fMeson Production in Au Au Collisions at vsNN 200 GeV - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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fMeson Production in Au Au Collisions at vsNN 200 GeV


f-Meson Production in Au - Au Collisions at sNN = 200 GeV. Debsankar Mukhopadhyay ... valance quarks in the particle. as opposed to the mass of the. particles. Rcp ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: fMeson Production in Au Au Collisions at vsNN 200 GeV

f-Meson Production in Au - Au Collisions at vsNN
200 GeV
  • Physics motivations
  • PHENIX Experimental set-up
  • Data analysis
  • Results from Au-Au collisions _at_ vs 200 GeV
  • Line shape measurements
  • Yield (dN/dy and inverse slope, T)
  • Centrality dependence
  • Particle ratio
  • Rcp
  • Summary and outlook

Physics Motivation
f mesons
  • Sensitive to strangeness production
  • Probe of deconfined phase
  • Strange to non-strange particle ratios
  • - ss bound state
  • - Main decay modes
  • f à KK- (BR 49.2)
  • f à ee- (BR 2.96 x 10-4)
  • f à mm- (BR 2.87 x 10-4)
  • - Mass 1.019456 0.000020 GeV/c2
  • Width 4.26 0.05 MeV/c2
  • Lifetime, t 45 fm/c
  • Small interaction cross-section
  • with nucleons (compared to p,
  • K and ps)

Probe of chiral symmetry restoration
à Medium effect - mass, width
modification - double peak
- yields in KK- and di-lepton decay
Information on the initial state - Particle
production nuclear modification
  • Tracking
  • DC - PC1 - PC3
  • Provides momentum
  • f à ee-
  • Electron id RICH and EMCAL
  • Acceptance h lt 0.35, Df 2 x 90o
  • f à KK-
  • Kaon id TOF or EMCAL
  • TOF acceptance h lt 0.35 , Df 450
  • st 120 ps, kaon identification within
  • 0.3 lt p (GeV/c) lt 2
  • EMCAL acceptance h lt 0.35 ,
  • Df 90 0
    x 2
  • st 480 ps, kaon identification
  • within 0.3 lt p (GeV/c) lt 1.

1. TOF K ßà TOF K- (TOF TOF)
3 Combinations
2. PbSc(E) K ßà PbSc (E) K-
(PbSc - PbSc)
3. TOF K ßà PbSc(E) K-
f meson reconstruction
  • Invariant mass distribution
  • - All Kaons are paired together to
  • form N-
  • Large combinatorial background (CB)
  • - Combinatorial background determined
  • by mixed event technique
  • à mix and - tracks from
  • different events with same centrality
  • and vertex
  • - Mixed event normalization
  • CB 2 vNN--
  • Signal S N- - CB

Line shape analysis - 1
Combined data from all subsystem combinations to
obtain the f à K K- invariant mass spectra with
good statistics.
  • Minimum-bias trigger
  • Nevt 20 M
  • Full east arm
  • Nf 5670 240, S/B 1/8.5
  • (within 5 MeV/c2 mass window about
  • the measured centroid )
  • The f mass spectrum is fitted
  • with relativistic Breit Wigner function convolved
    with Gaussian f mass resolution function (s 1.2
  • Minimum-bias centroid and width
  • are consistent with PDG.

Line shape analysis - II
f mass centroids and widths for different
èCentroids at all centralities are consistent
with PDG within errors. è widths are within
less than 2s of PDG at different centralities.
Yield analysis
mT spectra of f
Invariant yield
Au Au _at_ vsNN 200 GeV, full east arm
  • Fitted with exponential function in mT
  • Inverse slopes (T) are almost
  • constant over all centralities.

Centrality dependence - I
Inverse slope
è Inverse slope is independent of centrality.
Centrality dependence - II
Yield per participant pair rises at small Npart
and then saturates.
Centrality dependence in heavy ion Collisions at
different collision energies. f production
at RHIC behaves differently than
AGS and SPS.
Particle ratios in PHENIX _at_ RHIC
PHENIX Au Au _at_ vsNN 200 GeV
  • è Kaon production increases
  • faster than pions as a function
  • Npart.
  • Both f/p and f/K ratios look
  • constant as a function of Npart for
  • these centrality bins within errors.
  • Need more statistics to split
  • up the data into larger number
  • of centrality bins.

Rcp of f
Ncoll scaled central-to- peripheral ratio Rcp.
Yield (0 10)/Ncoll(0 10)
Yield (40 92)/Ncoll(40 92)
PHENIX, Au-Au _at_ vsNN 200 GeV
Rcp of f is consistent with pions. è Particle
yields in intermediate pT depends on the number
of valance quarks in the particle as opposed to
the mass of the particles.
  • PHENIX has measured f mesons in Au-Au
    collisions at vsNN 200 GeV.
  • Centroids and widths are consistent with PDG.
  • dN/dy per participant pair as a function of
    Npart shows different behaviour than AGS and SPS.
  • The inverse slope remains constant with
  • f production rate looks similar to the kaons
    (and pions).
  • à need more statistics for a more rigorous
  • The Rcp of f is consistent with that of p0s
  • à Baryon meson effect.

Future directions
  • PHENIX has recorded 1.5 x 109 Au-Au collision
    events at vsNN 200 GeV in the 2003-2004 run.
  • è Better control on statistical and systematic
    effects for exploring f meson line shape and
    yields at different centralities.
  • è Explore whether there is any difference in f
    yield in KK- and ee-
  • decay channels.
  • è study v2 of f mesons.

Backup slides
Particle ratio at AGS and SPS
SPS (NA50 _at_ vsNN 17.27 GeV)
AGS (E917 _at_ vsNN 4.87 GeV)
f à mm-
f à KK-
  • Enhancement in f production compared to
    non-strange p mesons for central
  • Au Au collisions.
  • Both f and K has the similar degree of
    enhancement towards central collisions.

mT spectra of f for different datasets
Radial Flow (I)
Blast wave fits (II)
Blast wave fits (III)
Blast wave fits (IV)
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