Title: A Constrained Ratio Aerosol Modelfit CRAM Approach
1A Constrained Ratio Aerosol Model-fit (CRAM)
Approach for Improved Aerosol Retrievals from
Dual-Wavelength Observations
John Reagan, Xiaozhen Wang, Christopher
McPherson, and Kurtis Thome University of
Arizona, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, and the College of Optical Sciences,
Tucson, AZ 85721
The Reality With GLAS and CALIPSO now in
orbit, global measurements of aerosol by
satellite lidar are now a reality with ever
growing amounts of data to draw on. The Problem
It is well known that aerosol backscatter and
extinction profiles cannot be unambiguously
retrieved from lidar observations without an
assumption linking aerosol extinction and
backscatter e.g., specifying the aerosol
extinction-to-backscatter ratio, or lidar ratio,
Sa Starting Point Basic algorithms initially
in use for processing these satellite lidar
observations rely on location/situation based Sa
look-up tables Improved Approach Constrained
Ratio Aerosol Model-fit (CRAM), approach which
relies on the information content of backscatter
and extinction spectral ratios at two lidar
- Motivation To improve the accuracy and
certainty of spaceborne lidar retrievals of
aerosol backscatter and extinction, thereby
providing the means for obtaining more accurate
global aerosol characterizations to assist
climate modeling assessments of the radiative
impact/forcing of aerosols - Outline
- Lidar Relations and Retrieval Approaches
- AERONET Based Aerosol Modeling Model Properties
- CRAM Approach
- 4. Examples of GLAS and CALIPSO CRAM Assisted
Retrievals - 5. Conclusions
3Lidar Relations and Retrieval Approaches
- The normalized (range-squared and pulse energy
normalized) attenuated backscatter lidar signal,
X(r), versus range r depends directly upon the
atmospheric backscatter, ?(r), and extinction,
?(r), coefficients
Aerosol backscatter/extinction retrievals
typically employ one of three constraints Auxil
iary-Transmittance boundary value transmittance
from auxiliary measurements. Direct-Transmittanc
e boundary value transmittance from lidar
signal decrease through an isolated
layer. Modeled Lidar Ratio aerosol
extinction-to-backscatter ratio, Sa , assumed
4Normalized Lidar Equation
The range and energy normalized lidar
signal, X(r), at range r is given by
Modeled Sa (two-scatterer solution)
and??a(r) obtained by multiplying ?a(r) with
assumed Sa (Sa?a/?a) .
- APPROACH AERONET (success, contribution)
- create a bounded set of Sa values, representative
of specific aerosol types, from precise analysis
of AERONET data, - examine associated parameters to help bound
lidar retrieval
5Comparison of Effects of C, Sa, Ta2 Uncertainties
on Aerosol Extinction Retrievals
6AERONET Based Aerosol Model Determinations
- AERONET is a globally distributed network of
sun/sky radiometers, in operation over a decade,
for improving knowledge of global aerosol
properties. AERONET observations allow retrieval
of aerosol size/refractive index information
(e.g., Dubovik et al., 2000, JGR, 105 (D8),
9791-9806) - Cattrall et al. (2005, JGR, 110, D10511, 13 pp.)
have analyzed AERONE data from numerous sites to
determine optical parameters (e.g., Sa) for the
relatively few aerosol model/types that
predominantly characterize aerosols observed
around the world - Biomass Burning
- SE Asia
- Urban/Industrial
- Oceanic
- Dust (spheres)
- Dust (spheroids) by T-matrix modeling
7The ModelsAERONET Based Modeling Results
- SELECTED AERONET SITES (Cattrall et al., 2005)
SD Standard Deviation of Gaussian fit,
typically within 15 of Sa mean.
8Modeling Results
9Spectral Ratio Windows for AERONET Based Models
10What is CRAM?
- CRAM A Constrained Ratio Aerosol
- Model-fit retrieval approach.
- CRAM is an approach for improving dual-wavelength
lidar aerosol retrievals. It is not an
inversion, but is a way of maximizing the aerosol
information that can be extracted from
dual-wavelength lidar data via modeling
constraints. CRAM works on the most basic
aerosol information available in the lidar
signal, namely, the aerosol backscatter and
extinction coefficients and spectral ratios
11CRAM Assisted Lidar Retrieval Approach
- Lidar signals, X(r), are used in lidar
retrieval relations to retrieve ßa(r) and
sa(r) at 532 and 1064 nm for each model set of
assumed Sa values (i.e., for Sa, mean and Sa,
mean SD for given model).
- Resulting ratios of and
from retrievals are compared to - expected ratios for assumed aerosol model type
to verify if retrievals are in agreement/consisten
t with model assumption (i.e., retrieved spectral
ratios, if correct, should fall within model
spectral ratio windows due to model spread in
- A performance function, Q, can be used to
quantitatively assess agreement in a
leastsquares sense between the spectral ßa(r)
and sa(r) ratios for a given model and
thecorresponding ratios, obtained from the X(r)
signals for different assumed model Sa values.
- Model assumption yielding minimum Q taken as best
solution. But ratios that clearly fall outside
model windows are obviously not acceptable fits,
without need of Q assessment.
12Performance Function, Q
- A performance function, Q, was formulated to
assess the agreement in a least squares sense
between the ratios of and
for a given aerosol model and the corresponding
ratios computed from the simulated X(r) signals,
at 532 and 1063 nm, for different assumed Sa
W? , W? and Ws are weighting constants,
generally set to unity. Rs term not used (i.e.,
Ws set to zero) unless some auxiliary estimate of
is available (e.g., from independent
determination of Angstrom exponent, ?, which can
provide model fit to ).
- Model assumption yielding minimum Q taken as
best estimated solution.
13(No Transcript)
14Example Simulation Model Fit Results(for
elevated layer model shown earlier)
15Example Simulation Model Fit Results
16GLAS Color Images
GLAS image of assumed elevated dust layer off
West African coast.
17GLAS Spectral Ratio Results for Dust Layer(Oct.
03, 2003)
x From Self-Transmittance Sa Determinations
18GLAS Spectral Ratio Results for Dust Layer(Oct.
03, 2003)
The two red lines are the window-limits for
modeled aerosol extinction ratio for smoke case
while the two blue lines are for dust case.
19GLAS Color Images
GLAS image of assumed elevated smoke layer along
Southeast African coast.
20GLAS Spectral Ratio Results for Smoke Layer
x From Self-Transmittance Sa Determinations
21GLAS Color Images
GLAS image of assumed Urban/Industrial mixed
boundary layer aerosol over India
22GLAS Spectral Ratio Results for Assumed
Dust,Smoke and Urban/Industrial Layer
23GLAS Spectral Ratio Results for Assumed
Dust,Smoke and Urban/Industrial Layer
24Modeled and Retrieved (Direct-T Approach)
Spectral Backscatter Ratio for Assumed Dust, and
Smoke Layer
Average and SD for Direct-T Sa Sa,dust ? 45 ?
6, Sa,smoke ? 59 ? 9
25Layer Optical Depths (532nm) at Sample Positions
along GLAS Tracks
26CALIPSO Data and CRAM Assisted Retrievals
6 September, 2006 CALIPSO overpass off West
African coast (flightpath segment of interest
highlighted in red)
27CALIPSO Data and CRAM Assisted Retrievals
28CALIPSO Data and CRAM Assisted Retrievals
Example of a CRAM assisted aerosol retrieval
using an assumed dust Sa. The mode of the
spatial distribution is in this case very close
to 0.9, confirming the validity of the assumed
29CALIPSO Data and CRAM Assisted Retrievals
A second retrieval assuming an Sa corresponding
to smoke. In this example, the mode of the
spatial distribution is shifted slightly higher,
but is still well away from a value of 1.8
predicted by the smoke model, suggesting a poor
fit of the data to the model.
30HSRL/CALIPSO Coordination
31HSRL/CALIPSO Coordination
CALIOP 532nm attenuated backscatter (top), HSRL
532nm attenuated backscatter (center), and HSRL
532nm measured Sa (bottom). Spatial/temporal
coincidence point shown in red.
32HSRL/CALIPSO Coordination
Histogram illustration of HSRL measured 532nm Sa
variability within aerosol layer extending from
37.15 to 38.15 N Latitude and from 0.9 to 1.95 km
in altitude. The mean of 72.599 and standard
deviation of 5.3731 demonstrate the applicability
of CRAM in this case, as well as the probable
validity of the Urban/Industrial model.
33HSRL/CALIPSO Extinction Retrievals 532 nm
Extinction retrievals, 20km horizontal spatial
averaging, 20km sample separation.
34Mixture Modeling Results
Spectral extinction ratios (?a,532/?a,1064) retrie
ved from mixtures of dust and urban/industrial
Modeled and retrieved lidar ratios at 532 nm,
(Sa,532) using linear mixtures of dust
and urban/industrial pollution aerosol models.
35Extensions/Enhancements to CRAM
Additional constraints may be added to the basic
CRAM approach (i.e., using more than just
backscatter and extinction spectral ratios) by
using auxiliary inputs of various types. Some of
these include
- Angstrom exponent estimates from MODIS or AERONET
observations (less restrictive than requiring
absolute optical depth value) - Transmittance/optical depth estimate of one
wavelength, as from direct transmittance solution
to an elevated layer, from MODIS/AERONET or from
lidar reflectance (e.g., from water at higher
wind speeds) - Differential transmittance for two wavelengths,
T?1/T?2, as can be estimated from lidar spectral
surface reflection ratio or from MODIS (e.g.,
from water and perhaps certain land types) - Sa at one wavelength from auxiliary HSRL
- Employing CRAM on dual-wavelength spaceborne
lidar data in conjunction with AERONET based,
improved aerosol models/parameterizations enables
1) obtaining more accurate/bounded profile
retrievals of aerosol backscatter and extinction
and layer optical depths and 2)
confirming/discriminating assumed aerosol types. - CRAM successfully employed on GLAS data to
confirm/discriminate assumed aerosol dust, smoke
and urban/industrial layers. Aerosol model
parameters independently verified by
direct-transmittance lidar retrievals for the
elevated dust and smoke layers. Similar
successful results are being obtained from
CALIPSO observations, but results can sometimes
be misleading without proper interpretation/checks
(e.g., layers too optically thick or merged
layers of distinctly different aerosol types). - HSRL data providing validation of Sa
modeling/statistics as well as examples of
inhomogeneity effects that limit applicability of
CRAM. - Extensions and enhancements to CRAM incorporating
additional constraints enabled by combining lidar
and passive satellite observations offer the
promise for further error reductions in
space-based aerosol retrievals.