Title: HIVAIDS Programmes in Emergency Funding Mechanisms
1HIV/AIDS Programmes inEmergency Funding
Massimo Lowicki-Zucca Child Protection
HIV/AIDS, Conflict and Displacement August 12,
2006 Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre
2Countries in Conflict (2005)
Source Alert2006- School of Peace Culture, Univ
of Barcelona
3Countries in Crisis (2005)
Source Alert2006- School of Peace Culture, Univ
of Barcelona
4Global Reach of HIV/AIDS (2005)
North America Western and Central Europe 2
During 2003, 810 of PLWHAs 1217 of HIV
Children 1115 Orphans due to AIDS lived in
displacement or in areas affected by humanitarian
Eastern Europe Central Asia 1.5 million
Asia 8.3 million
MiddleEast North Africa 440,000
Caribbean 330,000
Sub-Saharan Africa 24.5 million
Oceania 78,000
Latin America 1.6 million
TOTAL 38.6 million
Source UNAIDS- 2006 Report on the Global AIDS
5HIV/AIDS Programming in Humanitarian Planning
- Highlights
- Funding of humanitarian appeals stable through
time. - Increase in HIV/AIDS programming requests and
funds received. - HIV/AIDS programmes still underfunded compared to
overall humanitarian appeals funding - HIV prevalence not a predictor for funding of
HIV/AIDS programs in emergency funding
mechanisms. - Usual suspects received a relatively lower
funding coverage.
61- Funding of humanitarian appeals stable through
72- Increase in HIV/AIDS programming requests and
funds received.
82- Increase in HIV/AIDS programming requests and
funds received.
93- HIV/AIDS programmes underfunded compared to
humanitarian appeals
104- HIV prevalence not a predictor for HIV/AIDS
appeals funding
- In 2005, greatest need for humanitarian funds in
mid prevalence countries - Proportion of number of HIV/AIDS specific
projects funded greater in low prevalence
countries than in mid and high prevalence
countries. - Proportion of HIV/AIDS funds received out of
requested greater in low prevalence countries.
11Proportion of humanitarian funds requested by
range of HIV prevalence
Applies to both regional appeals and countries
for which there are no prevalence estimates.
12Proportion of HIV/AIDS funds requested.
Applies to both regional appeals and countries
for which there are no prevalence estimates.
13Proportion of HIV/AIDS funds received out of
amounts requested.
w/o Malawi 8
Applies to both regional appeals and countries
for which there are no prevalence estimates.
145- Usual suspects received a relatively lower
funding coverage.
15HIV/AIDS appeals and funding by region
w/o Malawi 12
- HIV/AIDS is progressively getting on humanitarian
responses agenda. - More effort needed to integrate HIV/AIDS in
programmatic response. - More effort needed in dialogue to ensure donors
buy in on HIV/AIDS in Emergencies agenda. - Why are HIV/AIDS funding requests comparatively
better received in less obvious settings (lower
HIV prevalence, outside SSA)?