Title: AAAS
1Multispectral Imaging Using Linear Arrays
2Jensen, 2007
3Remote Sensing System used for Multispectral and
Hyperspectral Data Collection
Jensen, 2007
4SPOT Satellite System Components
Courtesy of SPOT Image, Inc.
Jensen, 2007
5Scanning Electron Microscope Image of the Front
Surface of a CCD Linear Array Like that Used in
the SPOT HRV Sensor Systems
100 mm
Courtesy of SPOT Image, Inc.
10 mm
Jensen, 2007
6Jensen, 2007
7Jensen, 2007
8Jensen, 2007
9Comparison of the Detail of 30 x 30 m Landsat TM
Band 3 Data and SPOT 10 x 10 m Panchromatic Data
of Charleston, SC
Courtesy of SPOT Image, Inc.
Jensen, 2007
10Geographic Coverage of the SPOT HRV and Landsat
Thematic Mapper Remote Sensing Systems
Jensen, 2007
11Columbia Reef on Cozumel Island, Mexico
Courtesy of SPOT Image, Inc.
Jensen, 2007
Perimeter 80,880 ha Area 398 m2
SPOT XS Band 1 (0.50 - 0.59 ?m) April 19, 1988
12 Portion of the First Global 10-day Synthesis
Image Produced Using the SPOT Vegetation Sensor
May 11-20, 1998
Courtesy of SPOT Image, Inc.
Jensen, 2007
13Earth Observing System - Terra Instruments
ASTER - Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and
Reflection Radiometer CERES - Clouds and the
Earths Radiant Energy System MISR - Multi-angle
Imaging Spectroradiometer MODIS -
Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MOPI
TT - Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere
Jensen, 2007
14Earth Observing System - Terra Instruments
ASTER - Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and
Reflection Radiometer Spectral Range VNIR
0.4 - 14.4 mm, SWIR 1.6 - 2.5 mm, TIR 8 - 12
mm Spatial Resolution 15 m (VNIR 3
bands) 30 m (SWIR 6 bands) 90
m (TIR 5 bands)
Jensen, 2007
15 Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and
Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Onboard Terra
Oahu, HI 15 x 15 m (RGB 1,4,3)
16 Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and
Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Onboard Terra
North Shore Oahu, HI 15 x 15 m (RGB 1,4,3)
17 Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and
Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Onboard Terra
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 15 x 15 m (RGB 1,4,3)
18Jensen, 2007
19Jensen, 2007
20Earth Observing System - Terra Instruments
ASTER - Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and
Reflection Radiometer CERES - Clouds and the
Earths Radiant Energy System MISR - Multi-angle
Imaging Spectroradiometer MODIS -
Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MOPI
TT - Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere
Jensen, 2007
21 Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR)
Onboard Terra
Jensen, 2007
22Imaging Spectrometry Using Linear and Area Arrays
23Remote Sensing System used for Multispectral and
Hyperspectral Data Collection
Jensen, 2007
24EROS A1 Panchromatic Image of Brest, France
1.8 x 1.8 m spatial resolution
ImageSat International, Inc.
25Jensen, 2007
ImageSat International, Inc.
26IKONOS Panchromatic Images of Washington, DC
Jensen, 2007
1 x 1 m spatial resolution
27IKONOS Panchromatic Stereopair of Columbia, SC
November 15, 2007
Jensen, 2007
28IKONOS Imagery of Columbia, SC Obtained on
October 28, 2007
Panchromatic 1 x 1 m
Pan-sharpened multispectral 4 x 4 m
30 Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-1D)
Panchromatic Image of Downtown San Diego, CA at 5
x 5 m
Jensen, 2007
31Characteristics of the Leica Geosystems, Inc.,
Airborne Digital Sensor System ADS-40
32Remote Sensing System used for Multispectral and
Hyperspectral Data Collection
Jensen, 2007
33 Imaging Spectrometry
Jensen, 2007
34Jensen, 2007
35Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer
(AVIRIS) Datacube of Sullivans Island Obtained
on October 26, 1998
Jensen, 2007
36 Hyperspectral
37Hyperspectral Data of the Savannah River Site
38One healthy (37) and three stressed Bahia grass
image-derived endmember spectral profiles (15,
25 and 36) derived using a pixel purity index
image and n-dimensional visualization endmember
39Healthy vegetation derived from endmember 37.
Stressed vegetation derived from endmember 36.
40Hardened classification derived from four
endmembers using the Spectral Angle Mapper
Second-order derivative image extracted from
healthy vegetation
41Extraction of Biophysical Information
n 40
42 AISA Hyperspectral Imagery of Forest Test Plots
Subjected to Controlled Fertilizer Treatments on
the Savannah River Site
Rectified flightline
Unrectified flightline
43Hyperspectral Crop Classification Using AVIRIS
Jensen, 2007
44Jensen, 2007
45Earth Observing System - Terra Instruments
MODIS - Moderate-resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer Spectral Range 0.4 -
14.4 mm Spectral Coverage 55, 2330 km
swath Spatial Resolution 250 m (2 bands),
500 m (5 bands), 1000 m (29 bands)
Jensen, 2007
46 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MODIS) Onboard Terra
First day global coverage 2,330 km swath width
47 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MODIS) Onboard Terra
Nile River and Nile Delta
48 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MODIS) Onboard Terra
Nile River and Nile Delta
49Digital Frame Cameras Based on Area Arrays
50Remote Sensing System used for Multispectral and
Hyperspectral Data Collection
Jensen, 2007
51 Digital Frame Camera Imagery
System Components
Jensen, 2007
52 Digital Frame Camera Imagery of Dunkirk, New York
Jensen, 2007
53Litton Emerge Spatial, Inc., CIR image (RGB
NIR,R,G) of Dunkirk, NY, at 1 x 1 m obtained on
December 12, 1998
Natural color image (RGB RGB) of a N.Y. Power
Authority lake at 1 x 1 ft obtained on October
13, 1997
Jensen, 2007
54Digital Frame Camera Imagery of Harbor Town,
Hilton Head, SC
1 x 1 ft spatial resolution
Jensen, 2007
55Panchromatic 3 x 3-in Image of Popular Bluff, MO
Obtained On February 15, 2007 at 5,000 ft AGL
Using A Digital Array Panoramic Camera with
32,000 x 8,000 Detectors
Swath width 1.5 mi
Courtesy of Image America, Inc.
Jensen, 2007
56Jensen, 2007
57Increased Demand for Suborbital Oblique Digital
Frame Camera Imagery
58 What is this object?
59(No Transcript)
60 North
61 North
Pictometry Imagery of Columbia, SC
Note Photography was obtained from multiple
62(No Transcript)
63Uses of Oblique Imagery
- 911
- Fire
- Police
- Rescue
- Investigations
- Military
- Environmental
- Airport safety
- Facility mgt.
- Training
- Public affairs
- Navigation
64(No Transcript)
65(No Transcript)
66Intelligent imagery
67Earth Observing System Measurements
EOS-AM Instruments
Atmosphere Cloud Properties
MODIS, MISR, ASTER Radiative Energy
Fluxes CERES, MODIS, MISR Precipitation Tropo
spheric Chemistry MOPITT Stratospheric
Chemistry Aerosol Properties MISR,
MODIS Atmospheric Temperature MODIS Atmospher
ic Humidity MODIS Lightning
Jensen, 2007
68Earth Observing System Measurements
EOS-AM Instruments
Land Land Cover/Land Use Change MODIS, MISR,
ASTER Vegetation Dynamics MODIS, MISR,
ASTER Surface Temperature MODIS, ASTER Fire
Occurrence MODIS, ASTER Volcanic
Effects MODIS, MISR, ASTER Surface Wetness
Jensen, 2007
69Earth Observing System Measurements
EOS-AM Instruments
Ocean Surface Temperature MODIS Phytoplankton
MODIS, MISR Dissolved Organic Matter MODIS,
MISR Surface Wind Fields Ocean Surface
Cryosphere Land Ice Change ASTER Sea Ice
Solar Radiation Total Solar Radiation Ultrav
iolet Spectral Irradiance
70 SPIN-2
Jensen, 2007