Title: Mobile Work Systems: Pairing Arms and Rovers
1Mobile Work SystemsPairing Arms and Rovers
- Dr. Robert Ambrose
- March 2000
2Hermies III
- OakRidge NL
- Base
- 2000 lb
- 3rd generation
- Traded Control
- Arm
- 7 DOF Arm
- Cable drive
- Force Feedback Joystick
- Sandia NL
- Heritage in
- SNL Retriever
- Base
- 6000lb Hummer
- 2500lb Cab
- Arms
- 2 Schillings
4CMU Pioneer
- CMU (Chornobyl)
- Base
- Houdini Derivative
- 1x1x1.2m
- Core Drill
- Dozer Blade
- High Rad Capacity
- Imaging
- Umbilical
- Arm
- 6 dof arm
- GE Derivative
5CMU Houdini
- CMU ( OakRidge)
- Designed for
- 20 hole
- Base
- 750 lb
- 4Bar Structure
- Dozer Blade
- Imaging
- Umbilical
- Arm
- Schilling Arm
- Base
- 6x14x8ft
- 14000 lb
- 2 ft/s
- Main Arm
- 4 DOF
- 20ft reach
- 1700lb payload
- 2 Schillings
- Engineering
- Services, Inc
- Bomb Disposal
- Base
- 6 wheel
- 450lb rover
- 700lb payload
- .7x.5x1.25m
- Arm
- 100 lb
- 150 lb payload
- Remotec, Inc
- Base
- Articulated
- Tracked
- Climbs stairs
- Changes height
- Arm
- 5 DOF
- 75 lbs
- 15 lb payload
- Hazardous Duty
- Operated by Firemen
- Base
- Remotec
- Arm
- JPL custom
- Sealed
10Polar Lander
- JPL-Lockheed
- Base
- Lander
- 640lbs (290Kg)
- 200 W Solar
- Arm
- 2m reach
- 4kg payload (Marsg)
- 4Kg mass
- Soil Scoop
- Elbow air temp sensor
- Arm Camera
11Planetary Dexterous Manipulator
- Base
- FIDO Series
- Survivable Rover
- Sojourner Derivative
- Arm
- Digger/sampler
- 5 Axis arm
- Mast
- Ames/Russia/MDA
- Base
- 6 Wheel
- Articulated body
- 150 Kg
- 0.1 m/s
- 1.5x1x1.7m
- Arm
- Small, light
- Fell off
13Identified Design Issues
- Match mobility of base and arm
- Pair dexterity of arm and workspace of base
- 4 DOF arm and 3 DOF base has great utility
- Work space analysis
- Arm must reach ground plane chassis work deck
- Overlap arm reachable workspace and vision range
- Design Objectives
- Minimize arm mass, keep CG low
- Maximize arm strength/weight ratio
- Maximize viewable region of arms workspace
- Maximize arm workspace intersection w/ work
surfaces planes
14Mobile Bases
Commercial Vehicles Mass Payload Battery (Model
Number) (Kg) (Kg) (W-Hr)
AGV LVC 300 200 4800 Panasonic
C50S 100 100 880 RWI ATRV 118 100 1440 RWI
ATRV-Jr 50 25 672 Nomadics XR4000 150 100 1575 Cyb
ermotion NavMaster 254 227 2040 Robosoft Robuter
III 150 120 720 Robosoft Robutrak 195 120 1560 Rem
otec Wolverine 120 80 1500 Remotec Andros
V-A 180 120 1860 Lancer-2000 Wheelchair 250 50 288
15Portable Arms
Commercial Arms Mass Reach Payload Mobility Streng
th/Weight (Model numbers) (Kg) (m) (Kg) (D.O.F) Ra
tio (in 1g)
Metrica Arm 13 0.7 23 5 1.770 Mitsubishi
PA-10 35 1.0 10 7 0.286 Fanuc LR Mate
100i 40 0.6 5 5 0.125 RRC 807i 44 0.8 4 7 0.091 I
MI Zebra Zero 12 0.6 1 6 0.083 Barrett WAM
Arm 38 1.0 3 7 0.079 Fanuc LR Mate
200I 48 0.6 3 6 0.063 Scorbot ER
IX 38 0.7 2 6 0.052 GT Robotique
GT6A 35 0.6 2 6 0.057
16Centaur Configuration
- Centaurs of Mythology
- Upper body of man
- Legs of horse
- Waist mobility
- Can face rearward
- Can bend and lower
- Upper Body
- Dual arms
- Dexterous hands
- Head for Perception
17Centaur Concept A
18Centaur Concept B
19Centaur Concept C
- Mobile work systems are the next step beyond
mapping and inspection rovers - We need lightweight arms that are strong
- Creative placement of arms on a chassis enables
- Field service for maintenance/construction/recover
y - Sample handling for digging/sorting/analysis/packa
ging - Pickup and carry tasks
- Self repair and rescue