Title: Chapter 11 Water and organisms
1Chapter 11 Water and organisms
2Functions of kidney
- Regulate water content of bodyreabsorb a
proportion of water when body is
short of water.
- Remove excess salt
- Excrete urea from deamination in liver.
3What conclusion can you draw?
Glucose is filtered from the blood in glomerulus,
but it is reabsorbed by the nephron.
Structure of nephron
4What conclusion can you draw?
All amino acids are filtered by ultrafiltration,
they are then reabsorbed by reabsorption in the
convoluted tubules.
Ultrafiltration vs. Reabsorption
5What conclusion can you draw?
Urea and salts are filtered in the Bowmans
capsule into glomerular filtrate. Their
concentration increases because water is
reabsorbed in the tubules.
6Small molecules, e.g., urea, glucose, salts
Glucose, salts diffuses in
7Renal artery
Bowmans capsule
Convoluted tubule
Renal vein
glucose, amino acids, minerals, water, urea
glucose, amino acids, some water, some minerals
9Water and plants
- Turgor (??)
- when the cytoplasm of the plant cells swells,
- the cytoplasm pushes against the cell wall.
- Producing a hydrostatic pressure inside the
cell. - The cell become turgid.
10- Flaccid (???)
- when the cytoplasm of the plant cells shrink,
- the cytoplasm separate from the cell wall.
- The cell become flaccid.
11How plants lose water?
- By transpiration (????)
- water evaporates from mesophyll cells into the
atmosphere. - Through the stomata.
- This causes the pull of water from the mesophyll
cells through xylem to the root, causing the
absorption of water from soil - gt transpiration pull (?????).
12What affect the rate of transpiration?
- Light causes the opening of stomata,
- thus increases the rate.
- High temperature increase the rate of
evaporation, - thus increases the rate.
- Low humidity in the atmosphere increases the
concentration gradient between the intercellular
air space and the atmosphere, - thus increases the rate.
- High wind speed decreases the humidity,
- thus increases the rate.