Title: Photon Detection Efficiency in the CsIbased HADES RICH
1Photon Detection Efficiency in the CsI-based
- Description of the HADES RICH
- OEM Measurement
- Single Photon Response
- N0 Calculation
- Summary
2The RICH Detector
C C _at_1 AGeV
Lepton Rings
- Photon Detector
- CsI cathode
- 28.600 pads
- 10 ms readout
Single Photon Response is CRUCIAL
3Efficiency Calibration(Online Efficiency
Measurement (OEM))
Calibrated light source !
- Photons produced by 600 AMeV 12C beam particles
passing two different solid radiators
n(l) -gt QC(l)
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0
SiO2 MgF2
120 140 160 180 200 220
l nm
4OEM Radiator
beam line
5Single Particle Response
Nph N0 Z2
100 evt accumulated
6Single Photon Response of MWPC
1 Event
Pulse Height
Pad Y Coordinate
6 mm
6 mm
Pad X Coordinate
Q Mean 7 10 4 e- eSE 90
- Photon Candidates Local Maxima in an isolated
3X3 Pattern - Single Pads below Threshold (4 s) and Charge
Particle are cleaned
7Coupling to Neighbouring Pads
Along the wire ? photon impact
resolution 0.5 mm
Perpendicular to wire
8Charge Distribution of Single Photons
single photon response well understood
9OEM Analysis
Experimental Data
Simulation Input (HGeant)
C_at_600 AMeV
100 Events
Beam pipe shadow
- Optical parameters (all independently
measured) - Simulation of single photon response
- Electronic noise
10 Wave Length Resolved Efficiency
Simulation Experiment
Sector 2
MgF2 Radiator
SIO2 Radiator
11N0 Calculation
Translation to HADES C4F10 Radiator
12N0 Results
Experimental Results extracted from the April
2002 data C _at_ 600 AMeV
13Conclusions and Outlook
- We have developed a powerful online efficiency
measurement for the HADES Rich detector. - The analysis of the single photon response has
allowed to develop an heuristic model for the
simulations. - The quantitative comparison between experimental
and simulated data enables an estimation of the
figure of merit N0 for each sector of the HADES
RICH detector. - The OEM measurement is going to be repeated
during the next experiment, to monitor the time
evolution of the detector efficiency.
Munich RICH group T.Christ, T.Eberl,
L.Fabbietti, J.Friese, R. Gernhaeuser, L.Maier,
B.Sailer and S.Winkler.
14Pulse Height Distribution
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