Title: Widening Participation, Regeneration and Knowledge Intensification: Contextualising Local Responses
1Widening Participation, Regeneration and
Knowledge Intensification Contextualising Local
Responses in the Global and Regional Arena
Steve Wyn Williams Peter Jones Staffordshire
2What is the Purpose of the University ?
3- Increased competitiveness of regions/localities
within the global economy increasingly dependent
on the emergence of high value knowledge based
economies. - Knowledge intensification and the development of
a creative and highly skilled workforce will be
key drivers in a region or a localitys ability
to compete successfully in the global market
place. - and increasingly tied up with the skills,
attributes and attitudes of populations and
concomitant opportunities to access and engage in
education, training and development.
4So what is the role of Universities?
- Increasingly, universities are expected to play a
far more proactive and specific role in
contributing to social and economic (and skills)
development within their regional context. - BUT meaningful interactions between HEIs and
their regions/localities involve much more than
stimulating economic development and helping
businesses thrive. - What we need is a framework for envisioning the
role of the modern University in its
multi-faceted interactions with the non-
university world (state, economy and civil
5So what is the role of Universities?
- So what might this be (1)?
- For example, The Association of Commonwealth
Universities (ACU) propose that community
engagement should be adopted as a core value for
the 21st century university - Strenuous, thoughtful, argumentative interaction
with the non-university world in at least four
spheres first, setting universities aims,
purposes and priorities secondly, relating
teaching and learning to the wider world
thirdly, the back and forth dialogue between
researchers and practitioners and fourthly,
taking on fuller responsibilities as neighbours
and citizens. - (ACU, 2001)
6So what is the role of Universities?
- So what might this be (2)?
- The OECD/IMHE project suggests that the
contribution should focus on skills, the
community and civil society - Knowledge transfer via workplace learning,
graduate recruitment, professional development /
continuing education - Students establishing the social relations on
which knowledge exchange is built - Student community action
- Cultural activity and campus development
contributing to vibrant places that attract and
retain creative people - The universitys role in local civil society,
joining up separate strands of national policy
(learning and skills, research and innovation,
culture and social inclusion)
7Recent policy research on University
City/region relationships
- In the context of the current recession/economic
downturn recent policy research on University
City/region relationships has become more focused
and pragmatic
8NESTA Five ways Universities Drive Innovation
- Notes that Universities traditionally have had 3
missions - Driving forward the research frontier
- Giving people the skills for innovation
- Exchanging Knowledge
- BUT the UKs need to innovate to meet social and
economic challenges of the 21st century places
further pressure on and adding to these roles - Acting as a hub in an international network of
knowledge - Providing regional leadership
- NESTA argues that HEIs should build on strengths
and focus on the needs of regions. - However few institutions can excel in all five
areas noted above and will need choose where
concentrate it efforts
9Work Foundation Embedding Universities in
Knowledge Cities (2008)
- Universities are vital in a more knowledge
intensive economy both as creators and consumers
of knowledge. - City-university relationship pivotal to helping
places across the UK adapt to changes in the
wider economy, increase the proportion of
knowledge intensive jobs and workers, and deliver
beneficial outcomes for communities. - BUT creates new challenges and opportunities for
both parties. - Raises growing questions about how universities
and cities can best work togethermost higher
education institutions and local authorities
remain less clear about how best to work together
to mutual benefit. - Suggest using the Work Foundations Ideopolis
framework for setting priorities for cities and
educational institutions in the changing economy
(see Fig 1)
10(No Transcript)
11NESTA The Connected University Recovery and
Growth in the UK Economy (2009)
- Looking at how HEIs can benefit their local
communities, in particular focussing on their
importance because of their stability.
Universities - are important sources of local employment and
purchases from local suppliers - produce skilled workforces and transfer knowledge
through their graduates - are leading sources of Knowledge
- are also powerful network-builders
12OECD/IMHE Project 2005-2007
- OECD/IMHE project 2005-07 Supporting the
contribution of HEIs to Regional Development - Looks at a range of factors but particularly the
local global linkages as can be seen in the
following diagram a Regionally engaged
multi-modal, multi-scalar HEI!!!
13developing a University Quarter in Stoke in Trent
14North Staffordshire/Stoke on Trent the Challenge
- 16th (out of 354) most deprived English
district, and 3rd out of 34 in the West Midlands - 7th (out of 354) most deprived in terms of
Education, Skills and Training, and 5th in terms
of Adult Skills sub-domain - 70 in employment (75 nationally)
- Huge fall in manufacturing employment 2001-2006
(c10000) and low levels of inward investment - 5 A-C (including Maths and English) 2008
36.8 English Average 47.3 18 progression
to HE
15North Staffordshire/Stoke on Trent the Challenge
- Working age with level 4 qualification 17
English average 31. 2011 target for West
Midlands 34 (currently 24) - 23 have no qualification
- 26.7 in SOC 1-3 compared with 39.3 in W.Mids
and 43.2 in GB - 30.4 in SOC 8-9 compared with 24.6 in W.Mids
and 28.6 in GB - As a consequence of these and other factors North
Staffordshire has been designated within the
context of Advantage West Midlands (RDA) a
regeneration zone and the NSRP to lead the
regeneration agenda (established 2007)
16University Quarter (UniQ) Vision
- The University Quarter in Stoke-on-Trent will
generate a thriving knowledge economy that is
globally connected, leading to sustainable
prosperity and an ambitious and dynamic
community. It will create an integrated learning
experience, focussed upon creativity, skills and
employability, promoting participation and
17The UniQ Educational Partners
- Staffordshire University
- Stoke on Trent College
- City of Stoke on Trent Sixth Form College
18Outcomes go beyond physical regeneration
- Educational progression through integrated
learning approach - Raised skill levels to improve business
performance - Attract higher value jobs through increased
entrepreneurship and inward investment - High quality environment for people to live, work
and study - Most significant HE/FE collaborative project in
the UK
19UniQ Key Features
- Total Investment - 200 million
- Key Funders for educational projects Learning
and Skills Council, Staffordshire University,
Advantage West Midlands, HEFCE , Stoke on Trent
FE College, Sixth Form College - Key Projects - Science and Technology Centre,
new Sixth Form College, Media Centre, Performance
Centre, Sports Learning Centre, Knowledge Hub
20UniQ Joint Educational Initiatives
- Development of a coherent approach to Raising
Aspirations, Improving Participation, Attainment
and Progression - Development of a joint approach to Curriculum
Planning and Learning Development - Joint Community Engagement Strategy
- Improving Graduate retention and employability
- Employer Engagement, Research Activity and
Knowledge Transfer/Consultancy