Title: Connecting Names to Faces
1Connecting Names to Faces at Middleton High
September 2009
2The Principals.
Ms. Nyberg Associate Principal Service
Learning Activities Director
Ms. Strandt-Conroy Associate Principal Student
Dr. Herrmann Head Principal
Ms. Gurtner Associate Principal Teaching and
Learning MASH Administrator
Mr. Falcone Associate Principal School
Safety Dean Red Maple House
3Athletic Department
Mr. Francois Athletic Director
Ms. Shaffer Athletic Assistant
4Media Production
Ms. Kruger Media Production
Ms. McKenzie Media Production
5Ms. Graedel Para-Educator Upper LMC (Balcony)
Ms. Hildebrandt LMC Secretary Lower LMC
LMC Staff
Ms. Baum Librarian Lower LMC
Ms. Kolar Para-Educator Lower LMC
6Red Maple House
Ms. Bremmer Administrative Assistant
Mr. Falcone Dean
Ms. Wilson Social Worker
Ms. Burke School Counselor
Ms. Smith School Counselor
Mr. Needham School Counselor
7White Spruce
Ms. Maurice Dean
Ms. Herbin Administrative Assistant
Ms. Scallon Social Worker
Ms. Pellegrino School Counselor
Ms. Salzwedel School Counselor
Mr. Athanas School Counselor
8Computer Labs
Ms. Yaktus MAC Lab Para-Educator
Ms. Gates Cardinal Lab Para-Educator
9Serving Students
Ms. Rezutek Scheduling
Mr. Motiff PAC
Ms. Foster Nurse
Ms. Pyka Psychologist
Ms. Novotny Administrative Assistant
Mr. Godar Dean Special Education
Mr. Abolins Technology
Officer Kakuske School Resource Officer
Ms. Kneebone Student Services
10Serving MHS
Ms. Nicholson Principals Secretary Administrative
Mr. Bruns Head Custodian
Ms. Lingard Business Secretary Business Office
11Advisory Student Tutors - 1
12Advisory Student Tutors - 2
13Your Advisor