Title: Thurmond FFA Chapter
1Golf Green ConstructionUSGA Specifications
- Thurmond FFA Chapter
- Dan Henderson Hugh Bland
- Advisors
2The new green is on the site of our student
learning center
3Student Learning Center Contains
- 2- 2000 square foot golf greens
- 1-Tee box and fairway
- Landscaping Plant Materials Lab
- Forest Tree ID lab
- Vegetable Garden Lab
- Turf ID Lab
- Wildlife Food Plot Lab
- Irrigation Lab
4Step By Step Guide
- Site Selection
- Preparing the site
- Excavating
- Drainage
- Filling
- Irrigation
- Planting
- Maintaining
5Site Selection Preparation
- Find a sunny location free of large trees.
- The land should lay so that removing water from
the drain area will be no problem. - Three applications of Round-Up herbicide, three
weeks apart, will be necessary to remove
perennial weeds.
- We believe that 2000 square feet is an ideal
green size for the school. It is affordable and
large enough to maneuver equipment well.
- All recommendations are in the per 1000 square
feet format, so calculations are easy. - The cost of chemicals and fertilizers are high,
so the small green will minimize costs.
- The first step is to remove 18 inches of soil
from the green area.
9A front end loader was used to begin removing the
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12A box-blade is handy for piling up soil to be
removed by the loader
13Tractors are handy, but handwork is also needed.
14Installing Drain Lines
- The green must be an even 18 inches deep in all
locations. (Less than this will not be enough,
but more requires extra rock, which is costly). - Drain lines must be 8 inches deep.
- Drains should be 8 feet apart, feeding one main
drain line down the center. - There must be enough slope to remove water.
15Renting a small backhoe makes the job easier,
especially in clay.
16Branch lines run parallel and empty into the main
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18The next step is to fill drain lines with 4
inches of gravel.
19Our green took a total of 3 tantum loads of this
20The next step is to lay the 4 inch drain pipe,
hole side down.
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228 inches of gravel must be added over the drain
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25Hand work can reduce problem with soil in the
trench lines.
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27After leveling the gravel, a 4 inch layer of pea
gravel this size is added.
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