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WSMO ~ current status and some open points ~


Starting point for a service specification language: WSMO Ontologies, (Web) ... the control flow by adopting an existing graphical language (e.g. YAWL, BPMN) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: WSMO ~ current status and some open points ~

WSMO current status and some open points
  • DERI Internal Research Seminar
  • 17-03-2005
  • Dumitru Roman
  • DERI Innsbruck

  • Introduction
  • Starting point for a service specification
    language WSMO Ontologies, (Web) Services,
    Goals, and Mediators
  • More on WSMO Choreography
  • Current WSMO Choreography definition
  • Some problems to be addressed
  • Some existing work in the area (related to
    logical foundations)
  • Conclusions and Further work

  • Why a service specification language?
  • To allow automatic tasks (e.g. discovery,
    selection, composition, mediation, execution,
    monitoring, etc.) to be performed with respect to
    services in the context of web and grid.
  • What is needed?
  • A conceptual model that captures core elements of
    the problem that has to be solved.
  • A formal language that reflects the conceptual
    model and allows for different proofs.

Starting points the overall context

A Conceptual Model for SWS
A Formal Language for WSMO
An Execution Environment for WSMO
A Rule-based Language for SWS
  • An ontology derived from and based on the Web
    Service Modeling Framework (WSMF).
  • A meta-model for semantic web services and
    related aspects.
  • Language for defining WSMO MOF M3.

M3 layer
M2 layer
M1 layer
WSMO Specifications
M0 layer
WSMO design principles
  • Web Compliance
  • Ontology-Based
  • Strict Decoupling
  • Centrality of Mediation
  • Ontological Role Separation
  • Description versus Implementation
  • Execution Semantics

WSMO Top Level Elements
  • Ontologies - provide the terminology used by
    other WSMO elements.
  • (Web) Services - description of services that are
    requested, provided, and agreed by service
    requesters and service providers.
  • Goals - user desires, for which fulfillment could
    be sought by executing a service.
  • Mediators - deal with interoperability problems
    between different WSMO elements.

WSMO - Ontologies
  • Define a common agreed upon terminology by
    providing concepts and relationships among the
    set of concepts.
  • Provide a set of axioms to capture semantic
    properties of relations and concepts.
  • Essential components which define an ontology

WSMO Concepts in Ontologies
  • Concept definition
  • Concept examples

WSMO Relations in Ontologies
  • Relation definition
  • Relation examples

WSMO Instances in Ontologies
  • Instance definition
  • Instance examples

WSMO Service Descriptions (1)
Capability (the functionality of the service)
Service Internal logic (not of interest in
Service Description)
How the service achieves its capability by means
of interactions with its user (communication).
How the service achieves its capability by making
use of other services (coordination).
WSMO Service Descriptions (2)
  • Non Functional Properties besides the common
    properties, contain also service specific
    properties security, reliability, performance,
    robustness, etc.
  • Imported Ontologies import ontologies as long as
    no conflicts are needed to be resolved.
  • Used Mediators deal with the ontology, behavior,
    protocol heterogeneity.
  • Capability functional description of the
  • Interfaces how the functionality of the service
    can be achieved
  • Choreography - the interaction protocol for
    accessing the service
  • Execution choreography
  • Mata choreography
  • Orchestration - how the service makes use of
    other services in order to achieve its capability.

WSMO Service Capability
  • Capability definition
  • Capability example

Another view on services - requested, provided,
and agreed services
  • All service descriptions but with different
    owners (the service provider, requester, or both).

WSMO - Goals
  • representations of an objective for which
    fulfillment is sought through the execution of a
    Web Service they can be descriptions of services
    that would potentially satisfy the user desires

WSMO - Mediators
  • ooMediators - mediators that import ontologies
    and resolve possible representation mismatches
    between ontologies.
  • ggMediators - mediators that link two goals.
  • wgMediators - mediators that link a goals to
  • wwMediators - mediators that link two services.

WSMO Non functional properties
  • Which non functional properties apply to which
    WSMO element is specified in the description of
    each WSMO element.
  • We do not enforce restrictions on the range value
    type, but in some cases we do provide additional

WSMO Choreography based on ASMs (1)
  • Abstract State Machines
  • A practical method for rigorous system
    development which has been used successfully
    under industrial constraints for design and
    analysis of complex hardware/software systems.
  • Formalism for modelling/formalising algorithms
  • An attempt to bridge the gap between formal
    models of computation and practical specification

ASM Model
Modeling What System are you building?
Informal specification of the hardware/software
Implementation of the system (C, Java, etc)
Validation Are you building the right system?
Verification Are you building the system right?
WSMO Choreography based on ASMs (2)
  • Abstract State Machines
  • States can be viewed as (first-order) structures
    of mathematical logic
  • Abstract Instructions for Changing States
  • if Cond then Updates,
  • where Updates consists of finitely many
    function updates f(t1,,tn) t which are
    executed simultaneously functions ca be static
    or dynamic (in, controlled, shared, out)
  • forall x with Cond do R
  • choose x with Cond do R
  • ASMs runs

WSMO Choreography (2)
  • Reasons for using ASMs in WSMO Choreography
  • Minimality
  • Maximality
  • Formality
  • Choreography definition
  • For concepts, relations,
  • the nfps are extended with
  • the mode nfp.

Concept in choreography example
The mode can be Static, Controlled, In, Shared,
or Out
WSMO Choreography example (1)
WSMO Choreography example (2)
  • The guarded
  • transitions

Choreography and Orchestration
  • WSMO Choreography models all visible interactions
    of the service (Orchestration shows how all the
    interaction are related).
  • WSMO Choreography a special type of workflow,
    where the tasks in workflow represent
    sending/receiving (or reading/writing) of

Workflow representation frameworksH. Davulcu, M.
Kifer, C. R. Ramakrishnan, I. V. Ramakrishnan
Logic Based Modeling and Analysis of Workflows.
PODS 1998 25-33
  • Workflow modeling defining the control flow, the
    information flow and the global execution
    constraints among the network of tasks and
    provides constructs for exception management.
  • The most common frameworks for specifying
    workflows control flow graph, triggers (also
    known as event-condition-action rules), and
    temporal constraints
  • Temporal constraints (Kleins Constraints)
  • AltB (If events A and B both occur, then A occurs
    earlier than B)
  • A ? B (If event A ever occurs then B must occur
    as well, before or after A)

Some immediate challenges to be addressed
  • Deadlock, termination, dead paths verification
  • Verification of constraints consistency (i.e. are
    the constraints consistent with each other)
  • Property verification (i.e. is a certain property
    assured by the workflow specification)
  • ? constraint satisfaction (given a workflow and
    a constraint is there any execution that can
    satisfy the constraint)
  • ? constraint verification (given a workflow and
    a constraint will every execution of the
    workflow satisfy the constraint)

Specifying workflows with Temporal Logic (1)
  • Workflows are a set of inter-task dependencies
    (local and global) the control flow is not
    represented explicitly
  • The tasks are described in terms of significant
    events (e.g. beginning or termination of a task).
  • Dependencies are specified in Computational Tree
    Logic (CTL)
  • CTL formulas are converted into automata
  • Scheduler ensures that a sequence of events are
    accepted by all automaton
  • Does not explicitly deal with verification issues

Specifying workflows with Temporal Logic (2)
  • A dependency, D, specified in CTL, is compiled
    into a finite state automaton, AD which is a
    tuple lts0, S, ?, ?gt, where
  • s0 - initial state,
  • S a set of states,
  • ? - a set of event expressions (i.e. a(e1,,en),
    r(e1,,en), ?1?n, ?1?n), where ?i ?
  • ? S x ? x S the transition relation
  • Examples

Specifying workflows withEvent Algebra
  • Workflows are a set of inter-task dependencies
  • Dependencies are specified in an expressive
    algebra (event expressions in the algebra)
  • It uses denotational style semantics where an
    event expression represents a set of traces (a
    sequence of atomic events)
  • Residuation operation of D/e If the state of the
    scheduler is D and event e arrives, the new state
    is D/e, which reflects what remains to be
    satisfied by the incoming events
  • It doesnt support conditions on transitions
    between tasks.
  • It is unclear whether it can model sub-workflows
    or be used to verify workflow properties such as
    whether a given set of constraints has redundancy
    in it or whether a constraint is implied by a set
    of constraints.

Specifying workflows withConcurrent Transaction
Logic (1)
  • control flow graphs with transition conditions
    can be easily and naturally represented,
    triggers are easy to represent as well.
  • CTR
  • Atomic formulas p(t1,,tn)
  • Complex formulas using classical /\, \/, , ,
    , and (serial conjunction), (concurrent
    conjunction), o (executional possibility) and ?
    (isolated execution)
  • Database states and a collection of paths (a path
    is a finite sequence of states)
  • Formulas assume truth values over paths (e.g. if
    ? is a true formula over the path lts1,..,sngt,
    then ? can execute starting at state s1)

Specifying workflows withConcurrent Transaction
Logic (2)
  • CTR intuitive semantics
  • a b execute a and then execute b
  • a b execute a and b concurrently
  • a /\ b a and b must both execute along the same
  • a \/ b execute a or b non-deterministically
  • a - execute in any way, provided that this will
    not be a valid execution a
  • o a - execute a in isolation, i.e. without
    interleaving with other concurrently running
  • ? a - check if a is executable at the current

Specifying workflows withConcurrent Transaction
Logic (3)
  • Example
  • CTR representation

Specifying workflows withConcurrent Transaction
Logic (4)
  • Global constraints in CTL
  • Expressed in terms of events
  • Use a constraint algebra (Constr)
  • Reasoning tasks given G, a control graph (as a
    CTL formula), and a set of constraints C (as an
    expression in Constr algebra) then
  • Determine that G is consistent with C
  • Determine whether every legal execution of the
    workflow satisfies some property defined in the
    set of constraints (verification)
  • Find an execution path (or all paths) in G where
    C holds (scheduling)
  • Liner time for the verification of these
    properties, but without treating loops.

Some other formalisms used for specifying
  • Event Condition Action Rules
  • Petri Nets
  • Extended Transaction Models
  • etc.
  • Main problem no unifying logical framework for
    representing and reasoning about workflows
    (although CTR is the closest to this aim)

  • WSMO conceptual model is far from being a
    complete conceptual model for semantic web
    services, but it is a starting point
  • WSMO Choreography
  • Needs to be complemented with a control flow
    language in order to be useful
  • The current transition rules in WSMO Choreography
    can only represent local constraints.
  • Needs to be formalized in order to allow
    reasoning/verification about it
  • Existing solutions to workflow problems need to
    be analyzed and considered.

Future intentions
  • Complement the WSMO Guarded Transitions with a
    graphical language to specify the control flow by
    adopting an existing graphical language (e.g.
  • Take a sub-set of control patterns from this
    language that are relevant to interactions with
    one WSMO web service (sequences, conditions,
    loops, and maybe the parallel construct), and
    based on them
  • Build a unifying logical framework to deal with
    deadlock, termination, dead paths verification,
    and constraint satisfaction and verification, and
    on a long term with exception handling.
  • Integrate it in a more general framework (e.g.
    integrate it with service discovery, contracting,
  • More complex verification problems can be
    envisioned (e.g. capability/choreography
  • Maybe see how all these problems relate to
    Ubiquitous Computing

  • Questions and Answers
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