This occures about
December 22. The winter solstice is the shortest
day of daylight in the Northern Hemisphere.
4The Arctic Circle is located at 66.5º North. It
marks the boundary of endless daylight and
endless night. The line is at 66.5º because the
Pole is located 90º north and the tilt of the
earth is 23.5º. If you subtract the angle of the
tilt from the pole you get 66.5º.
5The Antarctic Circle is located at 66.5º South.
It marks the boundary of endless daylight and
endless night in the Southern Hemisphere.
6The poles are 90º North and South. There are 360º
in the globe (like measuring a circle). Looking
at half the globe you see 180º.
7The earth is divided in half between the North
and South Poles at the Equator which is 0º. You
can go 90º north or south to the Poles.
8The Poles For six months they are tilted toward
the sun and receive continuous sunlight, for six
months they are tilted away from the sun and
receive little or no sunlight.
North Pole March 20 to Sept 23, continuous
sunlight (midnight sun)