Title: Jan Balewski, MIT
1FGT Layout Simulation Results
- Detector requirements
- Optimal location )
- Ability of e/e- separation
- Simu GEM response
- Strip layout ), occupancy
- e/h discrimination
- To-do list
- Summary
- Jan Balewski, MIT
- FGT Project Review
- January 7-8, 2008
) still being finalized
2FGT Requirements
- Reconstruct charge of e, e- from W decay for PT
up to 40 GeV/c - Aid electrons / hadrons discrimination
- Allow for uniform performance for z-vertex
spread over -30,30 cm - Fit in geometrical envelope vacated by the West
Forward TPC - Benefit from other central trackers IST, SSD
- Relay on vertex reconstruction and Endcap
shower-max hit - Relay on Endcap towers for energy reconstruction
- Minimize amount of material on the path of
tracks - Align FGT segmentation with TPC sector
boundaries and Endcap halves - Assure relative alignment vs. TPC is double with
real particles
3Optimization of FGT Disks Location in Z
FGT disks geometry Rin7.5cm, Rout41cm,
Z1Z660150cm, ?Z18cm
- 5 hits required for helix reco
- FGT sustains tracking if TPC provides below 5
hits - use TPC, SSD,IST for
- Zvertex lt0 and ?lt1.3
- displaced
- -30lt Z_vertex lt 30 cm
4Optimization of FGT Disk Radii
generous FGT disks geometry Rin7.5cm,
Rout41cm, Z1Z660150cm, ?Z18cm
Rxy Z representation
- Optimization Criteria
- Each track must cross the vertex and Endcap EMC
- 6 FGT disk are needed to provide enough hits for
tracks at all ? and all z-vertex - Single track crosses less than 6 FGT disks
- Relay on TPC SSD at ?1
Vertex ?
5Revised Compact FGTevery disk plays a role
Rin18cm, Rout37.6cm, Z170cm, ,Z6120cm,
?Z10 cm
Rxy (cm) ?
track ? ?
6FGT Enables Reco of Sign of e,e-
Endcap SMD hit ?1.5mm
Wrong Q-sign
Good Q-sign
reco track ?
1 ? of reco track?
Limit for ?? pT track
Tracks uniform in ? and pT
3 FGT hits ?70?m
Vertex ?200?m
2.0 mm
7Track Charge Sign Reco Efficiency
FGT geometry Rin18cm, Rout37.6cm, Z170cm,
,Z6120cm, ?Z10 cm
- N0 thrown electrons, ET30 GeV
- N1 reco tracks (??lt3 mrad)
- N2 reco tracks w/ correct charge sign
- (pT from 2D circle fit, ET constrain not used, 1
track/event) - Track reco efficiency gt80 for ? up to 2.0
- Wrong charge reco lt20 only for ? gt 1.5
8Large A(W-) for ?gt1.5, FGT Essential
Charge Reco Efficiency Using TPCvertexESMDSSD
Reasonable yield Largest A
2008 Configuration TPCvertexESMD ? low
efficiency ?
) geometry Rin7.5cm, Rout41cm,
Z1Z660150cm, ?Z18cm
9Detailed Simulation of GEM Response
- ionization and charge amplification
- spatial quantization on GEM foil grid
- charge collection by strip planes
- 1D cluster reconstruction
- Add time dependence ? pileup simu
Realistic MIP charge profile collected by R-
and ?-strips
1D Cluster finder resolution similar to Ferm-Lab
test beam results
10FGT Strip Layout )
Top ?-layer 949 ?-strips pitch 600?m
?Essential for PT reco 50 transparency
FGT quadrant boundaries match to Endcap
? needed for 3D track recognition, resolving
Compact FGT Rin18cm, Rout37.6cm, Z170cm,
,Z6120cm, ?Z10 cm
) close to final
11Estimation of Strip Occupancy
- pileup from minB events dominates
- 1.5 minB interactions/RHIC bXing
- 300nsec response of APV
- ? 3 bXings pile up
- ?Total pileup of 5 minB events per trigger event
- 1 track per FGT quadrant per minB event
- (scaled from simu below)
- Cluster size 1mm along ?, 2mm along R
- Cluster occupancy per triggered event per
quadrant - ?-strips (span 43cm) ?1.2 occupancy
- R-strips (span 25cm) ? 4 occupancy
- (uncertainty factor of 2)
minB PYTHIA event _at_ ?s500 GeV
12e/h Discrimination PYTHIA Events
Isolation missing-PT cuts suppress hadrons by
Hadrons from PYTHIA M-C QCD events
e, e- from PYTHIA M-C W-events
13e/h Endcap EMC ? additional factor of 10
Simu of Endcap response to Electrons (black)
charge pions (red) with ET of 30 GeV
Projective tower
Shower from electron E30 GeV ?
15 GeV ET Trigger threshold
14Real Electrons Reconstructed in Endcap proof of
Identified e,e- in pp 2006
15To-do List
- completion of detailed (a.k.a. slow) simulator
for GEM response - develop 3D tracking with pattern recognition,
integrate w/ STAR tracking - include pileup from 3 events in reco of physics
events - implement and optimize full array of e/h
discrimination techniques - completion of full W event simulation and
comparison to full hadronic QCD events simulation - determine background contribution from Z0 and
heavy flavor processes, above pTgt20 GeV/c
16FGT Simulation Summary
- Will be able to reconstruct charge of e, e-
from W decay for PT up to 40 GeV/c with
efficiency above 80 - There is enough information recorded to
discriminate electrons against hadrons
- Allow for uniform performance for z-vertex
spread over -30,30 cm?, OK - Will fit in geometrical space
- Will use hits from IST, SSD
- Will relay on vertex reconstruction and Endcap
shower-max hit energy - FGT quadrants are aligned with TPC sector
boundaries and Endcap halves - FGT disks 1 2 overlap with TPC allowing
relative calibration
18Track Reco Strategy
- Select EMC cluster with large energy (ETgt15 GeV)
- Find Endcap SMD cluster location ( ?x?y5cm)
- Find transverse vertex position (?x?y0.2mm)
- Eliminate all FGT hits outside the cone vertex
??SMD hit - Resolve remaining ambiguities (if any) by
- comparing R vs. ? charge
19TPC reco with 5 points
regular tracking 5-hits tracking
regular tracking 5-hits tracking
20Alternative Snow-flake Strip Layout
? 12-fold local Cartesian ref frame
Top ?-layer 949 ?-strips pitch 600?m
As in Proposal ?
Bottom R-layer pitch 800?m
21FGT Material budget UPGR13, maxR45 cm
Z vert - 30cm
Z vert 0cm
Z vert 30cm
Non-FGT material upfront
Non-FGT material upfront
Non-FGT material upfront
22Study of stability of efficiency
- Studied variations of efficiency (shown in
proposal) - degraded FGT cluster resolution (80?m ? 120?m,
OK) - reduced of FGT planes (6 ?4 , bad, too few
hits/track) - degraded transverse vertex accuracy (200?m
?500?m, OK) - FGT cluster finding efficiency (100 ? 90, OK ,
23Detailed Simulation of GEM Response (1)
- ionization and charge amplification
- spatial quantization on GEM grid
- charge collection by strip planes
- 1D cluster reconstruction
24Simulated FGT Response (2)
GEM response
Test beam data
1D Cluster finder resolution