YOUTH CENTRE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The idea of establishing Youth centre was created by informal group of young ... membership networking and development of voluntarism ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes



  • Youth centre is launched as a program of local
    office of NGO Local Democracy Agency for Central
    and Southern Serbia. The idea of establishing
    Youth centre was created by informal group of
    young enthusiast with creative and innovative
    ideas for solving problems in local community,
    with focus on problems of young people in Nis.
  • Youth centre was established according to idea of
    forming an Info point by ALDA- Association of
    Local Democracy Agencies (Youth the right
    direction project), but it was redefined because
    of increased range of activities and number of
    interested future users of the program. Youth
    Centre, therefore, represents a build-up of
  • Youth Centre represents a programme that offers
    young people to finally satisfy the needs that
    are recognised as most important in one place.

  • Developed democratic civil surrounding in which
    young people are key actors of decision making
    and development process and other relevant civil
    society processes.
  • We are a group of young activists which, with
    active involvement of target group, by using all
    existing resources, works on uniting and
    development of creative potentials of young
    people and increasing the level of youth activism
    and engagement in key processes in local

  • AIMS OF YOUTH CENTRE priorities
  • youth education and development of various
    skills, (mainly with acknowledging the principle
    of peer education, youth for youth learning)
  • membership networking and development of
  • development and support of youth initiatives and
  • development of local cultural potentials and
    intercultural exchange
  • working on increasing the knowledge of youth
    about processes of involvement in EU processes,
    and encouraging them to take an active role in
    these processes

  • Education (courses, seminars, trainings,
  • Basic themes PCM and writing project proposals,
    European integration processes, democracy,
    tolerance, processes of building civil society
  • Publishing
  • civil society development
  • culture (organizing and promoting cultural
  • MAIN ACTIVITIES of Youth Centre
  • Informing youth about relevant issues, events,
    institutions publishing and distribution of info
  • Education of youth (courses, seminars, trainings,
  • Youth projects and initiatives, campaigns
  • Networking and partnership building with NGOs and
    relevant institutions, both in national and
    international level
  • Organization and promotion of cultural events
    according to recognized needs of youth

  • Info centre
  • Gathering and distribution of information
    relevant for youth in Nis
  • Enabling and empowering of free information flow,
    in order to help young people and provoke their
    activism, initiatives and projects
  • Voluntary Centre
  • Promotion of youth mobility by international
    activities, with the dimension of informal
    education such as youth exchanges, volunteering,
    youth initiatives and trainings.
  • Involvement in programs of promotion, education
    and implementation of defined project ideas
  • EU club
  • Support from local level to EU integration
  • Education of youth about EU and integration
  • Education about legal, social and economical
    principles of EU, as well as about good and bad
  • Centre for promoting of youth international
  • Cooperation with Embassies and Cultural Centres
    of other countries in Serbia in order to
    establish cultural exchange and cooperation
  • Exchange of young artists and implementation of
    projects for affirmation of nonaffirmated young
  • Presentation of film, music, art work of young

  • Target group primarily consists of young people
    in Ni (age 15-30) but all the other interested
    people are welcome. Start-up activities will be
    focused on students of University of Nis and
    pupils in secondary schools, as well as young
    people who are out of University, primarily
    unemployed ones. Our promotional efforts will be
    directed to all young people with no exceptions.
  • Project teams of young experienced youth
    activists for each branch of the Youth Centre are
    established for launching the program.
  • Young Ambassadors, chosen in the processes of
    establishing Info Point, have already taken an
    active role in the work of Youth Centre.
  • Volunteers and interested young people from local
    community will be involved in work and capacity
    building and strengthening the organization.
  • On this program, LDA has support of Local
    Government and ALDA network.

  • Recent researches (there were only few) have
    shown that young people in Serbia, are inactive,
    apathetic, apolitical. Although this is commonly
    known, there is a lack of relevant information
    about all aspects of life of young people, both
    in terms of quality and quantity. Because of
    that, one of the first activities of newly
    established Youth Centre will in fact be a
    research about this matter. The data that we will
    focus on will primarily be related to their
    interest in voting on elections, involvement in
    youth initiatives, projects and campaigns, about
    their activism and fields of their engagement,
    events that they organize and take part in,
    sources of informing, active use of internet,
    what is the field of information relevant for
    youth in which they recognize the biggest lack,
    how they spend free time... This information will
    help as to realize the problems of youth and to
    mobilize them to work together on problem
    solving. We want to involve as many people as we
    can and to solve recognized problems by projects,
    step by step. We believe that this approach is
    more efficient and productive than the one in
    which target group is only the passive
    beneficiary of the project. In this way, young
    people can launch their own initiatives, so we
    hope to have multiplicative process...
  • Insufficient and nontransparent distribution of
    relevant information for youth causes their low
    interest for important questions and inactivity,
    that results in missing significant opportunities
    for self education and development and unused
    potentials. Mission of Youth Centre is therefore
    enabling and strengthening of free flow of
    information, with aim to help the youth and to
    start and develop youth activism, to support
    youth initiatives and projects. In that way, we
    would develop long term aim strengthening of
    local community potentials by getting new, young,
    active and innovative people for leading
    development process.


BCIF - Balkan Community Initiatives Fund
15.11.2007. rejectedPartnership for Education
and Community Development (PECD) Program in Nis,
Serbia 14.12.2007 rejectedProject - I want to
  • AIMS
  • to make future students become aware of the
    decision making process about their future
  • active participation and interactive cooperation
    of professors, parents and experts (pedagogue and
    psychologist) in helping students with making the
  • to contribute to the decrease of prejudices about
    faculties and professions

SHL - Schüler Helfen Leben 15.1.2008.
rejectedProject - A place for all capacity
building for youth centre
  • Proposed project is focused on establishing and
    empowering Youth Centre that will respond to
    recognized most important needs of youth in Nis.
    It will be consisted of 4 branches info,
    volunteer and intercultural centre and EU club.
    They will have constant, (every-day) and also
    each one of them will have some special and one
    main activity, as a result of education of youth
    Ambassadors. Those activities will have the aim
    to promote activities of Centre and branches, and
    to increase level of transparency in local
    community. The main goal of all activities as
    mobilization and promoting youth activism.

European Youth Foundation1.4.2008.
rejectedProject International youth meeting
Share and compare
  • The objectives
  • To identify and understand the state of the
    indicators of the national youth policies
  • To define main problems and obstacles on the way
    of development of the national youth policies
  • To recognize and exchange the good-practice
    examples and other possible solutions
  • To make a network and partnership of regional
    youth NGOs, and ensure cooperation on future
    youth projectsTo exchange the knowledge about
    Youth in Action and other national and
    international youth programmes and donors

World bank 1.4.2008 rejected
  • The main purpose of this proposal is to provide
    graduates (future students) with all the relevant
    information, from the first hand, coming from the
    students themselves, and encourage their
    independent secondary researches and getting
    additional information. By promoting and
    developing this alternative source of
    information, we want to make a contribution to
    developing a culture of career management, and
    active participation in the decision making
    process (when deciding what to study). Also, we
    would like to contribute to fulfilling of other
    project aims that are
  • To encourage and ensure active participation and
    interactive cooperation of professors, parents
    and experts (pedagogues and psychologists) in
    helping students with decision-making process
  • To contribute to the decrease of prejudices about
    faculties and professions.

Ministry of youth and sport 15.4.2008 in
  • Training course for youth ambassadors
  • Team work
  • Active citizenship
  • Civil Rights and responsibilities
  • Youth participation on local level
  • Interculturality
  • Tolerance
  • City live performance - silent theatre

Youth in action Action 3 - Youth in the world 3.1
- Cooperation with Neighboring Partner Countries
Youth Exchanges30.5.2008 in processProject
  • The InterculturArt is an exchange that will be
    organized during March 2009 in the city of Ni,
    Serbia, and will gather together 20 young artists
    active in the field of engaged art coming from
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Italy
    and Serbia, in the framework of a Youth in Action
  • It will aim at strengthening a sustainable
    dialogue and a deep cooperation between young
    people from these countries, focusing more on
    cooperation between young artists from the Balkan
    region, as well as support them as local
    promoters of intercultural dialogue and tolerance
    within their respective communities.

Ministry of youth and sport13.6.2008 in
processProject One place for all
  • Proposed project is focused on establishing Youth
    Centre. Youth Centre will have 4 sectors Sector
    for nonformal education, Sector for promotion of
    the youth culture, Info centre and EU club. All
    sectors will have everyday activities. Three
    special activities will be realized through
    implementation of the project as a result of the
    education of the youth activists. That special
    activities will be used in order to promote Youth
    Centre and to improve range of visibility of the
    program in local community. The main goal of all
    activities of the youth program is promotion of
    the activism and volunteerism among youth and
    youth mobility.

Human Resources
  • Miodrag Micic 0638814677
  • Vladana Jevtic 0642966627 bekicanish_at_hotmail.c
  • Petrovic Dragana 0645348648 dragpetr_at_eunet.yu
  • Mina Ivovic 062421214
  • Stefan Jovanovic 0643840940
  • Ðorde Stankovic 0643255001 stankovicdjordje_at_be
  • Ana Jovanovic 0645242025 jovanovicanna_at_yahoo.c
  • Ivana Cvetkovic 0641164193 Ika.smellycat_at_gmail
  • Aleksandra Jovic 062390730 Bambina.aki_at_gmail.c
  • Andrija Krasic
  • Duan Dimitrijevic 0631933011
  • Jelena ivkovic 0643229491
  • Sasa Trencic 0643045189/14
  • Kosta Janic
  • Dragana Jankovic 062 246-830
  • Ana Stevanovic 0611860576
  • Dragoslava Markovic 0644679503
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