Maths behind the Diffie Hellman and RSA protocols - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Maths behind the Diffie Hellman and RSA protocols


... Riemann Zeta function and ... The zeta function (above) holds inside it the secrets of the ... As the formula shows, the zeta function can also be written ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Maths behind the Diffie Hellman and RSA protocols

Maths behind the Diffie Hellman and RSA protocols
  • What this is going to cover and why
  • Primes, products of primes and factorisation
  • How to win a million dollars
  • How many primes are there and how many very large
    numbers are prime ?
  • Generating and testing very large primes
  • Modular exponentiation
  • Purposes of Diffie Hellman and RSA protocols
  • How strong is RSA and how might it be broken ?

What we're going to cover and why
  • Understanding how asymmetric cryptography works
    will involve some mathematics. This concerns how
    large prime numbers can be generated and whether
    products of 2 large prime numbers can be
    factorised. Some exponentiation and remaindering
    operations are used on numbers too large using
    direct methods, so we'll be covering short cuts
    to make these calculations fit our computing
  • This will give us the tools needed so we can read
    more about and begin to understand the
    descriptions and the security of asymmetric
    cryptography protocols including Diffie Hellman
    and RSA.

Primes, products of primes and factorisation
  • A prime number has no factors other than itself
    and 1. A factor F of N divides N exactly such
    that the remainder you get on dividing N by F is
    zero, or N mod F 0. We will use the word mod to
    mean the remaindering or modulus operation.
  • RSA considered secure because it is thought very
    difficult or impossible to factor products of 2
    large prime numbers. Diffie Hellman is considered
    secure because modular exponentiation involving
    large numbers can't be reversed. Large here means
    binary numbers with between 1024 and 4096 digits.
    A number with 1000 binary digits would have just
    over 300 decimal or 250 hexadecimal digits.

Multiplying large integers
  • When we discuss primes and factorisation, we are
    dealing with whole numbers which don't have
    fractions and the kind of division which leaves
    remainders. Not having fractions simplifies the
    storage of these numbers in computer memory.
  • To multiply 2 very large primes we will use the
    hardware binary integer multiplication
    instructions in our CPU combined with long
    multiplication, to multiply two 1024 bit binary
    prime numbers together. This needs a programming
    library which can handle large integers, because
    the 32 or 64 bit integer types directly supported
    by hardware are too small. Long multiplication
    isn't as fast as multiplying two 32 bit numbers
    together directly in hardware to make a 64 bit
    one, but is fast enough.

Remaindering large integers
  • Obtaining a result R such as Ra mod b where a
    and b are both large, can involve multiplying b
    by 2 as many times as possible to obtain p b .
    2n ( the dot means multiply) while keeping p
    smaller than a and then obtaining R1a-p through
    subtraction. This process is repeated to obtain
    successively smaller values for R2 , R3 etc.
    until the final result R is obtained such that 0
    lt R lt a .
  • Multiplying by 2 and subtraction are fast
    operations on large numbers.

  • How do we factorise a number N made by
    multiplying large primes P and Q together ? One
    approach involves trying every number I smaller
    or equal to the square root of N, starting with
    2, and seeing if N mod I 0. We add one to I
    each time we try this, printing out any factors
    we find . We could speed this up if we try
    dividing N by prime numbers starting with 2, and
    stopping after the square root of N. This is
    because e.g. if 2 and 3 are not factors of N,
    then multiples of 2 or 3 can't be either.
  • If we have a list of primes lt sqrt(N) to start
    with, this procedure can be made faster. But this
    doesn't help us factorise products of large
    primes, because we don't have enough computer
    memory to store all primes greater than a few
    hundred billion.

How to make 1,000,000
  • All you have to do is work out how to factor the
    product of 2 randomly chosen primes each about
    1024 bits long. The security of Internet
    commerce depends upon you not succeeding. Your
    fame would enable you to earn this amount through
    book sales and public speaking engagements.
    Anyone who knew how to do this would have to be
    offered more than this to keep the method secret.
  • There is a prize on offer for this sum for
    whoever proves the Reimann hypothesis from the
    Clay Mathematical institute, which might be a
    method of solving this problem. More on this

An infinity of prime numbers
  • Euclid proved the existence of an infinite number
    of primes in 300 BC as follows Imagine there is
    a highest prime P. We could then generate a
    product of all the primes ... P M
  • But then, either M1 would be prime ( because M
    mod 2 M mod 3 M mod 5 ... M mod P 1 ) or
    M1 would have to be the product of 1 or more
    primes Q, R gt P. Either way primes higher than P
    must logically exist once we imagine a highest
    prime P to exist. Therefore there is no highest
    prime so an infinite number of prime numbers must
  • Obviously we can't generate primes of infinite
    size. So the next question concerns how easily
    can we find a prime of an arbitrary size by
    generating random numbers. This turns out to be
    surprisingly easy.

How many primes exist below a given number
  • Even though the total number of primes is
    infinite, one could still ask "Approximately how
    many primes are there below 100,000?", or "How
    likely is a random 20-digit number to be prime?".
  • The prime-counting function p(x) is defined as
    the number of primes up to x. There are known
    algorithms to compute exact values of p(x) faster
    than it would be possible to compute each prime
    up to x. Values as large as p(1020) can be
    calculated quickly and accurately with modern
    computers. Thus, e.g., p(100,000) 9592, and
    p(1020) 2,220,819,602,560,918,840.
  • For larger values of x, beyond the reach of
    modern equipment, the prime number theorem
    provides a good estimate p(x) is approximately
    x/ln(x). Even better estimates are known.

Prime frequency table source
  • The column on the right gives average gaps
    between primes of size x.

How to generate a large prime
  • To obtain a prime of about 300 decimal digits,
    generate 1024 random bits and append a 1 to the
    right hand end to ensure it is odd. Test whether
    it is prime using a primality test e.g. Fermat or
    Rabin Miller. If it isn't add 2 to it and try
    again. Repeat until the number tests prime.
  • Extrapolating from the prime frequency table we
    expect one odd number in 330 to be prime in this
    range, (because average prime gaps are about
    660). Or we could generate a new random number
    each time and try on average 330 times before we
    find one, or if we are short of trusted entropy
    use a secure pseudorandom generator seeded by the
    first random number.

The Rabin Miller primality test
  • This and the Fermat test are probabilistic and
    are run a number of times to reduce the
    probability of a candidate prime being composite
    to a very small level. Each test reduces the
    probability of a candidate prime being composite
    to 1/4 of the previous value. A small witness
    prime is used for each cycle. Passing 64 tests
    reduces the probability of a random number being
    composite to 1/2128 .
  • Some composites (e.g. Carmichael numbers) are
    good Fermat liars, in that they will pass many of
    these tests. But these numbers occur so
    infrequently that generating the random number
    locally reduces this risk to a tiny and known

Rabin Miller primality test pseudocodesource
  • Input n gt 2, an odd integer to be tested for
  • k, a parameter that determines the
    accuracy of the test
  • Output composite if n is composite, otherwise
    probably prime
  • Write n - 1 as 2sd with d odd by factoring
    powers of 2 from n - 1
  • LOOP repeat k times
  • pick a randomly in the range 2, n - 2
  • x ? ad mod n
  • if x 1 or x n - 1 then do next LOOP
  • for r 1 .. s - 1
  • x ? x2 mod n
  • if x 1 then return composite
  • if x n - 1 then do next LOOP
  • return composite
  • return probably prime

Using OpenSSL to check if a large number is prime
  • The openssl command line tool enables us to try
    various cryptographic primitive operations from
    the command line. It has a prime option, to test
    if a large number is prime or not, using a set of
    Rabin Miller tests. Example
  • rich_at_saturn openssl prime
  • 92938982342342198347213987237213423914192384241397
  • 2D9FE6C6431358699F8490E1B3F2DF525DF375B5FC788690DF
    09B96E219DC46ED86CA74611D4F is not prime
  • rich_at_saturn openssl prime
  • 92938982342342198347213987237213423914192384241397
  • 2D9FE6C6431358699F8490E1B3F2DF525DF375B5FC788690DF
    09B96E219DC46ED86CA74611D51 is prime

Modular exponentiation 1
  • A too slow version of this operation needing too
    much memory would multiply one number by itself
    by the number of times given by the exponent
    minus 1, and then taking a remainder or modulus.
  • E.G. ag mod p
  • multiplies a by itself g - 1 times, and takes the
    remainder when dividing the result by p. A simple
    example of this is if a is 5, g is 3 and p is 11
  • E.G. 53 mod 11 4
  • ( because 53 is 125, and 112 is 121, so the
    remainder is 125 - 121 4

Modular exponentiation 2
  • A much faster version giving the same result
    involves reducing the number of multiplications
    by using repeated squaring, is based on
  • if b is even
  • ab (a(b/2))2,
  • where b/2 is the integer (no fractions) division,
  • Example 28 (24)2 256
  • if b is odd
  • ab (a(b/2))2 . a
  • Example 29 (24)2.2 512

Modular exponentiation 3
  • This is done recursively e.g.
  • 237 (218)2.2
  • 218 (29)2
  • 29 (24)2.2
  • 24 (22)2
  • 22 2.2
  • Exponentiating this way involves 7
    multiplications instead of 36. This number of
    multiplications is about log2g if g is the
    exponent. So instead of needing to multiply g - 1
    times, we need to multiply about 1024 times if
    exponent g is a 1024 bit binary number.

Modular exponentiation 4
  • However, we could still end up with a number with
    so many digits (before taking the remainder on
    dividing by p) that we wouldn't have enough
    memory to store it.
  • A second optimisation we can combine with the one
    above is by repeatedly taking the remainder on
    division by p, which will prevent the
    intermediate results from growing too large. We
    can combine this second optimisation with the
    first because if
  • f g . h and f mod i j
  • then (( g mod i ) . (h mod i)) mod i j

Modular exponentiation 5
  • The above identity follows because
  • if g k q where k g - (g mod i) and q g
    mod i
  • and h m n where m h - (h mod i) and n h
    mod i, because
  • f g . h (k q).(m n) k.m q.m k.n
    q.n .
  • In this expression, k and m are exact multiples
    of i, so
  • k.m mod i q.m mod i k.n mod i 0 .
  • Therefore g.h mod i q.n mod i j
  • So we don't have to multiply g and h, we can
    multiply the smaller numbers q and n after
    obtaining these remainders.

Modular exponentiation 6
  • Example start with f 221, g 13, h 17 and i
  • 221 13 . 17 and 221 mod 7 4
  • 13 mod 7 6 and 17 mod 7 3 and (6 . 3)
    mod 7 4
  • So we didn't need to get the remainder on
    dividing 221 by 7 and we didn't need to multiply
    13 and 17 together. We got the same result
    keeping our numbers to multiply (6 and 3)
    smaller, because we used the remainder on
    division by 7 three times instead of once.
  • Combining these optimisations into an algorithm
    that reduces both the number of multiplications
    and the size of these, makes modular
    exponentiation fast.

Diffie Hellman Protocol 1
  • This protocol enables Alice and Bob to establish
    a shared secret suitable for one-off use to
    support a communication session without having
    any prior knowledge. It doesn't allow their
    shared secret key to be used for authentication.
    But it can be combined with other public-key
    protocols, e.g. by Bob and Alice signing the
    shared secret by using their semi-permanent GPG
    secret keys. Then if Alice and Bob both can trust
    each others' keys as genuine, their signatures on
    the Diffie Hellman (DH) session key also
    authenticate them to each other.
  • The DH one-off shared secret or session key
    allows for perfect forward secrecy, which means
    that compromise of a long-duration key does not
    compromise previous session ciphertext derived
    using this.

Diffie Hellman Protocol 2
The RSA protocol 1source http//
  • Here is an example of RSA encryption and
    decryption. The parameters used here are
    artificially small, but one can also use OpenSSL
    to generate and examine a real keypair.

The RSA protocol 2source http//
  • In real life situations the primes selected would
    be much larger, however in our example it would
    be relatively trivial to factor n, 3233, obtained
    from the freely available public key back to the
    primes p and q.

Quantum computers and Shor's algorithm
  • Conventional computers perform computations on
    bits. A bit has a value of one or zero. Quantum
    computers depend upon the validity of the branch
    of physics known as quantum theory. These use
    qubits, which can be a 0 or a 1, or a quantum
    superposition of both of these states. Shor's
    algorithm is theoretically capable of cracking
    RSA given a sufficiently large quantum computer.
  • D-Wave have announced a quantum computer with as
    many as 16 qubits.

Quantum Cryptography
  • The same area of physics which might one day be
    used to break RSA might also one day replace it
    for some purposes. Quantum cryptography derives
    from quantum states e.g. of single polarised
    photons transmitted over fibre optics, being
    dependant upon whether they are observed or not.
  • Unfortunately this technique requires dedicated
    optic-fibre or free-space optical point to point
    communication links and expensive equipment. It
    is thought that this technique will not work over
    a routed network.

The Riemann Zeta function and factoringsource
  • The zeta function (above) holds inside it the
    secrets of the primes. How come? Like any
    function, all it does is turn one number into
    another number. If n is 3, for example, you add
    up the infinity of terms in the formula to find
    out that (3) is roughly 1.2. As the formula
    shows, the zeta function can also be written as a
    product of infinitely many terms, each based on
    one prime number.
  • The true significance of this function emerges if
    you feed it complex numbers such as 24 13i,
    combinations of ordinary, real numbers and
    so-called imaginary numbers (where i is the
    square root of -1). Although they may sound
    abstruse, complex numbers are used to simplify
    practical calculations in everything from
    engineering to quantum mechanics.

The Riemann Zeta function and factoring 2source
  • For certain complex numbers, the zeta function is
    zero. All the known "zeros" lie along a line in
    the complex plane, with real parts equalling 1/2.
    Riemann's hypothesis is that every zero lies on
    this line. If they do, Riemann proved, the prime
    numbers must show up as if they are picked at
    random, but still following an underlying
  • The TV thriller "prime suspect" was based on the
    idea that proving the Reimann hypothesis would
    result in breaking all Internet security -
    presumably by making it easier to factor products
    of large primes. Interestingly enough, there are
    deep connections between the Reiman Zeta
    function, prime numbers and also quantum physics.

Further Reading
  • These lecture notes present an overview and a
    limited toolkit, but don't cover the Diffie
    Hellman or RSA protocols extensively. Exam
    questions will assume that students have read
    about these subjects in more depth. The
    recommended text (Ferguson, N. Schneier, B.
    (2003) Practical Cryptography, John Wiley
    Sons.) is suitable for more thorough study.
  • For more general study purposes, the HTML version
    of these notes contains various relevant links.
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