Title: Hyperon detection beyond the beam pipe
1Hyperon detection beyond the beam pipe
- G.Lo Re, F.Riggi
- ALICE Week, June 2002
2Strangeness detection
- First simulations of the reconstruction of K0s,
?, ?, ? already done - K0s, ? extensive studies both by V1 and V2
tracking versions - ?, ? results reported by Y.Belikov at the last
ITS Meeting - One important aspect of such results is the low
overall reconstruction efficiency (w.r.t. to the
number of expected particles per event in HIJING)
3Strangeness detection
- Sources of loss of such decaying particles
4Strangeness detection
- Sources of loss of such decaying particles
- Branching ratios to charged particles
- Particle Decay B.R.()
c? (cm) - K0s ? ?- 68.6
2.68 - ? p ?- 63.9
7.89 - ?- ??- 99.9
4.91 - ?- ? K- 67.8
5Strangeness detection
- Sources of loss of such decaying particles
- Branching ratios to charged particles
- Geometrical acceptance of TPC for daughter tracks
6Strangeness detection
- Sources of loss of such decaying particles
- Branching ratios to charged particles K0s ?
? ? - Geometrical acceptance of TPC for daughter
tracks - Tracking efficiency of TPC for daughter tracks
(low momenta involved)
7pT spectrum of K0s daughter tracks
8pT spectrum of ? daughter tracks
9Strangeness detection
- Sources of loss of such decaying particles
- Branching ratios to charged particles K0s ?
? ? - Geometrical acceptance of TPC for daughter
tracks - Tracking efficiency of TPC for daughter tracks
(low momenta involved) - Tracking efficiency of ITS
10Strangeness detection
- Sources of loss of such decaying particles
- Branching ratios to charged particles K0s ?
? ? - Geometrical acceptance of TPC for daughter
tracks - Tracking efficiency of TPC for daughter tracks
(low momenta involved) - Tracking efficiency of ITS
- Secondary vertex finding (cuts,)
11Working in the fiducial region
Due to these losses, expected number of found
strange particles per event are very
low Particle Hijing abundance
Old TP estimates Expected
(primary) K0s
63 2.5 - 7 ?
0.1 - 1
Factors contributing to determine upper and lower
limits Use of full or parametrized Hijing
events Fast or slow ITS simulation Selection of
cuts and good to fake ratio within the invariant
mass spectrum
12How to improve strategies
These estimates have been made in a fiducial
region (0.5-2.5) cm, i.e. within the beam pipe,
since it would be more background free. However,
these values make it difficult to allow
correlation on an event-by-event basis. Need for
a better strategy Extend/Modify the
tracking strategies to allow for a better
secondary track finding Extend fiducial
region to check wether a substantial improvement
in the number of found particles can be
achieved without large worsening of other
13Additional simulations
Additional simulations carried out by Aliroot
3.07 60 full Hijing events
Tracking V1 ITS full (slow) simulation
14Extending the fiducial region K0s
Conservative approach fiducial region up to
the first pixel layer (0.5 - 4) cm
Sec. Vertex Resolution 350-400 ?m
15Extending the fiducial region K0s
16Extending the fiducial region K0s
- 2.5 cm 0.5 - 4.0 cm
Gain factor Found particles
2.5 / event 4.2
/ event 1.7 RMS pT
1.3 RMS ?
6.5 mrad RMS ?
10 mrad Secondary vertex X Resolution
400 ?m Y Resolution
350 ?m Z Resolution
400 ?m
17Extending the fiducial region ?
18Extending the fiducial region ?
- 2.5 cm 0.5 - 4.0 cm
Gain factor Found particles
0.10 / event 0.30 /
event 3.0 RMS pT
2 RMS ?
4 mrad RMS ?
mrad Secondary vertex X Resolution
700 ?m Y Resolution
700 ?m Z Resolution
400 ?m
19Transverse momentum spectrum of ?
(Within the TPC acceptance)
20Radial distance distributions of sec. vertices
21How much can we gain for Lambdas? Try to extend
the fiducial region beyond the first pixel layer?
In such a case a different way of selecting good
tracks in the ITS needed
Some improvements (by factors 2-4) may come from
extending the fiducial region beyond the beam
pipe and (possibly) even the first pixel layer
(to be tested). This effect is larger for ? than
for K0s. A substantial improvement (order of
magnitude) in the number of found hyperons may
only come from a different tracking strategy, to
recover the large fraction of low momentum
daughter tracks originating from decay.