Study of Replication Approach for Video Streaming in P2P Networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Study of Replication Approach for Video Streaming in P2P Networks


Tup is the mean up time duration. Tdown is the mean down ... Tup and Tdown follow an exponential distribution. Measure the successful playback of the system ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Study of Replication Approach for Video Streaming in P2P Networks

Study of Replication Approach for Video Streaming
in P2P Networks
  • Wilson, W.F. Poon
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Introduction
  • Related Works
  • Full Replication Approach
  • Replication Profile
  • Placement Policy
  • Selection Scheme
  • Experimental Results
  • Erasure Code Approach
  • Conclusion

Introduction (1)
  • Providing video streaming services have long been
    a research topic
  • parallel server designs such as RAID
  • multicast/broadcast transmission schemes
  • distributed VoD systems (scalability and
  • Tremendous growth in computer power in personal
  • peer-to-peer (p2p) systems
  • Peers contribute storage, content and bandwidth

Introduction (2)
  • Two types of p2p systems
  • Unstructured, e.g. KaZaA and Gnutella
  • Peers are not organized into highly-structured
  • Content is randomly assigned to peers
  • Structured, e.g. CAN, Chord
  • Peers are organized into highly-structured
  • Distributed hash table (DHT) substrates are used
  • Keys are deterministically assigned to peers
  • However, most of these p2p systems are targets
    for file sharing/web caching services

Introduction (3)
  • Previous work mainly focused
  • Search mechanism
  • Storage management
  • The work on p2p video streaming has not been
    thoroughly studied
  • Investigate whether such a p2p system is
    applicable to supporting video streaming

Introduction (4)
  • One of major challenges of a p2p system
  • Peer machines may be turned on and off in an
    unpredictable manner
  • The system experiences very worse availability
  • Two strategies are considered
  • Full Replication (whole file)
  • Erasure Code Replication (data blocks)

Related Works (1)
  • Unlike the traditional distributed VoD systems
  • The components of the p2p system experience very
    worse availability
  • Works dealt mainly with the system/file
  • Most Frequently Requested (MFR) KANG02 was
    proposed to maximize the file hit rate of the
    structured p2p system
  • In LV02 and COHE02, it studied optimal
    replication in an unstructured peer-to-peer
  • Reduce random search times
  • Lee et. al. LEE02 proposed a server-less
    architecture for video streaming
  • Use erasure code replication to distribute the
    data among peers

Peers Behavior
  • Majority of peers had availability rates of under
    20 percent
  • (S. Saroiu, P. K. Gummadi, and S. D.
    Gribble, A measurement study of peer-to-peer
    file sharing systems, MMCN, 2002)

p2p Streaming System
  • Similar to traditional VoD systems
  • Replication strategy
  • Full Replication VS Erasure Code
  • Replication Profile
  • Full Replication number of replicas of the
  • Erasure Code ratio of original and redundant
    data (redundancy overhead)
  • Data Placement
  • Full Replication distribute the replicas of the
  • Erasure code distribute the data block and
    redundant block
  • Peer Selection Policy
  • Select the peers (servers) to stream the
    requested video

Full Replication Approach (1)
  • A network has G peers in which I peers (serving
    peers) stores a set of J different videos
  • The other peers (free riders) just make requests
    but not contribute their resources
  • Assume
  • ? is the up probability of the peers
  • Tup is the mean up time duration
  • Tdown is the mean down time duration
  • Assume
  • Ni is the amount of shared storage in peer i
  • bj is the size of video j
  • qj is the request probability for video j
  • Cj is the bit rate for video j

Full Replication Approach (2)
  • sj is number of replicas for video j
  • Requests to a serving peer for vj is given by
  • System storage constraints

Full Replication Approach (3)
  • How to determine the number of replicas, sj, for
    each videos
  • Replication Profile
  • Random
  • Maximize the hit rate (MaxHit)
  • Minimize the request rate per peer (MinReq)
  • Random
  • In a p2p system, the simplest way is to randomly
    determine the number replicas for each video
  • e.g. a user may need to manually copy the videos
    into the shared storage

Full Replication Approach (4)
  • MaxHit KANG02
  • The optimal number of replicas can be determined
    by maximizing the system hit rate

Subject to
  • This optimization problem can be efficiently
    solved by resource allocation algorithms such as
    dynamic programming
  • The optimal replication profile

Full Replication Approach (5)
  • MinReq
  • For video streaming, a video request that can be
    served requires
  • The requested video is available in the system
  • The serving peers have the available bandwidth
  • The number of replicas should be determined by
    minimizing the load of the serving peers

Subject to
Number of Replicas
  • Assume
  • qi follows zipf distribution, zipf factor 0.271
  • All the peers have the same storage and streaming
  • The length (L) and bit rate (C) of all the videos
    are the same
  • I1500, J100, ?0.1 (Tup3600s and Tdown32400s)

(a) Storage, S 2
(b) Storage, S 10
Full Replication Approach (6)
  • How to store the replicas of videos among peers
  • Placement Policy
  • Random
  • Smallest Load First (SLF) ZHOU02
  • Random
  • The replicas of the videos are randomly stored
    among the peers
  • The load of the system is imbalance

Placement Policy
  • Smallest Load First (SLF)
  • Sort the replicas of the videos in a
    non-increasing order by request weight, wj
  • For each iteration
  • Select I replicas with the greatest request
  • Distribute these I copies to the I peers
  • (Rules greatest request weight is placed to the
    peers with the smallest load AND peer cannot
    store more than one copy of the same video)

Smallest Load First
  • Example
  • 4 peers, each can store 2 copies of the videos
  • 3 videos

Requests per Peer (1)
  • MinReq
  • I1500, J100, ?0.1 (Tup3600s and Tdown32400s)

Requests per Peer (2)
  • MaxHit
  • I1500, J100, ?0.1 (Tup3600s and Tdown32400s)

Selection Scheme
  • How to choose a peer to stream a video
  • Inappropriate serving peers are selected, more
    requests will be rejected from the system
  • When a peer requests for a video
  • Get a list of serving peers storing the requested
  • Random
  • Randomly select one peer in the list as a server
  • Least Load First (LLF)
  • Use the current available uplink bandwidth, Bup
  • Choose a peer in the list with the maximum Bup
  • Randomly choose a peer if more than one peer has
    the same Bup
  • What if the peer leaves the system while serving
    the other peers
  • If the serving peer disconnects, the peer who is
    being served should find another peer based on
    the above algorithm
  • If no serving peer is available, the playback
    will be stopped

  • Run simulation experiments
  • Request probabilities follow a Zipf distribution
    with parameters 0.271
  • Tup and Tdown follow an exponential distribution
  • Measure the successful playback of the system
  • Peers can start the playback until the end of the

Results Arrival Rate
  • Number of peers1500
  • Number of videos100
  • Up time probability0.1
  • Peer storage10 videos
  • Video Length7200s
  • Successful rate of MaxHit_SLF_LLF and Random
    is similar

Results Peer Availability
  • Arrival rate0.04/s
  • Number of peers1200
  • Number of videos100
  • Peer storage10 videos
  • Video Length7200s
  • The system provides reliable services
  • More peers are willing to share the resources
  • Peer availability is increased

Is Erasure Code Better?
  • Erasure code such as Reed Solomon Erasure (RSE)
  • A video, vj, is divided into I blocks
  • (I-h) data blocks and h redundant blocks
  • Blocks are evenly distributed to all the I peers
  • To recover the video, the user should receive any
    (I-h) out of I blocks
  • Using the erasure code replication
  • System Gains
  • Require less bandwidth and storage
  • Maintain the load balance
  • Overhead
  • Larger number of messages than in a replicated
  • Require real-time scheduling to reassemble data
  • Maintain the system consistency (e.g. updating
    redundant data)

Erasure Code
  • Assume the system maintains the same reliability
    level for all the videos
  • Storage overhead for all the videos are the same
  • If (I-h) out of I blocks can recover the video,
    the storage overhead is

Full Replication VS Erasure-Code
(a) Storage, S 2
(b) Storage, S 10
  • A portion of peers uplink bandwidth is the

  • System availability and bandwidth capacity are
    important elements to design p2p streaming
  • The system performance can be further improved by
    the erasure coding scheme
  • The full replication system is better
  • Overhead of erasure coding is too high
  • Develop a model in order to closely examine
    different parameters
  • system size
  • overhead
  • bandwidth capacity
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