Title: Standard Commercial Diesel
1Standard Commercial Diesel
- Program Implementation Update
- David Pamplin, DESC-BP
- 3 March 2005
2Standard Commercial DieselProportion of Current
- For 2005 DESC has awarded or is re-soliciting
1259 diesel line items In CONUS - 966 Std Commercial Diesel Line Items
- 293 Federal Specification Diesel Line Items
3Standard Commercial DieselProportion of 1993
CONUS Procurements
- Prior to the introduction of low sulfur diesel,
100 of DESC diesel line items In CONUS were
Federal Specification Diesel (DF2, DF1)
4Standard Commercial DieselProportion of 1996
CONUS Procurements
- Upon cancellation of VV-F-800 spec and
publication of A-A-52557, Navy Federal Civilian
Line Items converted to Standard Commercial
Diesel (LS2, LS1)
5Standard Commercial DieselProportion of 1999
CONUS Procurements
- DESC proposed conversion of selected Army diesel
line items to Standard Commercial Diesel
6Standard Commercial DieselProportion of 2002
CONUS Procurements
- All Navy Federal Civilian diesel line items
plus selected Army line items were Standard
Commercial Diesel
7Standard Commercial DieselProportion of 2005
CONUS Procurements
- All Army, Navy and Federal Civilian diesel line
items are being solicited as Standard Commercial
Diesel - Selected Air Force diesel line items also
converted to Std Comm Diesel
8Rationale for Conversion
- Visual assessment of clear fuels can detect
solids in the 1-5 mg/L range - Visual assessment of fuel is more likely to be
performed than quantitative assessment - Visual assessment can be used as a basis to
reject a contract diesel fuel delivery
9Rationale for Conversion (Contd)
- DESC purchases more than ½ million gallons/week
of standard commercial diesel - More than half of that fuel goes to the Military
Services - 9 year history of Military Service LS2 use with
few complaints and no re-conversion to DL2 - Currently all DESC customers in the U.S. Midwest
receive standard commercial diesel
10Standard Commercial DieselAcknowledgements
- DESC Product Technology Standardization
Division - Regina Gray
- Pat Bonner
- Patricia Wilkins
- Pam Serino
- DESC Quality Operations
- Dana Davidson
- Mike Purkey
- DESC Deputy Directors for Operations
- COL Passero
- COL Stedman
11Standard Commercial DieselAcknowledgements
- DESC Contracting
- Lula Manley
- Annette Brimm
- Tyler Parker
- Kathryn Riso
- Dazalene Forte
- Lori Graziano
- Dave Peterson
- Anton Raneses
- DESC Systems
- Bill Martin
- Leslie Brunner
- Greg Dreffein
12Standard Commercial DieselAcknowledgements
- Naval Operational Logistics Support Center
- Sherry Winkler
- Larry Long
- Lynda Turner
- CAPT Carpenter
- CAPT Scheffs
- Base Level
- NAS Brunswick
- Denny Barrett
- NCTL Det Cutler
- Paul Poisson
- Kevin Gifford
- Teri Demarest
13Standard Commercial DieselAcknowledgements
- Air Force Petroleum Office
- Jim Young
- Emilio Alfaro
- Major Pittman
- Col Grabulis
14Standard Commercial DieselAcknowledgements
- Texas Army Natl Guard Base Level
- Vivian Saenz
- Ed Croix
- MSG Rice
- SFC Helms
- Joe Komandosky
- Spec Garms
- LTC West
15Standard Commercial DieselAcknowledgements
- Army Petroleum Ctr
- Gary Smith
- Tom Martell
- Lonnie Ashbrook
- Emilio Alfaro
- Cathy Freeman
- COL Frazier
- COL Calderon
- Base Level
- Ft. Carson
- Spec Hinostroza
- Ft. Riley
- Gary Borchers
- Thell Robinson
- Johny Ryan