Title: A Note on the SelfSimilarity of some Orthogonal Drawings
1A Note on the Self-Similarity of some Orthogonal
- Maurizio Titto Patrignani
Roma Tre University, Italy
GD2004 NYC 28 Sept 2 Oct 2004
2Orthogonal drawings
3Are orthogonal drawings self-similar?
4Are orthogonal drawings self-similar?
5Are orthogonal drawings self-similar?
6Are orthogonal drawings self-similar?
7Are orthogonal drawings self-similar?
8Are orthogonal drawings self-similar?
9Are orthogonal drawings self-similar?
10Are orthogonal drawings self-similar?
11Are orthogonal drawings self-similar?
12Purpose of this note
- Prove that orthogonal drawings with a reduced
number of bends are actually self-similar - How?
- Explore the implications of self-similarity
- Find some measurable property of self-similar
objects - Perform measures on a suitable number of
orthogonal drawings obtained with different
approaches and different types of graphs
13Self-similarity and dimension
14Recursively defined self-similar objects
- Koch curve recursively replace each segment with
four segments whose length is 1/3 of the original
15Recursively defined self-similar objects
- Koch curve recursively replace each segment with
four segments whose length is 1/3 of the original
16Dimension of the Koch curve
number of copies
scaling factor
- Self-similarity implies fractal dimension
- To prove that orthogonal drawings are
self-similar it suffices to show that they have a
fractal dimension - We may choose between a number of fractal
dimensions - Similarity dimension
- Hausdorf dimension
- Box-counting dimension
- Correlation dimension
18Box-counting fractal dimension
slope -d
log(non empty boxes)
log(box side length)
15 non empty boxes
98 non empty boxes
N ? l -d
19Box-counting fractal dimension
similarity dimension d given by
scaling factor a
c ad
number of copies c
box-side length l 1
box-side length l 1/a
non empty boxes N0
non empty boxes N cN0
20Box-counting fractal dimension
- Easy to compute
- Also accounts for statistical self-similarity
- Defined for finite geometric objects only
- Defined for plane geometric objects only
21Graph drawing and box-counting
- We used FracDim Package L. Wu and C. Faloutsos
22Graph drawing and box-counting
Doubling the size of the boxes the number of
non-empty boxes doesnt change
N ? l 0
23Graph drawing and box-counting
Doubling the size of the boxes the number of
non-empty boxes is divided by two
N ? l -1
24Graph drawing and box-counting
Doubling the size of the boxes the number of
non-empty boxes is divided by four
N ? l -2
25Graph drawing and box-counting
Doubling the size of the boxes the number of
non-empty boxes doesnt change
N ? l 0
26Graph drawing and box-counting
If this segment exists then the geometrical
object is a fractal
27A test-suite of planar graphs
- Using P.I.G.A.L.E. H. de Fraysseix, P. Ossona de
Mendez, we generated three test suites of random
graphs - planar connected, planar biconnected and planar
triconnected - ranging from 500 to 3,000 edges, increasing each
time by 500 edges - 10 graphs for each type
- After the generation we removed multiple edges
and self-loops
28Three Orthogonal drawing approaches
- Orthogonal From Visibility approach
(OFV)Construct a visibility representation of a
biconnected graphTransform it into an orthogonal
drawing Di Battista et al. 99 - Relative Coordinates Scenario (RCS) We used the
simple algorithm described in Papakostas
Tollis 2000 for biconnected graphs - Topology-Shape-Metrics approach
(TSM)Planarization we used Boyer Myrvold 99
Orthogonalization Tamassia 87, Fossmeier
Kaufmann 96Compaction rectangularization of
the faces Tamassia 87
29The Fractal Dimension of Orthogonal Drawings
(OFV Orth. From Visibility, RCS Rel. Coord.
Scenario, TSM Topology-Shape-Metrics)
30Conclusions and open problems
- We assessed a fractal dimension (box-counting) of
about 1.7 for orthogonal drawings with a reduced
number of bends - Open problems
- Do other graph drawing standards also produce
self-similar drawings of large graphs? - Can alternative measures of fractal dimension,
like the correlation dimension, help deepening
our understanding of this phenomenon? - Can we lose self-similarity without adding too
many bends to the drawings?
31Biconnected graph with 1500 vert.
drawn with OFV approach
32Biconnected graph with 1500 vert.
drawn with RCS approach
33Maximal Planar (LEDA) 5000 vert.
drawn with TSM approach
34A test-suite of planar graphs