CH 14 Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CH 14 Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology


Fig. 10.12 Chorionic villus sampling, a procedure used for early prenatal ... Chorionic villus sampling can be done earlier, in the 8th 12th weeks of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CH 14 Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology

CH 14Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology
Analysis of Biological Processes 1. Developments
in DNA technology have allowed advances in
research. Useful new techniques include a.
Restriction mapping. b. Southern blotting to
identify genomic regions. c. Northern blotting to
study RNA. d. DNA sequencing. 2. Applications
of these technologies have been applied to the
study of a. Functional organization of genes and
regulation of gene expression. b. Key regulatory
and target genes in development. c. Genetic
influences on cancer and aging. d. Evolutionary
relationships between organisms.

Using Northern Blots to study transcriptionGluco
se Repression of Transcription of the Yeast GAL1
  • GAL (galactose) genes in the yeast Saccharomyces
    cerevisiae encode enzymes for break down of
    galactose, which serves as their inducer.
  • Glucose represses GAL gene expression, and
    existing GAL mRNAs are degraded, as shown by
    Northern blot analysis of yeast samples taken at
    time points and probed with the GAL genes.
  • Glucose added at time zero and amount of GAL1
    transcripts analyzed at various times thereafter
    by Northern blotting and probing

DNA Molecular Testing for Genetic Disease
  • 1. Many human diseases result from protein
    defects caused by DNA mutations. DNA testing is
    increasingly available for genetic diseases,
  • a. Huntington disease.
  • b. Hemophilia.
  • c. Cystic fibrosis.
  • d. Tay-Sachs disease.
  • Sickle-cell anemia.

Concept of DNA Molecular Testing
  • 1. Designing DNA molecular tests requires
    knowledge of gene mutations that cause a disease,
    derived from sequencing the gene involved.
  • 2. Often many different mutations of a gene can
    cause loss of function and lead to disease. The
    breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 are examples
  • a. Normal BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes control cell
    growth in breast and ovarian tissue.
  • b. Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes can
    lead to cancer. Hundreds of mutations in these
    genes have been identified.
  • Each BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation confers a different
    risk of developing cancer, ruling out a single
    DNA molecular test to assess an individuals
    breast cancer risk associated with these genes.
  • Genetic testing reveals the presence of a
    mutation associated with a genetic disease.
    Genetic testing is usually done on a targeted
    population of people with symptoms or a family
    history of the disease.

Purposes of Human Genetic Testing
  • 1. Human genetic testing serves three main
  • a. Prenatal diagnosis (fetal analysis).
  • b.
  • c.

Fetal Analysis
  • Fetal Analysis is concerned with whether a fetus
    is normal. A sample of fetal cells is needed for
    the analysis. There are currently two methods of
    obtaining the necessary sample

Fetal Analysis
Fig. 10.11 Amniocentesis, a procedure used for
prenatal diagnosis of genetic defectsAmniocentes
is is -Fluid contains fetal skin
cells -Seldom done before the 12th week of
pregnancy, due to small amounts of amniotic fluid
and risk to the fetus. -Cells cultured and
examined -Complicated and costly, so used
primarily in high risk cases
Fetal Analysis Fig. 10.12 Chorionic villus
sampling, a procedure used for early prenatal
diagnosis of genetic defects
  • Chorionic villus sampling can be done earlier, in
    the 8th12th weeks of pregnancy, by removal of
    chorionic villus tissue either through the
    abdomen as in amniocentesis, or via the vagina
  • Chorion is a

Fig 10.12
Fetal Analysis
  • Once fetal cells are obtained they are usually
    cultured in the laboratory, although chorionic
    villus sampling may provide enough tissue to
    assay directly.
  • Cells are examined for protein or enzyme
    alterations or deficiencies, DNA mutations and
    chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Amniocentesis is costly and cannot be performed
    until the second trimester, removing early
    abortion as an option in cases of severe genetic
  • Chorionic villus sampling can be done earlier,
    but carries a higher risk of fetal death and
    inaccurate diagnosis due to the presence of
    maternal cells.

Fetal Analysis
  • If both parents are carriers (heterozygotes) for
    the mutant allele, the probability is 1/4 that
    the fetus is an affected homozygote, 1/2 that it
    is a carrier, and 1/4 that it is homozygous for
    the normal allele. Genetic testing can determine
    the result of a particular conception.
  • b. Genetic testing may be used during in vitro
    fertilization to eliminate before implantation
    embryos with mutated genes that could result in
    serious disease... Ethical concerns?

Newborn screening
  • Examples of tests for specific mutations using
    blood from newborns include
  • a. Phenylketonuria (PKU)
  • b. Sickle-cell anemia
  • c. Tay-Sachs disease

Phenylketonuria (PKU)
  • Phenylketonuria (PKU) is commonly caused by a
    mutation on chromosome 12 in the phenylalanine
    hydroxylase (PAH) gene (12q24.1)
  • 2. Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid, but
    excess is harmful, and so is normally converted
    to tyrosine. Excess phenylalanine affects the
    CNS, causing mental retardation, slow growth and
    early death.

Fig. 10.1 Phenylalanine-tyrosine metabolic
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
  • PKUs effect is pleiotropic (wide reaching). Some
    symptoms result from excess phenylalanine. Others
    result from inability to make tyrosine these
    include fair skin and blue eyes (even with
    brown-eye genes) and low adrenaline levels.
  • Diet is used to manage PKU by providing just
    enough phenylalanine for protein synthesis, but
    not enough that it accumulates. To be effective,
    the special diet must commence in the first two
    months after birth, continue at least throughout
    childhood, and be resumed before pregnancy in PKU
    women to avoid phenylalanine levels that would
    affect the fetus.
  • 5. All U.S. newborns are screened for PKU using
    the Guthrie test
  • a. A drop of blood on filter paper is placed on
    solid media containing b-2-thienylalanine and the
    bacterium Bacillus subtilis.
  • b. Normally, b-2-thienylalanine inhibits growth
    of Bacillus subtilis.
  • Phenylalanine allows Bacillus subtilis to grow in
    the presence of b-2-thienylalanine, so bacterial
    growth indicates high phenylalanine levels in the
    blood, and the possibility that the infant has
  • 6. NutraSweet ...

Sickle Cell Anemia
  • J. Herrick (1910) first described sickle-cell
    anemia, finding that red blood cells (RBCs)
    change shape (form a sickle) under low O2
  • Sickled RBCs are fragile, hence the anemia.
  • They are less flexible than normal RBCs, and form
    blocks in capillaries, resulting in tissue damage
  • Effects are pleiotropic, including damage to
    extremities, heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, GI
    tract, muscles and joints. Results include heart
    failure, pneumonia, paralysis, kidney failure,
    abdominal pain and rheumatism.
  • d. Heterozygous individuals have

Sickle Cell Anemia
  • 2. Linus Pauling and coworkers (1949) used
    electrophoresis and showed
  • Hemoglobin from individuals with sickle-cell
    anemia (Hb-S) has altered mobility compared with
    normal hemoglobin (Hb-A).
  • Hemoglobin from individuals with the sickle-cell
    trait shows equal amounts of Hb-A and Hb-S,
    indicating that
  • Therefore, the sickle-cell mutation changes the
    form of its corresponding protein, and protein
    structure is controlled by genes.

Sample loaded
Fig. 10.6 Electrophoresis of hemoglobin variants
Human ?-globin
  • ?-globin subunit of hemoglobin
  • Hemoglobin
  • Binds O2 in lungs
  • Delivers O2 to tissues in exchange for CO2
  • Binds CO2 in tissues releases it in the lungs
    (although most CO2 carried by bicarbonate)

Human ?-globin
Most aa coil into ?-helices fold around heme
Human ?-globin
Heme groups iron atom surrounded by
protoporphyrin ring Heme groups are examples of
nonprotein substances added to proteins after
Human Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin is formed by four polypeptide chains,
two molecules of the a polypeptide and 2 of the b
polypeptide, each associated with a heme group
Human Hemoglobin
  • How does hemoglobin bind O2 and CO2?
  • Hydrophobic heme groups in pocket lined with
    hydrophobic amino acids (both ? ? subunits)
  • O2 binds to hydrophobic heme pocket
  • Surface amino acids of hemoglobin are
  • Allows hemoglobin to function in erythrocytes
  • Arginine at carboxyl end of ?-globin bind CO2
  • Cant bind O2 and CO2 simultaneously
  • CO2 binding
  • Release of CO2

Sickle Cell Anemia
  • V.M. Ingram (1956) found that the 6th amino acid
    of the b chain in sickle-cell hemoglobin is
    valine (no electrical charge) rather than the
    negatively charged glutamic acid in the b chain
    of normal hemoglobin
  • Outline of the genetics and gene products
    involved in sickle-cell anemia and trait
  • a. Wild-type b chain allele is bA, which is
    codominant with bS

Fig. 10.8 The first seven N-terminal amino acids
in normal and sickled hemoglobin ? polypeptides
Sickle-Cell Anemia
Hydrophobic valine at aa 6 embeds itself into the
hydrophobic heme pocket in a ? subunit of another
deoxygenated hemoglobin
Sickle-Cell Anemia
Several Hb S molecules attach to each other to
form a long double- stranded polymer
Sickle-Cell Anemia
Seven double-stranded polymers wind around each
other to form a sickle hemoglobin fiber Sickle
hemoglobin fibers cause erythrocytes to assume a
sickle shape Sickle cells clog capilaries -gt
tissue damage
(No Transcript)
Fig. 14.2 The beginning of the ?-globin gene,
mRNA, and polypeptide showing the normal Hb-A
sequences and the mutant Hb-S sequences
  • RFLPs are associated with many genetic disorders.
    Sickle-cell anemia is an example
  • A single base-pair change in the b-globin gene
    results in abnormal hemoglobin, Hb-S, rather than
    the normal Hb-A. Hb-S molecules cause sickling of
    red blood cells.
  • b. The Hb-S mutation is an AT-to-TA base pair
    change in the 6th codon of b-globin, resulting in
    a valine rather than a glutamic acid, and also
    eliminating a


Fig. 14.3 Detection of sickle-cell gene by the
DdeI restriction fragment length polymorphism
  • In the normal b-globin (Hb-A) gene there are
    three DdeI sites, while the sickling form, Hb-S,
    has only two DdeI sites. This difference can be
    detected using Southern blot hybridization of

Examples of amino acid substitutions found in ?
polypeptides of various human hemoglobin variants
Fig. 4.5 The biochemical step for the conversion
of the brain ganglioside GM2 to the ganglioside
GM3, catalyzed by the enzyme N-acetylhexosaminidas
e A (hex A)
  • 1. Caused by recessive mutation at the gene hexA
    (15q23-q24), which encodes the lysosomal enzyme
    N-acetylhexosaminidase A( HexA). The HexA enzyme
    cleaves a terminal N-acetylgalactosamine group
    from a brain ganglioside, a complex nerve
    membrane glycolipid

Tay-Sachs disease
  • 2. Infants homozygous recessive for this gene
    will have nonfunctional HexA enzyme. Unprocessed
    ganglioside accumulates in brain cells, and
    causes various clinical symptoms
  • a. Infants have enhanced reaction to sharp
  • b. A cherry-colored spot surrounded by a white
    halo may be visible on the retina.
  • c. Rapid neurological degeneration begins about
    one year of age, as brain loses control of normal
    functions due to accumulation of unprocessed
  • d. Progress is rapid, with blindness, hearing
    loss and serious feeding problems leading to
    immobility by age 2.
  • e. Death often occurs at 34 years of age, often
    from respiratory infection.
  • 3. The disease is incurable. Carriers and
    affected individuals can be detected by genetic
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