Title: Simplifying the Multiple Linear Referencing System Puzzle
1- Simplifying the Multiple Linear Referencing
System Puzzle - The current state of the system - too many
transformations - too much room for error
- too much time
- too many formulas to maintain.
Clackamas County Road Geometry
ODOT Traffic Volumes (MP / LRS_key)
City of Beaverton Road Geometry
Access Locations Clackamas County Road Number /
Crash Locations City of Beaverton (address)
ODOT Highway Geometry
2Simplifying the Multiple Linear Referencing
System Puzzle A single DATUM (network
geometry) Everything is translated to this single
system. Everything is output from this single
system. Rather than creating infinite crossroads
between each and every system, there is one
crossroad for each system to the BASE DATUM.
ODOT Traffic Volumes (MP / LRS_key)
Clackamas County Road Geometry
Access Locations Clackamas County Road Number /
City of Beaverton Road Geometry
Base DATUM One Descriptive Network
Crash Locations City of Beaverton (address)
ODOT Highway Geometry
3Datum Defined
- datum A point, line, or surface used as a
reference, as in surveying, mapping, or geology.